The Power of Love

AN: Alright everyone… I realize this has taken forever… so sorry… lately life has just been throwing one thing after another my way. But the good news is this is the last chapter for Part One. And it is short… another drawback… but still good news. So bear with me as I try and get the next part out here… it will be titled The Promise of Love.

Chapter 20: An End, a Beginning and a Promise fulfilled

Araviniel closed her eyes as another wave of pain flourished through her elven body. Darkness was everywhere… she was aware of her vision turning to white at the corners… untill it took over entirely…

Legolas grunted as he was roughly shoved down to his knees and blindfolded. Araviniel had gone unconscious after two hours of riding and being beaten. Anger and hate surged through him. Tatharion was leading this party of fallen elves deeper into the Mirkwood forest… advancing forebodingly toward the palace of Ríndhraug. It wouldn't be long now… and who knows what would become of them once inside… things looked slim for the once most powerful Prince of Mirkwood.

When the procession of elves finally reached the darkened, vine covered, stone ruins of a fallen fortress Araviniel had recovered her consciousness and Legolas was free of his eye-fold.

"Take the prince and lock him up below… The girl comes with me. Inform Lord Ríndhraug that we have the Princess. "

Araviniel glanced at Legolas from where she was astride Tatharion's horse. Fear leaped into her eyes. Legolas pulled vainly at his restraints. But the look in her eyes was nothing compared to the mournful screams that she uttered as Tatharion kicked the horse into a Canter. He could hear her scream his name in fear. The birds flew from their perches in the resounding silence that surrounded the fortress… broken only by one fragile Ellyth's grief-stricken cries.

Legolas yelled her name and pulled as hard as he could. The fear in his heart was beyond comprehension. How could this be happening? Why couldn't he save her? Why was she being taken away from him again?

His struggle ended quickly. A nearby elf slammed the handle of his dagger into the back of his head, sending him into darkness once again.

Tatharion's cold hands grasped the rains and held onto the small elf in his arms; The elf he loved, and would die for, the elf who changed his life. They were almost there… almost to the spot he had picked out where he would finally prove himself to her. Her terrified screams almost took his breath away. But this was almost over… almost over…

Araviniel felt the tears run down her cheeks but she was so used to them she barely noticed. Fear filled, consumed and wounded her. Nothing in her wildest, most nightmarish dreams could ever portray Tatharion this way. He was going to rape her and then turn her over to her worst enemy? How could that be possibly true? Who could ever fathom this? What evil could create such an ending to her love?

When he pulled his horse to a stop Araviniel was so worn and tired she could barely move to fight him off even if she did plan on escaping… which she didn't. Tatharion jumped to the ground and pulled her down. She could barely stand but she did. He stepped back. She looked into his eyes and saw tears streaming down.

"I Love you Araviniel…"

He stepped toward her and she whimpered and flinched as he placed his hands on her arms. But instead of the violence she knew would come he drew her into his arms and held her. He wrapped his strong arms around her and lifted her up. He knelt down on the ground and set her down.

She began to cry softly.

"Araviniel I want you to look at me because we don't have much time. I'm not going to hurt you I swear."

She brought her eyes apprehensively up to meet his.

"You're going to have to make the ride to the Palace… there is a fresh horse tethered nearby… I will bring him here. You're going to have to tell the king what's happened. You have to escape while you still can… we can get out of this together."

Shock took over her. So it was all an act? Confusion marked her features.

"I don't understand… what about Legolas? What about our people! What's going on? Who are you!"

"If I had spared you during the capture they would have known. Legolas… I can do nothing for him; he should have stayed at the palace. But you I can save… I met Morveril back in Lorien… just before we left for Galadriel's palace. She came to me and offered a position of great honor in Ríndhraug's kingdom once he took over if I agreed to help lead you astray.

I went with the idea thinking I could get information, but never to join her… when I heard of the plan to capture and kill you I volunteered; under the guise that as your old lover it would be much easier to get the job done since you trusted me. Araviniel you can trust me… you always can… I would never hurt you… ever.

But now you have to flee before it's too late." He finished steadily.

Araviniel was about to answer that she couldn't leave Legolas when a voice interrupted her.

"I believe it's already quite too late. Did you truly think that Lord Ríndhraug was that naive? Perhaps it fooled dear sweet, dead Morveril but never can such childish attempts at trickery fool a Dark Lord of such power."

Araviniel and Tatharion turned sharply to the speaker, as archers dressed in solid black came into the circular clearing, surrounding them.

Araviniel suddenly became aware of a small pool of water in the clearing… water that had a tinge of red in it…

The archers closed in.

Tatharion stood and drew his long curved blade.

The speaker, a tall elf with dark features and a menacing stare, sneered.

"Foolish boy… You cannot survive this... Place your sword down and you shall be brought to Lord Ríndhraug… who perhaps by some mercy will spare you, I assure you the archers will not."

"You will not take her from me. Not yet while I still live. And if you kill me…The Valar will surely curse you and empower her… A power that Lord Ríndhraug cannot not possibly match or conjure… and so it is up to you… either release us or be the one to bring on the downfall of your foolish empire of audacity."

His words made no sense to Araviniel, all she saw were the ready arrows and the vision replaying in her mind. But something held her to the ground… an unearthly restraint. She uttered not a word.

The Leader of the Dark elves smiled evilly and with a flick of his wrist he said,

"So be it… Thus the end of The Son of Willow comes to pass."

Araviniel then found her strength to pull against the restraints and cry out briefly before the arrows flew… Four of them that struck his body before he fell to his knees with a painful smile directed toward her.

"No!" she screamed and ran to him, dropping to her knees besides him.

His sword slipped from his hands and he coughed blood. Her hands found his face as she gently followed every curve. Memories flooded back to her… so many times they had shared since childhood… so many times he had rescued her from herself… so many times of pure bliss they had shared. It was all just fading away, like the light of life in his pure grey elvish eyes.

"No, No, No you can't die. Tatharion no please… don't leave me here… please…I love you…"

He grunted and slumped against her saying,

"I Love you and always have. I was born to bring you here. I will see you again… in the eyes of your child I shall live. And perhaps…One day… we will dance again…"

Araviniel was suddenly aware that the sun was being blocked out… All of the elves raised their heads upwards as the moon slid in front of the sun… encasing everything in darkness. She saw the stars brighter than she had ever seen them before. But she could not enjoy the phenomenon because she felt a hand grasp hers. She looked into the eyes of Tatharion; he had a smile on his face.

"And so begins your reign…Araviniel…listen… she is with you now…"

She felt the life leave him and the screams that came from her lips did not sound like her own. She lifted her face to the sky and screamed as she never had before. Her hands clenched the fabric of his shirt and she was dimly aware of thunder racing across the sky. The forest turned dismal with rain clouds as lightning shot through the sky. The pelting rain swept downward onto her… disturbing the dirt she was kneeling in.

Then a sound erupted from the trees. The rain pelting downward struck the leaves and rocks and to Araviniel it struck up a course of laughter.

Araviniel stood before her mother in silence. Her mother took a deep breath before pulling her close in the darkness of their talan in Lorien.

"I will be leaving you soon… and there is so much you will have to face my love. You are the hope for a great nation. You must be strong no matter what the trial. The only way for you to be strong enough for what you must face is if you have a gift of power and guidance… from one who has already been to Mandos… from one who is granted the chance to watch over you.

I have foreseen your trial…one of your greatest… you cannot face it alone… and so my sacrifice for you will one day help you overcome it. Just be patient… One day my dear… when your need is greatest The Moon shall meet the sun, the stars will smile down on you and the rain with gift you with laughter… in that moment I will be with you… and I will give you the strength you need. I love you my daughter. And one day you shall feel me with you."

Araviniel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Yes… she could feel the presence of her mother now… in the rain… in the leaves and trees… in Tatharion's blood running over her hands… in her veins… pounding in her heart… flooding over her senses… her warm smile… her firm judgment…her power… it was all here in this small clearing.

Araviniel looked down at her bruises that the elves had inflicted upon her… they were clearing back into her flawless elven skin. It was not Araviniel who was powerful, for she alone was weak and ready to join Tatharion in the soaking grass… No… she was a vessel for her mother…to finally finish this war between her and the Wizard…To finish what was started so long ago…In a small talan so far away from time and thought….

Yet so close to heart and mind….

"Yes… Yes indeed my love…So begins my reign…"

Okay all TPOF readers… Part two: The Promise of love

See u there!

And thanks so much for all the support and reviews… please keep reviewing.