Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its characters…except for my own created OCs.

Tutor et Ultor

Formerly known as 'Shards of My Secret Unkempt'

Prologue : Loss

/Long ago, a demon fox appeared. That fox had nine tails. With one swing, that tail could cause mountains to crumble and tidal waves to form. To stop it, the shinobis fought. Then, one shinobi sacrificed his life to seal the demon. He was the Fourth Hokage./

"Ne, Ryuu-niisan?"

"Yes, Naru-kun?"



"Do you hate me?" The young child mumbled, his head turned sideways to look elsewhere, anything other than the teen before him.

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because I'm a demon… Takemi-tousan says so…"

"Don't think that, Naruto. You're my baby brother… I can't hate you."

"But…but…because of me, Takemi-tousan and Kyoko-kaasan died…"

"You didn't kill them, Naruto."

"Yes, I did. Everyone says so. I'm a monster."

"Don't ever say that. You're not a monster. Not even a demon. You're my little brother and I'll protect you always."

"Ne, niisan?"


"Why does everyone hate me? Why not you?"

"Because they don't know you like I do. I love you, little one."

"But you're going to leave me too. You don't love me….You hate me. You're going to leave me."

"Little one, I have to go…I don't hate you but I must leave…" /I have to go so that I can protect you. I'm sorry…otouto…/ "Naruto, don't die."

Had Naruto been not the vessel of the feared Kyuubi, anyone would have wished to comfort him. But that is not so for he housed the most powerful demon… It is fortunate that no one witnessed this tearful scene of two brothers separating because of duty and love…

"Don't ever change, Naruto…," he whispered as he kneeled down to hug the crying child "Stay cheerful, little brat."

Those were Ryuu's last words as he ran off to the village outskirts to help fen of Konoha's intruders.

… It was the last time Naruto saw him…