Not Another Pocketbook Romance by melancholic

Disclaimer: As usual, I still don't own Marvel's fabulous creations. I swear I will one day, though; I'm still in the process of plotting. ;)

[AN: I am so annoyed with myself! Here I was, trying to work on either Drastic or Limelight, but I just got struck with my muses' lightning while I was cleaning my room. I saw my old Sweet Valley books (gag, I can't believe I used to be so obsessed with them, and I have a whole crapload of books, starting from Kids to Senior High; anyone want them?) lying around, and I had this sickening idea, and it didn't help that I also came from reading ThatsJustPeachy's fic La Muse!

Okay, so this is sort of like a ballad, well, except it doesn't really tell a love story, but everything's written in verse, and I hope I can always make it like that. Since I'm also into writing poetry, I decided to combine both my usual long, boring sentences into a more boring kind of poem-story. Aren't I weird? Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I was amused with writing it – and maybe, updates for this will be quicker, depending on my inspiration, the reviews, (=D), or my boredom. On the contrary, they could be slower… shuts up I'm warning you that there may be some missing words in the verse lines, since I tried to make then flow in an even rhythm, (count the syllables for yourself; I think they're all eight per line!) so to speak. Okay, once more, I've digressed enough. Tell me what you think, please? I'm begging here, you know?]

It was the same thing all over,

Days spent staring at the ceiling;

Rogue fell into reflection as

She kept wrestling alien feelings.

It began when, one afternoon,

Rogue tiredly climbed up to her room.

She spied something on the table,

When read, would truly seal her doom.

"A romance novel?" Rogue wondered,

Disgusted with her roommate's book;

"Sigh…" She glanced around warily,

Sure that it wouldn't hurt to look.

She paled when she saw the cover:

A couple cuddling each other;

Rogue ignored her pangs of remorse,

Sad; she'd never have a lover.

"Love is stupid!" Rogue decided

While glaring, her brow tightly knit.

"If Ah won't botha falling in,

How am Ah supposed ta fight it?"

Disgruntled, she sat on her bed,

Setting her face in a deep frown.

Rogue forced herself not to think of

Anything as she lay back down.

Rogue resigned to the difficult,

Because she tried to make a vow

Of never falling for someone;

Thoughts of which, were haunting her now.

Minutes passed with a strained silence;

Rogue couldn't take it anymore!

She grabbed the book once more, eager

To see for her, what was in store.

[AN: How was it? I'm really anxious to see and hear what you think, since this is a new way of narrating stories for me. sucks for not letting me group the stanzas properly... And putting it in Poetry format just looked too weird. frowns Anyway, please don't hesitate to use and abuse the review button, alright? Let me feel the love! =P]