
It definitely hadn't been a good morning for Jack Spicer, first off he couldn't get any sleep the night before, what with his parents laughter coming from upstairs, then Wuya woke him up at five in the morning shreeking about the 'Sword of the Storm' a new Shen-Gong-Wu. Then after finding it those idiot 'Xiaolin warriors' got there first, Jack lost the showdown with Kimiko, a girl, and lost the Sword and his Third Arm Sash. So no, this definitely was not the best time for a visit from Katnappe.

'So then Jack, lost a few more Shen-Gong-Wu I see?' purred Katnappe teasingly, Jack then scowled and snapped

' I don't see you getting any closer to world domination Kat.' Jack then heard a distinctive low cackle coming from Wuya, who then flew over to Katnappe and said

'Show him what you've been up to then Kat.' Katnappe then let out a little laugh and whipped open her jacket to reveal all the Xiaolin warriors Shen-Gong-Wu hanging inside, all but the Sword of the Storm the Third Arm Sash and the Serpents Tail, which Kimiko won that morning. Jack stared gaping at them all glistening in the silver light of his underground Lab'.

'But, but... huh?' Kat laughed and started to empty out the contents of her jacket onto a nearby table, Wuya then cackled and was about to say something to Kat when her eyes widened and began to spin, she gasped and Jack said 'What is it, a new Shen-Gong-Wu? Come on Wuya we don't have all day.'

'The Longi Kite awakens, it gives all who possess it the ability to fly' said Wuya still a little dazed from the Shen-Gong-Wu buzz.

'Come on then lets go, unless you're too afraid to lose again' cooed Kat. Jack gave her a quick scowl and then ran over to his plane. Kat and Wuya joined him, both still smirking.

It had been a great morning for the Xiaolin warriors, first off they all passed a concentration training test with Master Fung at dawn, then they got a special breakfast to celebrate, each original of their background. Clay got steak and vegetables, Kimiko got a plate of sushi and Raimundo got a plate stacked with Tacos (not original but his favourite food), Omi however just got his usual breakfast but was happy all the same cheerfully telling his friends that all their food looked absolutely disgusting.

Then shortly after breakfast Dojo alerted them to the fact that a new Shen-Gong-Wu had activated, the 'Sword of the Storm' which they then quickly found, as well as Jack Spicer, their 'evil' rival, Kimiko then challenged Jack to a showdown, which she beat him, of course.

So as the warriors came home happily on Dojo, who was just getting over his Shen-Gong-Wu rash they were surprised to see Master Fung standing outside the temple waving his arms at them and looking distressed.

'What's going on down there Omi, I can't see much in this mist.' Said Dojo whilst squinting downwards at the temple, '

Master Fung appears to be in some sort of trouble, quick we must get down to him!' yelled Omi. Dojo did a quick twist and flew down into a rushed landing just outside the entrance to the temple sending the Xiaolins flying off his back.

'Ow! Dojo do you gotta be so rough?' said Raimundo in an annoyed voice whilst helping up Kimiko.

'Sorry kids, but Master Fung looks like he needs you guys real quick.' said Dojo after shrinking to his smaller size. Master Fung approached them quickly with a look of anguish on his face; he stopped before them and sadly told them the news.

'Whilst you and Dojo were gone someone got into the basement and took all the Shen-Gong-Wu they found there' he then turned to Kimiko 'none are left but the ones you are have now Kimiko, this is a grave time.' The warriors were looking around them with frustrated and angry looks Kimiko started

'this is definitely the work of-' Raimundo cut her off,

'Jack Spicer and Wuya were with us, remember Kimiko?' Kimiko looked around her with confusion and desperation; her friends were looking down at the floor.

'Err, guys this may not be the best of times but a Shen-Gong-Wu has just activated.' Said Dojo uncertainly. Master Fung was already holding the Shen-Gong-Wu scroll he unrolled it and read the text

'The Longi kite, it gives those who hold it the ability to soar in the sky. Go young warriors and take the Shen-Gong-Wu with you.'

Dojo transformed back into dragon size and waited for the warriors to get on. The warriors were looking at each other, disheartened as they each climbed onto Dojo's back. This was extremely bad news,thought Kimiko, if Jack hadn't taken the Shen-Gong-Wu, then who had?