
"Hey, I think he's waking up!"

"Friend, are you alright?"

I blinked, and peered up to see who was talking to me. It was some girl with long red hair, and bright green eyes. "Um, do I... know you?"

"Oh come on, Beast Boy. Now isn't the time for one of your pranks. We were all really worried about you." I looked over at the owner of the voice. A guy with spiky black hair and a mask over his eyes. I didn't recognize him either. I stared at him blankly until some huge half man, half machine grabbed my arm. "Yo, BB, come on. Now's not the time for a joke."

"He's not kidding." Someone under a purple or dark blue cloak said in a gravelly monotone. I couldn't really see the person, but I guessed female.

"He is not?" The redhead seemed confused. "Then what has happened to him?"

"I didn't think he could have gotten amnesia - he didn't hit his head on anything." The mask guy again. Maybe I should learn these people's names.

"Not to interrupt, but who are you people?" I asked, struggling to sit up. The others seemed dumbfounded by my question, but the girl with the hood was unfazed. She pulled back her hood and glided over to the side of my bed. "I'm Raven. That is Starfire, Robin and Cyborg. Do you know who you are?"

I thought about it. No name popped into my head, so I shook my head. "He called me Beast Boy. But it doesn't sound familiar."

"Well, good morning! Looks like he's finally awake. How do you feel, young man?" A doctor came in, holding a chart. I suddenly realized that my entire body was sore, and that I was covered in bandages. And I was green. "Am I supposed to be green?"

My question hit Cyborg hard. He sat down... okay, he fell into the chair behind him. "BB doesn't know he's supposed to be green..."

"Ah, I see you have a touch of amnesia."

"A TOUCH? HE DOESN'T REMEMBER WHO HE IS, HE DOESN'T REMEMBER WHO WE ARE, AND HE HASN'T MADE A STUPID, CORNY JOKE SINCE HE WOKE UP!" Cyborg exploded. The doctor cowered behind a wall, then straightened himself out and replied calmly. "No matter how much he has forgotten, the condition is most likely temporary and he will gradually begin remembering things."

"Most likely?" Raven caught the doctor's quick insertion. She and the other three glared at him until he answered.

"There is a chance that the memory loss is permenant, resulting in a total change of personality." The doctor fled while the news sunk in.

"We may lose Beast Boy forever?" Starfire turned to Robin, who nodded. They seemed sad. I guess whoever I was, they liked me. Except Raven. She didn't seem sad... just... there. Maybe she and I hated each other. I really didn't know. So I decided to ask. "Raven? You don't seem terribly upset that ah... Beast Boy might be gone." That name was impossible to remember... and lame. Why would I have such a stupid name?

A vase of flowers exploded in the window. I looked over at it, "What the heck was that?"

Raven averted her eyes, "Maybe I'm a little upset."

I didn't understand. But I decided not to ask. I think she knew I still didn't understand, because she explained. "My powers are emotion-based. When I was startled by your question, I let my control of my emotions slip, and the vase blew up."

Now that made sense. "So I guess I'm some sort of superhero too? Why else would I be green?"

Starfire swallowed thickly. "You are a Teen Titan, like us."

I shrugged. "So what do I do? Talk to animals?"

"You don't even remember your own powers?" That got to Robin. He was obviously the unperturbable leader, but I got to him. I shook my head at him. "Not a clue."

"Something is wrong. Beyond that he is bruised and bandaged and forgetful of us." Starfire frowned, trying to figure out what it was.

"I know what you mean, Star. Something that should be there but isn't." Cyborg said, also thinking about it.

"He's not the same annoying green runt he usually is. He hasn't smiled so much as once." Raven told them. Cyborg snapped his fingers. "That's it! He hasn't smiled!"

"Why do I smile so much?" My question stopped them all. They looked at each other, caught in a question they couldn't answer.

"We presume because you are so happy all the time, and make so many jokes." Starfire finally said.

I yawned. Robin noticed. "Oh, sorry, we shouldn't have bothered you for so long. You need to rest. We'll leave."

"Wait. Could someone stay with me?" I was frightened for some reason. I guess I had the right, since I had no clue who I was. And somehow, I knew that I shouldn't be left alone. The Titans looked at each other - none of them seemed to want to stay. I understood that too. I wasn't their friend, I was just a body that looked like him. Raven volunteered after listening to the other three discuss it quietly for a few minutes. She seemed to be the least disturbed by me - or that might just have been the lack of emotion. I couldn't be certain. I almost laughed at that thought. I couldn't be certain that I was who they said I was, how could I possibly be certain about anything?

Raven sat in the chair next to me, near the door. I looked over at her. "Thanks for staying." I felt like I should have smiled, but I didn't. I didn't want to.

"No one else wanted to." She brushed my words off. That was alright, they were just words. I wasn't really anyone, so what I said didn't matter. I paused. No, I was someone. I am the person that I am, and it wasn't my fault that I wasn't this Beast Boy. I yawned again and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Raven was asleep in the chair beside me. It was dark, so I knew I had slept for awhile. I watched her sleep for a few minutes, just studying her. Trying to bring forward memories that just didn't seem to be there. I gave up and stared at the ceiling. What had happened to me? Had I gotten sick? Had there been a fight?

Raven stirred in her sleep. I looked over at her and realized tears were streaming down her face - she was crying in her sleep. Her chair became outlined in black, and levitated. I wanted to reach out and grab the chair, but I couldn't move. I also thought she might not appreciate my interference. And it might be dangerous to wake her right at the moment. Most importantly though, it wasn't my problem.

After practically memorizing the ceiling pattern, I slowly sat up. Raven had finally drifted back down, and was tossing and turning in her sleep. There was a book on the table beside me - obviously hers. I glanced at the title and flipped it open. After reading a little section in the middle, I turned back to the front and began reading in earnest. Some of the words were a little above my level - whatever my level was, but I toughed it out. I decided I would ask for a dictionary when someone came in - or when Raven woke up.

The sun had been up for an hour or so when I finally finished the book. I set it back down where it had been, just as Raven woke up. She glared at me. "What are you doing to my book, Beast Boy?"

"Just setting it back. It was really good." I answered, wincing at the name.

"You read it?" She seemed surprised.

"Yes. I had trouble with some of the words, but I got through it okay. That reminds me, do you think I could have a dictionary brought in here?"

"I'm sure you can.... YOU read it?"

"I already said yes, what's the big deal?" I was more than a little miffed - it was just a book, after all.

"Beast Boy, you don't normally read anything but comic books."

Oh. No wonder she was shocked. Good thing nothing blew up. I scratched my head, feeling the IVs and things in my arms tugging against me. Yuck. I looked down at my hands, my green hands, and wondered again what my powers were. No one had really answered me. I looked over at Raven, who was brushing dust from her uniform. "Um, Raven?"

She looked at me, hearing the curiousity in my voice. "Yes?"

"No one really told me yesterday... what do I do?"


"My powers... Why am I Beast Boy?" Other than the fact that I must look like a total freak.

"You are a shapeshifter. You have the ability to take the form of any animal, from a cat to a T-rex." Same monotone. That would make it hard to tell when I was annoying her.

"Oh." Some good that power is. Sure, great against humans, but decent technology or a super power and I'm easily outmatched.

"Beast Boy? Oh good, you are awake!" Starfire came in, bringing Cyborg and Robin. I HATE being called Beast Boy. That isn't me - I would remember my own abilities if that was me. I couldn't even begin to figure out how to shapeshift.

"So Raven didn't kill you?" Robin asked, smiling slightly. I think they were hoping it was all a bad dream, and that when they came in today I would be the Beast Boy they knew.

"No. I don't suppose one of you has a dictionary with you?"

"What? Raven, did you warp his mind somehow?" Cyborg tapped me on the forehead with one of his big metal fingers. I refrained from hitting him.

The vein in the purple-haired teen's forehead twitched. "No. He read my book, and wants a dictionary now."

"YOU CAN READ?" Cyborg turned to me, his jaw hanging open. I glared at him. "I'm already aware of the fact that I'm not in the habit of reading anything beyond comic books, but guess what? I'm NOT Beast Boy, either. That name means NOTHING to me. I had to ask Raven what my powers were, because I had no clue! I may not be your friend Beast Boy, but that doesn't mean I'm not a valid person too!"

Three sets of jaws were practically touching the floor. Raven looked startled too, but quickly resumed her perfect control. That little burst of rage cost me though, since I was already sort of tired. I pretty much passed out.

"Ah, I see you are awake." A male voice said. I didn't recognize this one. I opened my eyes and looked around. There was no one in the room, but the TV was on. A man's face, partially hidden by shadows, partially by a bronze-colored mask was on the screen. He was looking straight at me.

"And you are?"

"Ah, you have some amnesia. I am sorry. I am Slade, your boss."

"The Teen Titans have a boss?"

"No. But you aren't a true Titan, either. You work for me, Morph." There was no way to tell from his facial expressions if he was lying. I'm not sure he would have facial expressions even without the mask.

I scrunched up my face. "Morph? They said my name was Beast Boy."

"You've been working for me undercover. Ferreting out the secrets of the Titans, to betray them in their very home."

"Oh." I let my expressions sink into the appearence of thought. "I don't remember you, but I guess I can ask a whole lot more questions directly about things for you now, while trying to regain my memory."

"Yes, clever boy." He seemed pleased. The TV cut off, and I looked around again. I had been wrong, there was someone in the room with me. What I had thought was a pile of blankets in the corner turned out to be Raven, in a chair, under a blanket. She seemed to be sleeping, but my ears twitched, and I could hear her heart beating a little faster than normal, an uneven breath. But she could be having a nightmare.

"Raven?" There was no response. I wasn't sure if she had heard the exchange or not, but I decided I would play ignorant on it for now if confronted. I tried again, louder. "Raven?"

She sat up abruptly, and looked around, blinking, until she spotted me. "You're awake. You woke me up to tell me you're awake?"

"Yes. How long have I been out? Not just this time, but before that too."

"This time you were asleep for about a day." She told me, glancing at the clock. "Before..." A trashcan shattered - thankfully it was empty. "Nearly a month."

"A MONTH?" I almost yelled. No wonder I was so sore. "What happened to me? Why did it take so long to recover? What happened that I lost my memory?"

Raven looked away. "I don't think you need to hear that now."


"No. Not now. None of us... none of us are entirely sure, but what we do know is painful to remember, and we don't want to quite yet."

"Alright. I suppose that can wait." I glanced over at the table next to me. "A dictionary! Thank you!" I picked it up and started reading. Then I snorted at myself, switched on the lamp beside me, and started over.