Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. Wouldn't it be great if I did?


Foreign Windows
Part 1

by: Gennai's Apprentice


It was raining. Hard. It was another dull day at school. TK was playing with what was left of his food, a little baby tomato. The lunch area was still half-full. Normally, he'd be sitting with Kari or Davis, but Kari was sick and at home while Davis was "trying" to play basketball. TK had tried to give him a couple pointers on shooting, but Davis insisted that he would do it his own way. Cody was on a field trip, and Yolei was in New York on vacation. As for Ken, he still lived and went to school on the other side of town.

"Ahhh," Patamon sighed as he rolled onto his back, just finishing a carton of milk. Lightning flashed outside the window. He normally liked rainy days, but this storm was getting on his nerves. As he listened to the rain patter down on the nearby windows, his D-Terminal began beeping. TK took it into his hands and opened it up. Patamon rolled back onto his feet and flapped his way to the top of TK's head to read the message.

In minutes, TK had left the lunchroom in a run, on his way to the school computer lab with Patamon in tow.

"Hey TK," Patamon said, "Do you think Elecmon and the other Baby Digimon will be alright?"

"I hope so."

As he neared the lab, he saw Davis coming in from the other end of the hallway. In his arms was a sleeping DemiVeemon.

"Hey TJ, who's WaruMonzaemon?" Davis asked as TK was opening the door. TK simply looked back in Davis' direction, a frown creasing his face.

Even though the threat of MaloMyotismon was, long past, trouble-making Digimon still wandered around the Digiworld. Some chose to be semi-good, while others continued their mischievous behavior. Izzy explained that even though the ultimate darkness was destroyed, Virus Digimon like Ogremon or WaruMonzaemon had no direct relation to the lord of the undead. They were more like bullies in a school. Not something that had to be destroyed just put in their place.

The two entered the computer lab, Davis turning on the lights and TK turning on a computer, "Last time we met a WaruMonzaemon, he used Numemon as slave labor to power MachineDramon's city. Last we heard, he was blasted away by MachineDramon himself."

"So what's he doin' back?" As he said that, the little blue Digimon in his arms began to squirm. Slowly, it faced up to his partner and opened its large eyes.

"Hey Davish," DemiVeemon said groggily, "what's going on?"

"Nothin'," Davis replied, placing the small In-Training Digimon on the floor, "we're just gonna go and smash another trouble maker." He slammed his fist into an open hand to emphasize the smashing part.

"You do know," TK began with a knowing smirk on his face, "that WaruMonzaemon is an Ultimate, right?"

Right on cue, lightning crashed out of the sky surprisingly close to the school. Patamon gave a startled jump as he fell off the desk he was perched on. TK lost his smirk as quickly as Patamon's shaky recovery off the ground. A little uneasy by the loud thunder, he helped his orange friend off the floor and next to DemiVeemon. By now, the computer was on and ready to go.

"Hey Davis, I don't think we should go through here," TK cautioned. "It's dangerous to use electronics with lightning striking that close."

Davis shook his head in disagreement, "Dude, those baby Digimon are almost defenseless! We can't waste anymore time, man."

TK grudgingly nodded in agreement and set to work on finding a sector near Primary Village.

"Ready yet, TP?"

"I'm not toilet paper... And yes," he replied after a couple more keystrokes, "we're ready."

Davis flashed him a smile, and then held out his D3 to the monitor. "Alright then... Digiport Open!"

The gate opened pulling Davis and DemiVeemon through. TK also held out his D3 allowing the gate to pull him in as well. As soon as he was fully into the portal, lightning struck the school building causing a massive discharge detonating several monitors and computers including the one they were using.


Davis opened his eyes. He felt really achy, some of his muscles even hurt. That's never happened before... Davis thought to himself. While they were in the lab, they hadn't even bothered to turn on the lights. The bright light from the sun caused him to close his eyes again.

"Veemon? Where are you?" he said as he slowly sat up. He thought it strange that TK would be calling out for Veemon too. Well, it sounded like TK anyways. He shielded his eyes from the glare as he opened them slowly. Next to him lay TK's hat. He picked up and looked around for TK to give it back to him. Even though he still made fun of TK, they had gotten to be good friends. "Davis," a voice said from behind him... A voice that sounded strangely like his own, "I think we have a problem." Turning around, his eyes grew wider and wider. He saw himself.


Kari lay sprawled in her bottom bunk. The soft patter of rain comforted her. Gatomon was sleeping nearby, just finishing her meal. She pulled herself to the edge and watched as the Digimon slept peacefully. Gatomon had never slept peacefully in a long time, but now with Myotismon finally destroyed, it seems like their fighting days were finally over. Then her D-Terminal began beeping. She thought about just letting it be and just going back to sleep, but then she realized that her friends knew she was sick, they wouldn't have called her unless there was some good reason.

She got up and stepped around Gatomon. Picking up the machine, she opened it and checked her mail. Just as she thought, there was trouble. At first, she didn't know what to do, but then she checked herself and knew what her brother would do. She knew he would do everything and anything he could do to help his friends in Primary Village. She turned on her computer and turned to Gatomon.

"Gatomon, wake up, there's trouble," she said as she prodded the kitty. Although she found her Digimon to be very sweet and cute, it was a completely different story when someone tried to wake her up. It had to be done a certain way. Last time Tai tried to wake Gatomon up, she had shredded his pants in seconds.

"Huh? Why are all the plump little mice running?" Gatomon replied, rolling over onto her back, her paws stretched out above her. Kari smiled, if this were any other occasion, she would've gotten her camera and taken a couple pictures. Unfortunately, there was no time. She didn't even bother to change out of her pajamas.

"Gatomon, wake up! It's me, Kari."

"Oh, Kari," Gatomon said softly, stretching before slowly getting to her feet. "And I was having such a nice dream."

"Sorry, but there's trouble. We gotta go."

She selected Primary Village as her destination and held the Digivice to the screen. The last thing she heard was the soft, constant pattering of rain on her window.


"How the heck did this HAPPEN?!" Davis in TK's body started yelling.

TK in Davis' body shrugged his arms. "I don't know, maybe it was the storm..."

(A/N: When I refer to Davis here on out, I mean TK in Davis' body and vice-versa)

TK began pacing quickly. After a couple minutes, he stopped abruptly. "Where's Veemon?" he asked. It was only then when he noticed that Davis was holding an egg with colorful polka dots. It almost looked like an Easter egg.

"He's right here," Davis said, "he turned back into a Digiegg just like Patamon." He pointed at the egg next to TK. It was a white egg with several orange stripes. He picked it up and traded eggs with Davis.

The two boys just stood there in silence, each looking at what was once their Digimon. Davis looked at the striped egg sadly. TK looked over to the other boy and saw tears well up his eyes. "I've only lost Patamon once before... Against Devimon." There was an awkward moment of silence. TK wasn't used to not having the sound of Veemon's voice annoying him. Davis turned his eyes up to TK, "So what do we do now?"

TK also looked at his speckled egg, wondering if Veemon was all right. "I don't know, but we still gotta do something about WaruMonzaemon."

Just then, Davis' egg began to hatch. The shell fell away to reveal Poyomon.

"Poyo? Poy poy poyo?" the little Digimon asked. Davis held him close, but the little white blob popped out of his arms and went to TK. It looked up and asked again, "Poyo?"

TK just looked at the Digimon, unsure of what to do. Davis was about to pick him up, but stopped. Poyomon looked up at TK and started blowing bubbles at him.

"Go ahead," Davis said, "pick him up."

TK set Veemon's egg down and picked up Poyomon. Poyomon just blew some more bubbles out. It scrunched its little eyes trying to figure out what was going on. It turned back in Davis' direction and jumped a couple times in TK's hand. TK handed Poyomon back to Davis. This time Poyomon snuggled against Davis' chest, going to sleep.

Davis looked at his Digimon and smiled. "It looks like they can still sense who their partner really is, no matter which body they may be in. It reminds me of the time when a Datamon had cloned Sora and Biyomon still knew in her heart who the real Sora was."

"Well, that's good to know, BJ, but mine hasn't hatched yet and yours is only a Baby." Davis shook his head in frustration, "We can't fight an Ultimate like this."

"You're right. We'll just have to depend on our friends to take care of business."


"Where's DAVIS?!" Ken yelled as Stingmon just barely dodged another of WaruMonzaemon's attacks.

"I don't know!! Why can't I just have a little vacation for once?!" Yolei shouted back, stamping her feet on the ground.

"Don't worry Yolei," Aquilamon said, "we'll beat him in no time."

"Ha!" WaruMonzaemon said, "That's a joke if I ever heard one! There's no way you guys are gonna stop me!"

"Yeah, well we're still going to try! Spiking Strike!"

A purple energy blade emerged from Stingmon's knuckle. Diving down from the air, he jammed it into the giant teddy bear's chest. WaruMonzaemon stumbled backwards a bit, but immediately recovered. "Bear Claw!" he yelled as he slammed his giant claws into Stingmon's side, sending him crashing into a tower of massive toy blocks.

Aquilamon flew in circles overhead, watching as the evil bear sent his friend flying away. The bird Digimon used that moment to attack the enemy from behind. "Grand Horn!" he yelled as he rammed his glowing horns into WaruMonzaemon's back.

"Argh!" the bad Digimon yelled as he slid across the floor and bounced to a stop. Aquilamon was ready for another strike when WaruMonzaemon's chest opened up to reveal a deep darkness. "Heart Break Attack!" he yelled as black hearts flew out striking the large red bird repeatedly. Aquilamon went into a spiral, pulling up at the last minute to slam his head into a tree full of baby toys.

WaruMonzaemon laughed at his fallen foe as children's toys fell on the dazed bird's head. "Now, to finish what I came here to do!" he said, pointing to a little red schoolhouse where the baby Digimon were hiding.

"No! Don't you dare hurt those defenseless Digimon!" Ken shouted, blocking the Digimon's path.

"Watch out, Ken!" Yolei cried as more black hearts spewed out from the bear's dark innards.

"Lightning Paw!" a voice yelled out, a white streak disrupting the attack.

From behind one of the towers of the massive toy blocks, stepped out a smiling Kari.

"Alright Gatomon cough, time to bring this guy down sniffle!" Kari hoarsely shouted.

Yolei immediately ran to Kari's side and held her up so she wouldn't stumble. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were sick!"

"I'm alright. Besides, I thought you guys might need the help," she said softly.

"Kari'll be okay," Gatomon said from beside Ken, "she's as tough as a scratching post!"

Yolei looked over to her partner to see him already recovered and ready to fight again. "All right then, let's GET THIS GUY!" Yolei said as she raised her D3 into the air as Kari weakly did the same.




The fused Digimon used its agility and speed to run up to the foe and land a hard blow to the black teddy bear's head, laying him out. Right when Silphymon was about to land another one on its face, he pulled himself from under with amazing agility, jumped to his feet, and smashed her down into the squishy ground before she had any time to react.

Yolei watched in horror as the Digimon bounced a couple of times before fore coming to a stop. "Silphymon, you gotta get up!" she shouted to the fused warrior.

With much effort, Silphymon pushed herself off of the ground. The stunned Digimon looked around. Stingmon had already recovered and was helping Ken and Elecmon with the Baby Digimon. Yolei looked to her with worry and anger in her eyes. Kari was trying hard to look strong. She couldn't let everyone down. She had to do her part and take this loser down.

"Silphymon! Are you alright?" Stingmon called out.

"Yes! Now let's get this creep!" Using the ground like a trampoline, she jumped up, gaining height with each bounce.

At the height of her fourth bounce, she was high enough to have an aerial advantage. WaruMonzaemon's eyes widened as a ball of pure energy began to build in the Digimon's hands. "Static Force!" she yelled as a reddish ball of energy was propelled.

"Heart Break Attack!" he replied, firing black hearts, canceling out both of their attacks with a bright flash of light. The resulting explosion stunned the bear and momentarily blinded him.

"Stingmon," Ken yelled to his Digimon partner, "attack him now!"

"Right, Ken," Stingmon said simply, maneuvering himself around the debris of fallen trees and towers that had resulted from the battle. While WaruMonzaemon rubbed his eyes, he was struck from behind, "Spiking Strike!" by Stingmon, throwing him forward.

Yolei breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, there was hope of beating this monster. Noticing movement out of the corner of her eye, she turned around and saw Cody and Armadillomon.

"Sorry we're late," Cody said with a bow, "we couldn't find a nearby computer we could use."

"It's alright," Yolei said nodding her head to Cody, "better late than never is what I always say!"

Cody turned to his partner, "Alright Armadillomon, time to finish this."

WaruMonzaemon noticed the newcomer and knew that he was beat. Stingmon was already on top of him, ready to land another blow with his energy blade and Silphymon was not too far away, charging up another blast. There was only one option left for him. From his facedown position, he whipped his arm around, flipping himself over and smashing it into Stingmon, knocking him down. He then turned to Silphymon and with a single desperate pounce. Landing in front of her and gave her a good roundhouse kick to the head, sending Silphymon spinning to the ground once more.

The evil bear looked over to the two girls and Cody, "Looks like it's time for me to get outta here!" He threw his tattered red cape over his head, allowing it to land over him. As the cape fell, it didn't stop over WaruMonzaemon's head, but instead continued its descent to the floor. Cody picked up the cape and looked underneath, but found no one there. As soon as he let go, the cape dissolved into data bits.


After the Digimon had de-Digivolved, the rest of the Digidestined and their Digimon joined Ken and Wormmon near what was left of the schoolhouse. A whole wall section was blown away and a couple desks were missing from the rear, but the rest was still intact albeit a bit messy. Elecmon, trailed by a couple bouncing Baby Digimon, approached from a hatch in the ground.

"Hey there, thanks for all your help! You guys are real life savers!"

Ken was leaning against the blackboard while Yolei was sitting on top of the teacher's desk. Kari was sitting in a desk in the front row and Cody was standing next to her. All of them smiled, especially their Digimon partners beside them. Some of the little Digimon bounced over to Kari and hoped on to the desktop. She was about to give one a hug when she was hit with another bout of coughs.

Yolei looked over to her friend with concern, "Well, we gotta get Kari back home before she gets worse."

"Right," Ken nodded.

"Hey wait," Elecmon interjected, "Where's TK and Davis? I really miss seeing TK, and the kids really want to play soccer with Davis again. Are they around?"

"That's right, where are they?" Cody asked Ken.

"I don't know," Ken replied shrugging his shoulders, "they never showed up. I thought they'd be the first ones here."

"Yeah, it's just like Davis to not come around when we need him," Yolei said with a scowl.

"But it's not like TK," Kari said from the desk. "Something must've happened."

Gatomon looked up to Kari and tugged on her arm, "We've got to get you home before your flu gets worse."

"Don't worry, Kari," Cody said, "we'll go and find them immediately."

"Are you sure you won't need our help?" Kari asked.

"Yes," Yolei replied, "Besides, it wouldn't really work if you needed just as much help as them..."

"Yolei!" Hawkmon said, "A little kinder maybe..."

Kari stood up, "No, she's right, I'll just be a burden. Come on Gatomon, it's time we went home."

The friends and Elecmon escorted Kari back to the TV portal. In moments, Kari was back home.

"Time to get outta here," Yolei said. Everyone nodded.

Elecmon got up on his hind legs and shook Ken's hand, "Well, sorry to see you guys go, but come and visit us more often, alright?"

Ken returned the handshake and nodded. Now to solve the mystery of TK and Davis.


TK was quiet as they approached the village. The entrance wasn't far. They had originally intended to arrive immediately at Primary Village, but whatever happened to them threw them off course as well. It had taken a while to get there, but after passing by a familiar waterfall and railroad crossing, Davis had directed them in the right direction. TK looked over to Davis who was also pondering their plight. TK looked at down at 'his body', then at Davis. It was odd to see himself from a third-person view, almost scary. But he was the holder of the Egg of Courage, he must not show fear.

"C'mon, Davis," Davis said to TK, "let's hurry up, they might need our help."

"Yeah and what are we going to do... Bubble them to death?!" TK said.

Davis just looked at him. He had a point. They were in no position to fight. They might even be a distraction to the others. Nevertheless, they had to do something. Just as Davis was going to ask TK if he had any other ideas, Ken, Yolei, and Cody came out of the entrance with their Digimon in tow.

"Hey guys! Where were you? Why didn't you come sooner? Did you know that WaruMonzaemon almost got us..."

"Geez Yolei! You ask too many questions!"

Yolei glared at Davis, but then realized that it was TK's voice. She turned to TK in bewilderment and in fact, saw a look of smugness that she thought only Davis could show.

"What's going on?" she asked dumbfounded.

"What do you think, GENIUS?!" TK retorted.

Yolei immediately recovered after that insult and got into the fighting stance she normally reserved for Davis. TK was normally a gentleman, but right now, he was being a big jerk.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Cody exclaimed stepping in between the two. Ken held back Yolei while Davis held TK back.

Davis tried to apologize, "I'm sorry, we're both having really bad days." He picked up Veemon's egg and Poyomon to show them. "Our Digimon were transformed back into eggs..."

"Yeah, but that wasn't the ONLY thing that happened," TK added

"Explain," Ken said.

"Yeah, and it better be good, Kari wouldn't have had to strain herself if you had gotten here earlier," Yolei said pointing at Davis.

Davis showed immediate concern, "But she's sick, why did she come here? She could've gotten sicker or worse..."

"Yes well, if she hadn't showed up, we would've all been defeated. WaruMonzaemon was incredibly strong," Hawkmon said matter-of-factly.

"So it'll be your fault if she gets worse!" Yolei continued angrily.

Cody started waving his arms trying to get them to stop arguing, "Yolei! Guys! We've gotta cool down! We're all friends here."

Davis looked really hurt, probably worrying about Kari. So TK began explaining what had happened. "Well, I was playing basketball with some friends when Veemon interrupted our game..."

"Why was Veemon with you and not Davis?" Ken asked.

"I AM Davis," TK said angrily.

Ken, Cody, and Yolei, as well as their Digimon stared at TK in shock.

"Davis," Davis said, "I don't think they quite figured that out yet."

"Yeah well... Oh."

Davis continued the story, "While he was playing basketball, I was in the cafeteria finishing my meal. That was when I got the message. On the way to the computer lab, I met up with Davis and we were both about to use the Digiport when lightning struck near the school. Instead of taking a hint, we went in anyway."

TK picked up the narrative, "Yeah, so we got thrown way off course from where we wanted to go. Anyways, when we landed, I started feeling all these aches. It took me a couple minutes to figure out that me and TC over there switched bodies. What happened to our Digimon, I have no idea? We thought about going back through to see if it would change us back, but when we found the TV, it was all busted up."

Wormmon reached Ken's side and started pulling on his pant leg. Ken picked him up and cradled him in his arms. "Ken, we better get back home or else your Mom will get worried again," Wormmon said.

Cody looked at his Digivice. It was nearly 5:00. Yolei still looked skeptical. "How can we be sure you're not making this up and pulling our leg? What if you guys are really Bakemon in disguise?" she said, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Geez Yolei, what's with all the questions? I know why you would doubt me, but why would you doubt TZ over here," he said motioning to Davis.

"Because YOU'RE TK and he's Davis, and I'm starting to NOT trust you," she said sounding even more impatient.

Cody stepped in between them again, "It doesn't matter, Wormmon is right. I need to get back to my teachers or else they're going to get really worried."

"Yeah, yeah," TK said shrugging Cody off, "whatever, but still... I don't think I want to go through that again. What if we like... I don't know, die or something."

"Well that'll be one less worry for us," Yolei smirked.

"She doesn't mean that, Davis," Ken began.

"Since when did YOU stick up for her, Kennny boy?" Davis asked tauntingly.

"That's none of your business!" Yolei retorted, standing by Ken. Ken just looked flustered.

"Ah'm beginnin' ta think that they really are telling the truth, Cody," Armadillomon said as he lazily pulled up next to Cody.

"You read my mind, Armadillomon," Hawkmon said, coming up on Cody's other side. "Perhaps we should do something about the developing hostile situation."

"Ah once read somethin' 'bout cattle prods, Ah reckon that'll do."

Cody looked at his Digimon sternly.

"What pray tell IS a cattle prod, Cody?" Hawkmon asked.

"Don't ask."

Davis, who had been watching in the background holding Poyomon, finally decided that enough was enough, "STOP IT, YOU TWO!" he yelled with enough force to startle everyone, even Poyomon who buried himself deeper into Davis' arms. "Nothing's gonna get done if all we do is argue. I personally want to get home, no matter where that may be."

"I have an idea," Ken offered.

Davis nodded to him, "Let's hear it."

"Well, let's say that this is the cause of all this was the lightning storm. It could be that a powerful surge hit you while you were still in transit from the Real World to the Digital World. This means that while you were still in the digital converters, that your data was switched around..."

"Of course!" Yolei said with a burst of excitement, "Izzy was telling us about how traveling through the gate isn't instantaneous, even though it feels like it, but stages!"

TK just looked blankly at Ken, then at Yolei.

"Simply said," Davis began, "while we were changed from our flesh and blood forms to digital forms, some of our data got switched around, right?"

Yolei gave Davis a thumbs up, "Perfecto!"

TK still looked a little lost.

"Don't worry, TK... erm, Davis, you don't really have to understand. But it is a miracle that you two survived."

TK shook off his blank look and changed it to his game face, "Okay, so all this info is good and all, but is it safe for us to go through the Digiport again?"

"I believe so," Ken said, "just so long as another surge doesn't hit. You may not be so lucky next time."

The group went back into the village where Elecmon and some of his babies were playing. When they all saw Davis, they got excited, then frowned, then went over to TK where they piled all around him, almost knocking him over. Everyone just laughed.

"Hey guys, back so soon?" Elecmon asked jokingly.

"Sorry, Elecmon, but it is important that we use the gate in your village to go home," Cody explained with a respectful bow.

"No problem, guys. Just remember to visit your old pal Elecmon!"

After TK had finished prying off all the various little Digimon, trying to get away, he headed to where the TV where the others had gathered.

Davis looked at Poyomon, it was asleep with little sleep bubbles forming as it breathed in and out. He smiled remembering the last time he had to take care of his friend at the Fresh stage.

Ken tapped him on the shoulder, "I don't think it's safe to bring your Digimon with you through the portal." Then turned to TK, "The same goes for you Davis. You guys should leave your Digimon here for now."

The two nodded their heads then left to leave Poyomon and the Digiegg with Davis. Meanwhile, Ken had finished setting the destinations for the portals. By the time TK and Davis came back, Cody and Yolei were already gone.

"You guys could come with me to my house. It's not raining over there right now."

"Sure Ken," TK said with a tired nod, "I never thought I'd say this, but... I'm tired of this place, let's get out of here."

As they left, the other Digiegg hatched.


After saying their goodbyes to Mrs. Ichijouji, they hopped on a train heading to Odaiba. The two sat opposite of each other in the near empty car. Each one was lost in their own thoughts. TK was the first one to break the silence.

"This is the first time I've ever been without Veemon in a long time."

"Yeah, but I've survived four years without Patamon, I'm sure you could do the same."

"I guess."

The two were silent again. The train stopped and several passengers got out while others stepped in. As the doors closed, the train continued on its way.

"Hey Davis," Davis began, "now that we're home, maybe we should start calling ourselves... Y'know..."

"Yeah, I guess... Davis."

"Yep... TK"

"Feels weird, doesn't it."

"Yeah. By the way, anything I should know about Jun?"

"Just stay away from her. Even though she isn't all that smart, she could smell a lie a mile away." TK smiled an evil smirk. "You'll have to lie better than you ever had before."

"Heh, something I should probably get used to, huh?"

"If you want to survive, yes. What about at your house?"

"Well, I just live with my Mom, so just be respectful and I think you'll be fine. Something new for you too, huh Da... I mean TK"

"Hey, I can be respectful when I have to be."

"Whatever... BJ"

The two finally reached their stop. It was already late in the evening and the two made their way to the other's home.


To Be Continued