Of Diary Secrets and Letters

Chapter 9




Wednesday, May 30, 9:45 PM

Okay, so I told Tomoyo that Syaoran sort of asked me out. And her reaction included various squealing noises and a bunch sentences that sounded like "you two will be sooooo cute together!!"

Then she paused.

"Wait, isn't he going out with Karina tomorrow after her exam?"

"Yeah. But he said it's just a polite dinner. He doesn't, you know, like her in that way." I had said.

"But it's so obvious that she likes him in that way! Oh my gosh, Sakura! What do you think will happen tomorrow night?!"

"I don't know!!" I had replied, feeling a very, very tight knot forming in my stomach.

And Tomoyo does have a point. I mean, Karina is a total genius and she's pretty. And yeah, okay, she's a bit nasty sometimes, but it's not like Syaoran will ever find out since I'm sure she's not nasty towards him.

What if he goes out with her tomorrow and decides that she's the one he wants to go out with?!?! What am I going to say when he cancels our date because he figures out that Karina is the one for him?!?!

Maybe I'll pretend that I didn't think of it as one of those "romantic" dates when he cancels out on me.

Oh, sure, Syaoran. It's just a FRIENDLY lunch; we can do it any other time! Congratulations on your newfound relationship with Karina too!

Hmm…no, that sounds a bit fake. Maybe I'll play dumb instead.

Oh you can't make it anymore? Why not, Syaoran?

Hmm…but then he might go…

I've decided that Karina is the one I want to be with, Sakura. I'm sorry but I simply go out with you today. It just wouldn't be right!

Okay, then what am I going to say?!? Hmm…maybe I'll respond with…

Oh I didn't know that you two are together! But yes, you're right. We shouldn't have lunch together. You're going out with her now, and it just wouldn't be right!

Oh gosh that has got to be the most pathetic thing to say! EVER!

I nearly jumped out of my seat just now when Tomoyo's instant message made a loud chiming sound from the computer.

VioletT: HEY! I just got this GREAT idea!!

CherryB: Uh oh.

VioletT: Don't UH OH me! I'm going to save your budding relationship with Syaoran!

CherryB: How? And technically, I don't have a relationship with Syaoran.

VioletT: …yet.

CherryB:…Nevermind. What did you want to say?

VioletT: I was thinking we could go SPY on the two of them tomorrow night!

CherryB: Tomoyo!! You're insane!! I'm not going to SPY on their dinner date! I'm not a stalker!

VioletT: It's not called SPYING or STALKING if we're there to work, silly.

CherryB: I'm sorry, but you'll have to explain that one to me again.

VioletT: Remember last Christmas? Do you remember how we celebrated?

CherryB: Yeah, of course. We did a Secret Santa gift exchange with everyone and then everyone went to dinner together.

VioletT: More specifically, we went to dinner at MY uncle's restaurant, and he gave us a discount on our feast.

CherryB: …Which we were all very grateful for. So?

VioletT: Well, three of his waitresses are not available to work tomorrow. One of them quit, one of them got fired, and one of them is taking a vacation to go on her honeymoon. Do you think you can fill in a waitress spot tomorrow night for my uncle? You know, as a way to say thank-you for last year. Don't worry, I'll be there too.

CherryB: Tomoyo, don't tell me that this restaurant is the same one that Syaoran and Karina are going to be eating at.

VioletT: Hehehe…

CherryB: Tomoyo!!

VioletT: Okay, okay!! Yes, it is, alright?!?! But in my defence, I signed both of us up for waitresses BEFORE I even glanced at the reservations list! So I had TOTALLY no idea that they'll be eating there! And that means that it's 100 percent fate that you get an up close observation on their date tomorrow, so you might as well accept it!

CherryB: …Is there any way I can back out of this?

VioletT: Well, if you REALLY want to, you could. But do you REALLY want to back out? I mean, it's not like you'll be there spying on them purposely! We'll probably be too busy serving other customers anyways.

CherryB: …Fine. I'll go.

VioletT: COOL!




Thursday, May 31, Homeroom

Fifteen more minutes before homeroom ends, and I have nothing better to do than to write in my diary.

I was just at my locker before homeroom, and I overheard a conversation between Syaoran and Karina. I wasn't eavesdropping though! They just happened to walk pass my locker and talking at the same time. What was I suppose to do, turn my ears off?

Anyways, this was how their conversation went:

Syaoran: So are you ready for tonight's AP exam?

Karina: Oh, yes! I've stayed up all night last night studying for it. I really hope I can make it into AP science classes next year. It will look really great on the transcript for Toudai.

Syaoran: Yeah, that's what I thought too. And don't be so nervous, I have complete confidence in you (smiling).

Karina: Thanks, Syaoran (beaming)! Anyways, are we still on for tonight?

(At the point, both of them stopped in the middle of the hallway, about four feet away from where I was standing, which was, of course, by my locker, because Syaoran had bend down to tie his shoe.)

Syaoran: Oh, yeah, of course. What time does your exam end again?

Karina: It ends at 6:00PM. I've made reservations for 6:45. We should get there in time.

Syaoran: Oh, that sounds great. I'll come by the school at 6:00 to pick you up then?

Karina: Oh, sure!! That sounds awesome. I'll see you at 6:00 then!

He is picking her up!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this. And he even OFFERED to pick her up, and she didn't even have to ask for it!!!!!

I didn't see him offering to pick ME up on Friday!!!!!

But then…what can I expect? Karina is really pretty and really bright at academics. What kind of guy WOULDN'T like that type of girl?

I am so nervous right now, and all because I will be a waitress tonight at Tomoyo's uncle's restaurant. Well, if you think about it, I have two very good reasons to be nervous:

1) I will be in close proximity of Syaoran and Karina when they're on their date. What if they decide to kiss or something half way through the appetizers?! How will I be able to ever look either of them in the eye ever again if I have the misfortune to witness such PDA?!

Also, what if Syaoran thinks I'm spying on him? I know I'm just doing a job tonight, but still! Who knows what guys think? I certainly don't. If he thinks I'm purposely spying on him, he might get mad! Or worst, rub it in my face later on, going all, "I always knew that you have a crush on me. Remember that time you were spying on my dinner date with Karina? Ha ha ha ha!"

2) I've never, ever been a waitress before in my life! What if I make some enormous mistake and upset some customers, like, getting their orders all mixed up because I can't focus on anything else besides the high possibility that Syaoran will realize and confess his undying love to Karina, and I will be around to hear it?

Ready for tonight, Sakura?? – Tomoyo

I hope so. Gosh, I'm so nervous, Tomoyo! I've never been a waitress before! What if I mess up?! – Sakura

You'll do just fine!

I sure hope so. I overheard Syaoran offered to pick Karina up tonight after her exam.






Thursday, May 31, Creating Writing


I'm sorry to hear that you're also having difficulties with the opposite sex. Do you have a crush on this guy or something? Sorry if that sounded a bit too nosy, but if you tell me more, I might be able to help.

Meanwhile…I guess my situation isn't TOO bad right now. Things are relatively stable, so yeah. But they're also SO stable that I'm not sure if ANYTHING will ever happen between me and this girl I like.

Anyways, wish you all the best!

Fellow Tilt.

I swiftly glanced around my Creative Writing class, trying to figure out just who it is that Tai will have a crush on.

Why is it that the guys I have crushes on NEVER likes me back?

Actually wait. What if the girl Tai is talking about in these pen pal letters is ME?!?! Gosh, that will be SUCH bad timing! I mean, why didn't he hint that he likes me BEFORE I fell for Syaoran Li?

But wait. Nobody said that Tai likes me. This is all just my own assumption. I mean…just because Fellow Tilt is Tai doesn't mean that Tai likes ME.

Fellow Tilt,

Thanks for your support and concern. Well, I guess I can tell you more about it. There IS this guy I recently like, but I don't think he likes me back. In fact, I think he might like this other girl who's better than me in almost every way you can think of. How am I suppose to compete with THAT?!

Does the girl you like have a crush on some other guy? If not, you're a whole lot luckier than I am. Maybe you should try asking her out.

Good luck to you too!





Thursday, May 31, Science

We did another pop quiz today in Science, and I got 8 out of 10. Usually I'll think that that's a decent grade, considering that it's a POP quiz, and I hadn't been keeping up with the review notes we were suppose to be going over on our own time.

But when we exchanged papers to mark, guess whose I got?

Yup, Karina's.

And guess what she got? Yup, a perfect 10 out of 10.

You should have seen her bragging about it afterwards.

"Oh, this quiz is nothing compare to what I'm going to write tonight at the AP exam." She was saying, giving a cheerful laugh. "I'm actually a bit nervous about it. But I must admit, having Syaoran as a tutor really helped calm my nerves."

"Yo, Karina, are you and Syaoran, like, dating now or something?" Nicky McGill had asked, leaning forward in his chair. He looked EXACTLY like how some nosy paparazzi would when they caught sight of a celebrity at the local mall or something.

"Oh, well, I wouldn't say dating exactly," Karina laughed some more, "but you know. These things happen."

Excuse me?! What things?! Is she implying that Syaoran already made a move?!

But of course, no way am I going to burst out asking that question, even though I was totally curious.

Luckily, I didn't have to, because Nicky asked it for me.

"No, really, are you two like, official? Did he ask you out? Because I was thinking, maybe you can drop by Syaoran's next game and pose with him in a picture for the school paper. You know, I cover the sports column. Everyone in the school will want to read about Seijuu's soccer star's love life." Nicky was now grinning from ear to ear. Well duh, he would obviously get all the fame if such a photo was taken.

"Oh, Nicky, don't be so immature. Syaoran and I don't want our love lives to be exposed for the world to read!" Karina said, before turning back around in her chair to listen to Ginsinku-sensei talk about Newton's three laws of physics or whatever.

Syaoran and I don't want our love lives to be exposed for the world to read!

What does she mean by THAT????? Does she meant it as their love life TOGETHER?!?!




Thursday, May 31, Study Hall

I can't believe it. This is the first time I've ever got all my Math homework done in Study Hall period. In a way, I feel so proud of myself.

But in another way, it's kind of sad. I mean, the only reason I had got all my homework done was because I didn't want to use the excess time to think about all the possibilities of tonight.

So far, nobody in this school, except for Tomoyo, knows about my waitress job tonight. And I don't think she told anyone else.

Plus, Syaoran didn't say a single word to me AT ALL today. He ignored me in P.E., and now he's busy working on a botany project for his AP Science class.

Well, I shouldn't say that he ignored me in P.E. We didn't exactly have a chance to talk, since Coach Kingsley was absent today and we had a substitute teacher who didn't know what she was suppose to teach us, so we ended up playing dodge ball for the whole period and Syaoran and I had been on opposite teams. Then afterwards, he obviously went to the guys' change room, and I had gone to the girls'.

Whatever. I totally creamed him in dodge ball, and he knows it.

"Hey, I heard you have a date tonight," Syaoran's botany project partner, Zi-Man, an Asian guy, grinned at him mischievously.

"Really? Where did you hear that?" Syaoran asked, looking surprised.

"From Nicky McGill."

"Oh, come on, don't believe everything you hear from him. You know he's a paparazzi-in-training." Syaoran rolled his eyes and laughed.

"So are you saying you're not going on a date with Karina Koboyashi tonight?"

"Well…no. But it's just dinner."

"Well, she's cute. Congratulations, buddy!" Zi-Man slapped Syaoran on the back in a brotherly way.

"Whatever," Syaoran rolled his eyes.

Oh great. I think I'm going to be sick.




Thursday, May 31, 4:15 PM

Only forty-five minutes until I have to show up at Tomoyo's uncle's restaurant to work the night shift. I should be leaving in fifteen minutes, to make sure I get there on time.

I overheard Karina reminding Syaoran about their date after school today. It gave me that uneasy feeling again.

You know, today after Study Hall, I had purposely took an extra long time to put away my Math books, just so I don't exit the room before Syaoran does. Why did I do that? Because I was hoping Syaoran would come up to me and say something along the lines of,

"So, Sakura, are we still on for tomorrow?"

But no such luck. Instead, he and Zi-Man kept talking on and on about botany on their way out of the room. It was like he doesn't even notice that I had been standing there, and most likely staring at him too.

And then when they got out into the corridors, Zi-Man noticed that Karina was strolling up towards them, so he gave Syaoran this smirk and went "Ooh, someone's girlfriend is here! No worries, I won't be a lightbulb" and just went away.

Stupid Zi-Man. Why can't he do ME the same favour back when we were in Study Hall period? Well, I guess I can't blame him. I mean, nobody knows that Syaoran and I are going somewhere to eat tomorrow too. Oh wait. I forgot, Syaoran is most likely going to fall hopelessly in love with Karina over tonight's dinner, which I have the misfortune of witnessing up close and personal. Maybe Syaoran and I won't be going anywhere tomorrow after all.

Dad just poked his head in to say I'll be late if I don't head out soon. Write more later...have to find my uniform now.




Thursday, May 31, 9:37 PM

Okay, so I chickened out. I didn't even bother to show up at the restaurant today, fear of seeing the two of them together. I had to call Tomoyo and cancel out on her last minute.

"Don't worry, Sakura! I'll spy on them for you!" was her response.

And she spied too. She just called me an hour ago, saying how the two of them had this amazing chitchat during the entire meal.

Tomoyo even said that Karina had been all,

"You know, today in Science class, Nicky asked if we were going out! What do you think of that, Syaoran?"

And then Syaoran had replied, "Oh, really? Zi-Man asked me the same thing during Study Hall period."

"Gosh, people these days," Karina had laughed, shaking her head of beautiful shiny hair, "just you wait and see. Pretty soon, rumours will start flying and how I'm your girlfriend."

"I think it's because we've been spending so much time together, you know, me helping you with your AP studying and stuff."

"Oh, I didn't even notice how much time we've spent together. I guess good times really goes by fast, right?"

Tomoyo, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to hear whether or not Syaoran agreed with this, since Karina had went,

"Uh, Tomoyo? Are you going to put down our tray now?"

Then, according to Tomoyo, Syaoran had went,

"Is Sakura working here tonight too?"

"Sakura? Why would Sakura be here?" Karina had asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Syaoran had shrugged, "just thought so. Is she, Tomoyo?"

"She was suppose to," Tomoyo had replied, trying her best to place their meals in front of them without spilling any, "but she changed her mind last minute."

Then, as an attempt to make Syaoran jealous, she had added, "I think I heard she said Tai-kun wanted to show her some of his recent photography."

"I think Sakura has a crush on Tai." Karina had apparently suggested. "Do you think so, Syaoran?"

"I don't know," was apparently all he said.

OH MY GOSH how in the world does Karina know that I used to have a crush on Tai?! Was I THAT obvious?!

Tomoyo told me I wasn't, but Karina most likely said it because she can tell that Syaoran might be interested in me, so she mentioned that I like another guy as an attempt to extinguish whatever fire of interest Syaoran sparked towards me.

I told Tomoyo that no wonder she's getting such a good mark in Creative Writing – she can think of these wild and complicated and completely unrealistic love plots in just a few seconds.

But the truth is, Syaoran used to tease me about having a crush on Tai too. What if he still thinks I like Tai and decides that there really IS no hope for him to be with me, and then picks Karina instead?!?!?

Oh great, now I'm starting to think of wild and complicated and completely unrealistic love plots myself.

Anyways, according to Tomoyo, when they left…Karina had taken Syaoran by the hand and lead him out of the restaurant!

Well. I guess it's official that Syaoran and I won't be going to that café tomorrow. He's probably too stuck in the clouds of love to remember anyways.

I even went online just now to see if he's on, since he usually is around this time of night. But tonight he wasn't. I wonder if he and Karina hung out together after dinner.

I guess this means I won't be getting any more secret admirer letters. Syaoran will no doubt forget all about me and then will stop sending them, and will instead start writing love notes for Karina instead.

Oh gosh, I think I'm starting to cry now. Maybe I'll go make myself some hot chocolate and go to sleep.




Sugar Pink: Hey everyone, sorry for the late update! But yeah, school has been CRAZY lately. Luckily, I have a break now, so I'll be able to update a bit more readily hehehe.

I know this is a longer chapter than usual, and a sadder one too. Hopefully things will be happier for Sakura in the next chapter. But then…this story is basically a roller coaster ride of feelings and emotions for our characters, so…don't expect any deep emotions (be it sad or happy) to last for TOO long. You may take that as a "foreshadow" of what's to come hahaha. But as I've said before, this story will still retain its humourous side despite any heartaches experienced by our beloved characters. So nothing SUPER dramatic (like action/adventure, suspense, life-or-death-suicides) will ever happen in this story.

I hope you guys haven't abandoned this story!! Please stay with me!!!

Also, please remember to leave a review. A word of praise, a constructional criticism, or your thoughts would be highly appreciated. Thank you!!