The First Cut Is The Deepest

Chapter I - Away from it all

By: KaKaVegeGurl



(Takes place in a [Slightly alternate] universe) Back here for yet another new story... This takes place while Goku's still a teenager, about nineteen or so to be exact, and thus Vegeta is going to be twenty-two. Like I've said b4 in some of my other fics, I don't like to blab, so I won't, Cheers! .





Whispers in the air spoke of death, the smell of blood lurked around, through the air, and filled his lungs, a toxic smell, boiling his blood and dipping into the core of his canines, he felt himself grow hot with anticipation; the feeling of drowsiness fogged his senses and masked his sight... A final decision was being made. The Prince now sat alone, he sat as the last Saiyan alive, the last of his kind... The last... Or so that was what he felt was true... His planet destroyed by a meteor, or so it seemed, for he himself knew that that statement in itself was indeed a lie... The news had just been told to him over his scouter, and not at all by Frieza or any of the other two of his own blasted bed boys... Indeed what a deep lie it was... They think they can kill his race and not get any of his "kind" feedback? Well he didn't think so... Oh they'll get some feedback, yeah, they'll get some feedback... Damn them all! He would have the lives of those destroyed, the lives of those who dared to toy with his race. They acted as if it would not matter, as if it DID not matter... Who the hell did they think they were? Damn them all to hell, they will suffer for their actions! He promised that... Frieza would die by the hands of a Saiyan!




"He cheated on me again! Can you believe that Goku!? Can you believe that!?"

Goku shook his head slowly and sighed, "Nah, no I can't..." His voice was hollow, with his mind wondering on something else, something completely different, he clearly had no interest in listening to all of Bulma's bickering, sure, Yamcha had cheated on her about five times now, but he just didn't feel like putting up with it, a mistake should be learned after the first time, that doesn't mean you can make it over and over and over again.

The blue haired genius stopped and looked down at Goku, who was now picking at an invisible smudge on the table, "Hey! Are you even listening to me?" She stared at her friend for a moment and sighed, moving to sit beside him, "Hey, Goku... What's on your mind, kid?"

Goku gasped and looked at her, his eyes looking over the expressions on Bulma's face, "Huh? Yeah, sorry about that... Wait, what?"

Bulma frowned and put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing the spot softly, feeling worried now, "What's bugging you Goku? What's got your mind's attention?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it... If you don't mind..." Goku looked down again sadly, his shoulders slouched and he shifted in his seat, his hands now in his lap as he breathed slowly.

Bulma sighed and moved her hand from his shoulder to the middle of his back, rubbing the spot soothingly, "Goku? ... Come on..."

"I'm tired of being alone..." Goku began, hesitant at first, but he calmed when he realized talking about it might help a little, "I need someone Bulma... I just can't keep living alone, I... I want someone..."

Bulma sighed sadly and hugged Goku from the side, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "Aww... Goku... I'm sorry..."

Goku laid his head against Bulma's shoulder and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry Bulma... I just can't do this anymore, I need someone... I don't want to be alone anymore."




"N-N-No!! L-Let me go!! Don't touch me! S-Stay away! Let me go! Wh-What are you-Z-Zar-Aaaaahh-hhhhhh!!!!!!!!"



Drip-Drop-Drop-Drip-Drip -Drop-Drip-Drip-Drip-Drip... Drip...... Drip.......

Ha was alone... He was all alone...

The hot crimson liquid dripped off from his fingertips, landing in a large red pool on the floor, mixing in and drying in the carpet, sure to leave a permanent red blotch in the fabric... Tan Bronzing skin; coated with wounds, scratches, and bruises; Torn flesh, leaking out the liquid magma that burned through his very veins; his spandex suit torn up, the chest and stomach exposed and his leg skin shown through large fingernail holes in his spandex; he was curled into a tiny ball on the bed; his tail hanging limply around his rear, broken and fractured, blood coated the soft brown fur; leaking from between his legs......

He was torn. He was torn. From he outside in; he was torn. Laying there, his breath deep, swollen with pain and regret, voice ragged and edged from screaming; one hand gloved; the other not, however both feet wore boots. His hair spiked up into a tip; a mess, but that was usual. Tears stained his beautiful Saiyan face; mixed in with blood and dirt; however, shivers racked his tiny body as he lay there; holding onto his pillow with one hand; the other laying over the edge of the bed, where the 'dripping' took place.

He lay murmuring words to himself, sentences of phrases such as; "Oh please, oh please, oh please" and "I'm sorry I'm so worthless. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." came out from his throat as he choked back his sobs and asked his father to forgive him for how weak and pathetic he had become.

"Oh please, oh please..."

Finally, after much crying and torment and pacing inside his mind, the Prince had fallen asleep, his tears drying on his skin and bed sheets and his sobs discontinued, he was now at peace in his dreams, safe from the pain.




"Ugh... It's three in the morning..." Goku sighed as he sat back against the tub, flushing the toilet and wiping his mouth with his hand. He sat only for a moment and then stood, walking over to the sink to wash out his mouth and clean his hands; after he finished there he walked out; down the hallway and into the kitchen, he flicked on the light, "Three in the morning..." He mumbled to himself again, he pulled some tea out from the fridge and filled a few plates of food, then he sat himself by the TV and began eating.

Once he felt satisfied he stood again and began walking back to his room. The house was cold, empty and quiet, Goku live alone so it only felt even more cold, but he was use to waking up alone, eating alone and being alone. He slowly climbed into the bed, pulling the blankets up over his body and fell asleep.




Vegeta sighed as he pulled his armor on, straightening it to fit his small chest and then placed a scouter over his left ear, covering his eye in a plate of red. He picked himself up and fled from the room, walking briskly down the empty hallway, he glanced down at his feet for just a second and when he looked up he was slammed against the wall with much strength and speed, a large blue hand wrapped around his thin neck and chocked the life out of him, the Prince opened his eyes but as he did he was pulled away from the wall and brought into an empty room; the vision he saw through was blurred. He only had a moments breath and then he was thrown onto a bed, now he dared to open his eyes once again, he stopped them half-lidded when he felt a body, someone, climbing on top of him. Vegeta shivered, opening his eyes all of the way and gulped back a gasp, he now stared up into deep, cold black eyes; shaded with white hair and surrounded by orange skin, "J-Jeice...?" He felt the bed move again as two others climbed on as well, joining the twosome, Vegeta stared at them both in fear, "Reco-coom, Bu-Burter?..." His eyes widened more in shock and he swallowed nervously.

"Yeah, can you guess your name now?" Jeice ran a hand down Vegeta's stomach and slowly licked his lips as the small Saiyan kicked up at him, obviously not getting anywhere when the Orange man grabbed his leg, tightly gripping it enough to leave bruises, leaning down and licking Vegeta's inner thigh, nipping at the fabric and then digging his teeth in as bit into the Prince's flesh and drew blood, the liquid filling his mouth and at once he bit down harder.

Vegeta's eyes widened more, his hands clawed deep into the bed sheets as he gasped, he closed his eyes tight as he felt tears burn in and spill down his cheek, then he collected himself back together, pulling his free leg back and kicking Jeice in the face with his heel.

The orange skinned alien stopped and backed up with a chuckle, he scrubbed at his lips; now split and bleeding from the kick, "That's a nice way to treat me-"

"Fiesty isn't he?" Burter said smiling widely from his spot beside Vegeta.

Vegeta growled and glared at Burter, his eyebrows bleeding down into an angry 'V', "Fiesty? You're trying to rape me! What do you expect me to do?" Just as he was about to sit up both Recoom and Burter grabbed his arms and held him down as Jeice mounted him again.

"Let me go! What the hell do you think you are doing!? Get the fuck off me!" Vegeta began clawing against Burter and Recoom, he arched his back and began twisting around violently, kicking and screaming and thrashing against Jeice as the short Ginyu force member tore off Vegeta's armor and shirt, he pulled off his own clothes and finished unclothing the wild Prince underneath him.

"Damn you! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!"



Vegeta stared out into darkness; the stars shining brightly in the sky, he sighed; glancing down at the small card in his hand, on it was the code he'd been waiting for for five years now:


He smiled weakly and took a step back, turning around he retreated and went down the hall to another room, he typed in a few numbers and the door popped open, slowly and hesitantly he walked in, turning on no lights he walked though the dark room, and looked around at the small round space pods before him, finally he stepped up to one and pulled out a little remote, typing in a few numbers, the door opened and the Prince crawled in, sitting back he let the door close shut and began typing in the code; from the paper, into the machine, the spaceship then released a sleeping gas and Vegeta was out as the ship took off into the sky and out into space.




Well? What do you think? Review guys, should I continue on with this one or should I stop? You tell me! Reviewing and writing! Bye bye!
