The Legend of Zelda
Awakening Spells
By Rez

Disclaimer: I do not own LoZ: WW, Nintendo does! And this will probably be the last time I have to say it! I only own Rezu, Kezu, Jezu, Lezu, Mezu, Gornon/Rown and Gorkar.

Author's Note:

Rezu: I'm proud to say that this is the last chapter to Awakening Spells! I can't believe it! This is the first time I've ever finished chapter fic!

Rown: I believe you! Now, what was it you told me you'd tell the Readers?

Rezu: Oh yeah! .::looks to the Readers and smiles::. In this chapter, it will be full of Romance! So, I'm dedicating this chapter to all those who love Link/Tetra Romance! And I might just create a sequel... What do you Readers think?

Rown: Let's get on with the fic all ready!

Both: We're proud to present the Final Chapter to Awakening Spells: Eternity!

Chapter Thirteen

Link and Tetra made their way back to their spot very slowly, especially since it took a lot of energy out of Link just to use that Hurricane Spin to defeat Gornon. Still, it was worth the effort!

Once they reached their little spot between the Ocean Village and the Black Haven, Tetra helped Link lie down on the ground. If he were to have done it on his own, he would have just fell straight down!

Link smiled at Tetra as she sat beside him, staring at the starry sky above them. He thought for a minute that her eyes were shining, just like the stars. How good it felt to be rid of the great evil. Now they'd have nothing to worry about.

Tetra stared up at the sky, thinking.

'All right... It's now... or never... It's the perfect time to tell him...' "Umm... Link?"

Link slowly pulled himself up to sit, looking at her with his most gentle smile.

"What is it?"

"I... I've wanted to tell you something... Ever since we started this adventure... And now that it's finally ended... I think it's the perfect time to tell you..." Tetra began, blushing as she looked to him. "I... I love..."

Link's eyes widened, realizing what she was trying to say. His surprised look softened as he put two fingers to her lips, stopping her from continuing her nervous stuttering.

"You don't have to say it, Tetra... I know now... And I want you to know, that... I love you, too..." he admitted, putting his arms around her waist and pulling her close to his body.

Tetra blushed as their faces came closer together, just like earlier. Once their lips were only an inch apart, she knew that the Fairies would come in and interrupt. But, it never came. Link's lips had finally been able to meet with hers. She put her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

'I can't believe this... It's finally happening...' she thought, feeling his tongue shyly asking for entrance into her mouth.

She responded by letting him in; not with a plan to bite his tongue the way she did Gornon in her dream!

Link blushed, feeling a rush of happiness flow over him. He was holding his loved one close, and kissing her for that matter! Now this was truly Heaven! Not like his dream though, because this was real.

Farther away in the trees, the five Fairy sisters watched with interest. They watched in awe at the result of them not interrupting the two teens for once.

"Mezu-chan?" Kezu asked.


"Why don't you ever do that with the Messenger Fairy?"

Mezu almost screamed out in anger, but managed to keep that in and give a death glare. Kezu got the message and gulped, looking back to the couple.


Back with Link and Tetra, the two held that position for quite a long time! Probably like two or three minutes!

Tetra was the first to break the kiss, looking up into Link's eyes. She blushed bright pink at the gentle look he always gave her.

"I... love you..." she breathed, leaning her head on his chest.

Link smiled again, bringing Tetra down with him as he slowly lie back down. As they lie there, Link took his left hand and put it behind his head, leaving his right hand around Tetra as she lie on top of him.

The two looked up at the stars, then a shooting star appeared. Tetra gasped and whispered.

"Oh! Make a wish!"

Link chuckled, looking down at her.

"I don't have to... My wish has all ready come true..." was what he said to her, looking back up at the sky. "We'll be together... for all eternity..."

Tetra smiled, nodding and giving him a small peak on the lips before continuing to look up at the starry night above them.

For all eternity...

... Even in death...?

Just to be together... is my Heaven...

The Spell has awakened...

The Spell of Eternity...

We were bound to each other ever since we first met... A long time ago...

You were the Hero of Time... And I was the Princess of Hyrule...

We'd met back then, and we met again...

The Sleeping Spell cast upon us... is broken...

It was the Awakening Spell of Eternity...

The End