Double Trouble

Hey everyone, this is another fic that I'm writing but this is my second fic that I'm co-writing. Kurama's Girl is the other lovely writer of this fic. Here we go. Kurama's Girl and I both don't own any of the YYH characters only the one's that you don't recognize.

Chapter 1: Tough Act

I had one of the weirdest days imaginable.

We had another assignment. So, us girls went down to Makai to talk to the preschooler, the 'boss'.

You see before I continue I should tell you about myself first. Okay, I live in the Ningenkai, and go to school. I am or was a full demon; I just found out that I am partial human.

A while back, I was killed then I was able to come back to life using this spirit egg thing, and now, I have this really annoying, orangey-red, spirit beast, that's a cross between a rabbit and a penguin. Her name is Pri, and that is all that she says. It really gets annoying.

My friends Kora, Kurai, Hina, and I are what you might call the Spirit Detectives for the Makai. We deal with the pesky Spirit Detectives that Koenma sends out who stops demons from entering or leaving the Ningenkai. (Yes, I live in the Ningenkai, yet I deal with the Makai. After I'm done with school and college, I'm moving to the Makai. I don't like missing school.) I'm the 'leader' of the team, as well as the outgoing one. I would have to say that Kora is our strategist. Kurai is the smart and short tempered one. The kinder one would have to be Hina.

"Hey, girls. The preschooler got us another assignment," I sighed walking up to the three.

"Yeap, wonder what it's going to be this time," answered Kora.

"I hope it doesn't take long. You know I hate missing school," I replied as we walked up to her office door.

"Well luckily for you Kay, you assignment will be starting at school," the preschooler said as we entered.

"What is it?" I asked taking a seat.

"We found a location of another set of Koenma's detectives. They are in Japan. You four already know what to do once you find them. Here are pictures of each one." She handed each of us a picture.

I looked at the picture in front of me and saw something familiar about him.

In the picture, was a boy, around 14. He had slicked back jet-black hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a green jumpsuit. What is interesting was that on top of his head was a blue thing that looked like Pri.

"Wow, he's kinda cute!" said Hina.

I was on my way to school (surprisingly) when Botan told me that we had another mission.

Botan took me to the pacifier breath's office, where the others were already waiting.

"What no baby?" I asked. "If Keiko finds out that I'm not at school again then I'm dead. Even if I told her I had another mission."

"Well, don't worry Yusuke. Your mission is going to take place at school," Koenma told me.

"What is it?" asked Kurama.

"My older sister…"

"Wow, wait, you have a sister?" Kuwabara asked, surprised. Actually, we were all surprised but Botan.

"Yes, but my dad doesn't like to talk about her too much. Long story don't want to get into it," he stated cutting me off. "Anyway, we just found out that she has her own Spirit Detectives for the Makai."

"Cool, so now we're not the only ones," I said pleased.

"No, Yusuke. They do the opposite of what you do. They kill the Spirit Detectives on the Ningenkai. That's why you four have to find the resent team that she sends out," Koenma explained. Koenma handed each of us a picture of the detective that we have to take care of or something. I don't know I wasn't paying that much attention.

As I looked at the picture that, the baby gave me, the person in it looked familiar. She had long jet-black hair that was in a high ponytail and dark brown eyes. On top of her head was an orangey-red version of Puu.

"Attention students," a teacher called over her students' voices. The students looked up over to the teacher and quieted down. "Thank you, now if you would take your seats, I would like to introduce you all to our new student," she told them in a pleased voice. "Okay, everyone, this is Miss Kay… uh, I don't seem to see your last name," she said quietly to the girl next to her.

"That's because I don't have one," Kay answered.

"Well then. Class, this is Miss Kay." She motioned to the girl. "Why don't you tell us about yourself?"

"No, thanks. I can we sit?" Kay asked kind of annoyed.

"Oh, right behind Mr. Urameshi. Will you raise your hand?" The boy did as the teacher was told and raised his hand.

You the detective I'm looking for? came a voice in his head.

You the detective I'm looking for? he asked back.

Well I guess I'm going to have to take care of you, but not until school is out, she said in his head then breaking the connection.

Yusuke turned around a bit confused.

"Since when does demons care about education?" he asked

"Since when does ningens care what youkais do?" she snapped back annoyed. Man, this is detective going to have a very painful death if he keeps on bugging me like this, Kay thought angrily paying attention to the lesson that the teacher was teaching, totally ignoring the pestering that Yusuke was doing.

Later after the final bell rang, two detectives were getting ready to do a show down. Well, to be honest they were staring at each other confused. You see, they were starting to attack each other when after they began to fight they realized that they both couldn't win. They were both even and knew exactly what the other was going to do, even their personality was the same.

"Who are you?" Yusuke asked slightly panting.

"I can ask you the same questioned. This is suppose to be an easy job," Kay said peeved then disappeared.

There's the first chapter. What do you all think? Well, the next chapter I believe is going to be written by Kurama's Girl. So, until then enjoy the wait or any other of either of our other fics that we wrote, no not together.