This is my first try at a Pirates of The Caribbean Fan Fic, so please be gentle. The name for the ship the gauntlet came from the Xena:Warrior Princess Universe, even though it wasn't the name of a ship, it was what she went through when she was betrayed by her army, i'll put a disclaimer up anyway. The name Ravenica also came from Xena, lol. Also, I don't own any of the characters from The Priates of The Caribbean, so don't sue me, I have nothing of value. I have... 35 cents and a stick of gum. If you want that, your welcome to it.

okay i think thats it now, on to story :) I realize it really isn't funny yet but, don't worry it will get better.

okay now you can read the story.. don't let me stop you! lol oh yeah Read and Review please! I love that stuff!

"If You Only Knew"
Chapter 1

"Stuck On Some Stupid Island"

I sat on a beach of some island, I wasn't sure which one it was, nor did I care. My Auburn hair blew in the small breeze that came from the ocean. I sighed now what was I to do, sit here for the rest of my life. Hell, no, that was not about to happen. I was the Captain of a crew that I thought would never betray me. Boy, was I wrong, at first thought of having riches and gold, they betrayed me. They follow the hopes of my first mate of following a map to treasure, stupid fools. Just when I thought I could trust everyone aboard, they shatter my trust and leave me stuck on this island with nothing but a pistol. I wasn't going to shoot myself; I was to smart for that. I would find someway off of this damn island and go for the revenge that was going to be very sweet. I drank the rum that I had in a flask. I always had a few small ones in my pockets, for emergences such as this. I took a drink, thinking of a plan to get off of this island. Any plan as long as it would work. I looked at my surroundings and thought about what I could make into a raft. When darkness fell upon me I laid on the beach next to a small fire, I fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke but hadn't opened my eyes. I knew someone was there but I didn't know who. I continued to pretend as if I was sleeping as who ever had decided to stop at this stupid island walked closer to me. I felt them at my side; I could feel a warm breath on my face. My eyes shot open to look at the figure. I startled him enough; he backed up and eyed me.

"What do you want?" I asked, fists ready to strike the figure. I eyed him, he was somewhat tall, and he had black hair in halfway dreadlocks. I looked him up and down, he had deep brown eyes that never seemed to end, and his body was tan and very well built. I waited for his answer, as he looked me up and down just the same.

"Well, hello, luv." He said I just looked at him. "What ye be doin on this... island?"

"My crew betrayed me and left me for dead. Who are you?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of him.

"I be Captain Jack Sparrow, luv." He said, moving closer to me. "Do ye have a name?"

"Captain Ravenica Robins." I stated with pride, standing up straighter. "I've heard of you before."

He raised a brow. "Aye, as I had heard of ye. How would ye like to get off of this island?"

"And how would that be possible?" I questioned, I hadn't noticed the ship that was in the waters.

"By me ship." He grinned

"What made you stop here?" I wondered

"Ah, just came to pick up some rum from me stash." He grinned. I gave a confused nod.

"Well, what do ye say, you want off of this island?"

"Why do ye want to help me?" I asked quickly, confused as to why a fellow pirate would want to help me.

"Ah, I know what its like to be marooned myself, luv. Its not the greatest in the world."

I nodded, that was for sure.

"How long ye been on this island?" he asked

"4 days."

"Ah, then ye must be starving." I nodded quickly.

"Yes, very much starving."

"Come, to me ship." He grinned, his gold-capped teeth showing. I followed him quietly to the rowboat and onto the ship.

"Welcome to The Black Pearl." Jack grinned

"The Black Pearl?" I questioned, not letting the confusion show over my features.

"Aye." He smiled once again

I had never actually seen the infamous Black Pearl. But, like every other pirate I heard of the stories. That it was crewed by the damned, When the Pearl went after what she wanted, and she took it without hesitation. I looked at my surroundings, watching various crew members scurry around the deck. She was much larger than the ship I had gotten booted off 4 days ago. I wanted my ship back more than anything. It was my fathers ship; he had given it to me when he was dying. I knew them damn pirates were treating my ship badly and I wanted it back. So deep in my thoughts I hadn't even noticed that Jack had disappeared, he was now at the helm.

"Would ye like some food?" a man questioned, I quickly turned on my heel and looked at him. He was shorter than me, but I guess a lot of people are when you are nearly 6 feet tall.

"Yes, thank you." I followed the short, gray haired man to the gallows. He set a plate in front of me; I began to eat wildly.

"How long it been since ye ate?" the man questioned

"4 long days." I said, stuffing my face some more.

"Aye, what's ye name?" "Captain Ravenica Robins." I stated, taking a breath before digging in again.

"I'm Gibbs, it's a pleasure to meet ye."

"Yeah yeah." I said, waving him away.

He gave a chuckle. "Aye, I'll let you to eat. When you're finished come to the deck."

I nodded. After a few minutes I was to stuffed to eat anymore. I leaned back slightly in the chair, taking in the musty smell of the old ship. I walked back up to the deck and took in my surroundings. I looked to the helm Gibbs had taken over. I walked over to him and gave him a smile.

"Where are we headed?" I asked

"I dunno, ye would have to ask the captain."

I slowly nodded. "And where would I find him?"

"In his cabin id suspect."

"Thank ye." I smiled and walked away. I slowly approached the door to the captain's cabin. I knocked quietly, not wanting to wake him if he was asleep. "Come in." he called from the other side of the door. I slowly walked in; the room was rather large, a table sat with two chairs on each side of it. A large dresser sat at the other end of the room, against the wall. He lay on his bed; I looked him up at down, nice body I noted to myself.

"Sorry if I woke ye." I said quietly

"Aye, its alright, what do you need luv."

"Well for one, don't call me luv. And for two, where are we headed?" I questioned, looking Jack over. I had to admit, he had a rather nice body. "Tortuga Luv. Where else..." I cut him off, annoyed.

"Don't call me luv."

"Sorry, Tortuga, Ravenica." he said sarcastically

I gave a small smile. "I have a proposition for you."

He sat up and looked at me. I could tell he was intrigued. "And what would that be?"

"I want to go after my ship, The Gauntlet." I stated simply

His eyes perked up. "Why would ye want to do that?"

"I want to take me ship back and get a new crew. You know better than anything Captain Jack Sparrow, ye ain't a very good pirate captain, without a ship."

He nodded, slowly. "Aye, I will think about ye proposition."

"All I ask of ye." I smiled "I'll let ye get back to your rest."

I walked back out onto the deck, closing the door quietly behind me. I had to think of a plan to get my love back, but what would it be. It had to be unexpected on my crew. They knew me well but I could use an element of surprise.