Chapter one: Get lost in the forest with your partner game

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...

OK! On with the story!

The morning sunshine has rose and all the flowers are in bloom.....One girl has already woke up and is now stretching her arms.... She tossed her pink hair and got up....It has indeed been a wonderful night for all of the groups. They had just finished their mission and celebrated last night with full of drinks and food. By 1 o' clock am, all of them got sleepy and went to their sleeping bags. The time now is 7 o' clock am and Sakura was the very first to rise.

As Sakura fixed her sleeping bag, she thought [That night was fun! I hoped it could last forever! Especially when Sasuke danced with me! The feeling was so good...Too bad Ino had to but in...Life pest...Always has to steal Sasuke away from me....] Just then, someone pinched her....

"Oww! What was that for?" asked Sakura, rubbing her arms and looking at the one who pinched her....It was Naruto...

"Your body may be awake but your mind sure isn't." said Naruto, going back to his sleeping bag and fixing it.....

"What do you mean?" asked Sakura, annoyed.

"You've been zipping your sleeping bag the wrong way for like, 3 minutes." He answered.

"Oh....I've been thinking of something...." said Sakura, now combing her hair. Naruto looked at the pink haired girl....For the past years they've been training, he has always liked Sakura. But of course, like Ino, Sakura has her sights on Sasuke. [Someday Sakura, I know you will like me as I like you] Naruto thought..... After like, 10 minutes, all of them woke up and prepared. Sakura was the first one to finish, so, after she took her shower, she got out of the house, carrying her bag and sat down on the ground. [How can I get Sasuke's heart when he has his sights on Ino? I'm much prettier than her...How come Sasuke likes her better? Come to think of it, the only reason Sasuke danced with me was because I persuaded him...When Ino only had to say that no one wants to dance with her and then he forgets about me and dances with Ino......I hate her!] thought Sakura....

Then, someone distracted her thoughts....again...

Sakura got angry and jumped up and looked at the one who threw that bouquet of flowers on her...It was Neji....

Sakura looked down at the flowers...Neji went beside her as she and he sat down...

"What is this for?" asked Sakura, raising an eyebrow and pointing at the flowers...

"For apologies....I guess...I'm sorry I stole your pudding last night...It's just that Ten-ten wanted pudding and she dropped hers and I already ate mine...Your pudding was the only one left....I guess. I'm sorry..." said Neji, looking down...

Sakura smiled and laughed...

"I really don't want pudding...So it's okay if you stole mine just to give it to ten-ten...." said Sakura, smelling the flowers...

Neji looked happy and he and Sakura had a little chat...

Just then, ten-ten was finished packing up and was about to go out when he saw Sakura and Neji together, having fun, and she saw the flowers that Neji gave Sakura for apologies. But she thinks that he gave it to her because Neji likes SAkura ...Her mouth opened...She hid behind the door and thought....

[I thought Sakura likes Sasuke...Why is she flirting with Neji like that? And does Neji like Sakura? I can't believe this! No! It can't be! I thought for sure Neji liked me...That's okay...That'll teach me to never believe anything a boy would say...Grrrrr...How I hate both of them!]

Ino just saw ten-ten hiding behind the door and growling...She was staring at something...Ino followed ten-ten's stare and saw Sakura laughing with Neji....Ino frowned

[That Sakura has gone too far! First he tries to steal Sasuke away from me and now he steals Neji from ten-ten? That's it! Ten-ten's my friend.....I can't see her getting a break down...I'm breaking Sakura and Neji's scene right now...] thought Ino...

Then, she passed ten-ten and went outside to see Sakura throwing some grass at Neji...She stepped on Sakura's hands and pushed Neji down...

"Ow! What was that for Ino?" asked Sakura, rubbing her hands...

Neji stood up and cleaned his clothes....

"Violent reactions??" asked Neji, grabbing his load...

Ino smirked...

"Sorry! I was just passing by because I saw a little squirrel right there...I was planning to catch it..." said Ino, straightening her clothes as she sat on the front steps and watched Sakura and Neji....

Sakura got up and got her bag, as she took her load and hopped as she followed the brick road.

Neji went up the front steps and went inside....

As he passed the main door, he saw ten-ten hidden behind the door, frowning at Neji.

Neji smiled

"You finished packing I see...Let me help..." said Neji, reaching for ten-ten's bags...but ten-ten pulled them away from Neji's reach.

Neji laughed.

"I'm not going to steal them or anything....I just wanna help" he said

Ten-ten stared at Neji then said

"I can carry my own bag! Go carry yours!" blasted Ten-ten

Then she got up and and went outside to sit with Ino

Neji looked at Ten-ten's turned back on him.

[What did I do wrong? Was it my hair? Or my breath?] thought Neji....

Just then, all of the other group members were done packing up and were now going out of the house...

So Neji Just stopped thinking about it and went with the gang....

When all of them were ready to go, they waved goodbye to Naruto inside the house...

Sakura looked shocked

"Are you staying here, Naruto?" asked Sakura

When Naruto was about to answer, Ino had to but in

"Of course he will stay because he needs to do a type of training here. He'll be waiting for his teacher. You never know anything, brat!" said Ino, staring at Sakura...

Sakura groaned.

Then, Sasuke began walking.

"Hey Sasuke! Wait for me!" Ino shouted as she ran beside Sasuke....

All of the gang began to walk... After 1 hour of walking, all of them got tired and noticed that they were lost in the middle of the forest...

"Great! What are we going to do?" asked Lee, sitting down under an oak tree.

Ino placed her bags down and looked around...

Sakura sat down and panted....

Neji looked around too...

"We don't know the way to the place we are going to so I think we should split up and look around." Said Neji....

"OK then! Let's see..." said Lee

Ino held Sasuke's hand

"I go with Sasuke!" said Ino....

"No! Ino goes with me!" said Shikamaru...

Lee smiled and approved

Ino groaned...

"Ok then...Neji goes with Ten-ten and Sasuke goes with.....

Hahahahah!!! This is such a complicated story! More cliffhangers coming up...Hahahaahaha!! I won't update no longer...Flame all you want! HAhahahaha! Just kidding...I'll update maybe sooner or later....