Chapter title: Trapped

Author's notes:

Sorry for updating late...I really have been stressing on schoolwork...Sorry about that...


I do not own Naruto...Everyone knows that....

Ok then! Let's start this chappie!

"NOW WILL ALL OF YOU BE QUIET!!" shouted Naruto....

That made all of them shut up...

"You don't know what has happened to Sakura...You don't have the right to talk to her like that!" said Hinata, loosing her shyness, and instead, replaced with a fury, burning, angry voice...

Ino looked shocked...

"Well, what happened then?" asked Chouji, still angry at Sakura for stepping on the marshmallows...

"I don't think we can still tell you just yet..." said Naruto...


Uh! I can do this! Sakura, don't give up!

For the past hour, Sakura went to her favorite place, and took out a scroll that she got from her parent's bedroom...

She already have mastered a few techniques....Now, she was at her fifth technique...

Suddenly, a dove flew above her and a note landed on her feet...

Sakura bent down and took the note...

Dear Sakura,

I can see that you are training well...I can't wait for the day we meet and fight to the end...I just wanted to tell you to come at the house deeper inside the forest for you will see your precious friends there, all of them hostages....Think about it, my cherry blossom...



Sakura crumpled the paper and fumed with anger...

Sure, she was now a heartless person, but hurting her friends is too much...

She began to depart deeper into the forest, trying to find a house...


"Wow....Everybody is awfully quiet..." said Ino...

Neji glared at her for breaking the silence...

Chouji stood up...

"I'll just make some smores...Who wants some?" asked Chouji as he got a bag of marshmallows...

"At a time like this you can still eat?" asked Shika lazily, his eyes challenging him to close it.

Chouji nodded.

Naruto got bored with this and he finally thought of something fun to do...

"Hey everyone! I'm gonna sing you a song about bonfires!" exclaimed Naruto happily as he got his guitar...

All of them looked dumbstrucked except for Neji and Sasuke.

"Naruto! Don't-

But it was too late...

"Oooh! Lalalala!


Let me go sing my campfire son-"

Sasuke had threw a rock at Naruto, to stop him from singing...

"Dobe..." muttered Sasuke...

Suddenly, Neji felt someone's chakra nearing them...

Hinata noticed Neji's facial expression...

"Neji??....Wh...What's wrong?" asked Hinata nervously...

Neji did a couple of hand seals and then shouted 'Byakugan!'

Suddenly, Sasuke felt this too...

All of them began to feel it...

Hinata was looking around nervously...

Hinata....Uh...Don't be scared....Everyone is here-

Someone has grabbed Hinata's waist and was now carrying her deeper into the forest....

Hinata looked up to see....

Oh my gosh...Can it be??!?!?!

Itachi looked down at her...

"Well, I don't know who you are but I promised myself to make all of Sakura's friends hostages...

Hinata looked shocked...

She was unable to speak...

Suddenly, Itachi began to jump from tree to tree and they were soon inside a house...

Itachi threw Hinata at a very dusty sofa...Then, he tied her arms and legs together, then placed a handkerchief over her mouth...

"This house is jutsu-proofed...I'm the only one who can use my chakra, so you won't be able to use your precious techniques...But just to make sure, I'll be making some shadow clones to guard...." said Itachi and jumped out of the house...

Hinata struggled...

I...have to get out of here....Please....What can I do??

Just then, Hinata heard a large thump on the ground...

Hinata looked down and saw Sasuke and Neji...Both arms and feet tied...But, they still don't have any handkerchief over their mouths...You could guess what Sasuke would do...

"Itachi! You bastard! I'm gonna kill you!" screamed Sasuke, fire starting to rise in his throat.

Itachi smirked and jumped away...

Neji was struggling...

"Maybe you could try stopping doing that because that is a very special rope..." said someone from the windows.

The three of them stopped what they're doing and looked at the speaker...

It was a girl their age...She has blue sparkling eyes and long, brown hair...She was very beautiful that at this sight, Sasuke calmed down.

Sasuke! What are you thinking?!!?! She's a stranger! You don't even know her!

"I'm a girl from the sand, and I could tell that that is a special rope...The more you struggle, the more it tightens, which could stop your blood circulation...." said the girl as she entered the small house.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" asked Neji coldly.

"I'm just someone....There's no need to know my name...And I come from the Sand..." said the girl as she got near Hinata.

Hinata backed away, she was quite scared.

"You don't have to be scared...I'll be right back..." said the girl and she suddenly disappeared.

"What the heck-


The three looked down and saw Naruto with Lee.

Both of them were struggling...And their hands and feet were tied too...

"Guys! What are you doing here?" asked Naruto confused.

Sasuke and Neji glared at him.

"Ok then...I'll just get the others for tomorrow...Never fret...I'm here..." said Itachi and then he jumped away.

"What the heck??? Was that Orochimaru?" asked Naruto thoughtfully.

Lee threw a stone at him.

"That was Itachi! You're so stupid! At least, I know who Itachi is!" Lee said, laughing so hard.

Sorry if this chapter sucks...I just had to update...Full of sweetness next chapter...You might wanna bring a toothpick...Hehehe...Sorry again for updating late!