Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or The Breakfast Club.

Author's note: Ah closure! Wonderful thing isn't it? Here's the end!

Chapter 10: The Essay

"Okay, so here's what we're going to do…" Harry and the girls huddled together and went over the plan. Numerous times they had to retreat to their normal positions as the "check ins" began to take place closer together every time. The map, keeping them in the clear every time.

After the numerous amounts of "check ins" belonged to Professor Snape and only Professor Snape they began to wonder just what had happened to Professor McGonagall. Was she dead or something?

"Okay Ginny, your wand," Hermione beckoned for Ginny's wand and began murmuring various incantations under her breath. A few minutes passed and Hermione quit muttering and smiled as exact replicas of each of them appeared in their seats quiet and patient.

"You sure this will work?" Harry asked skeptically.

"Oh ye of little Faith! Shame on you, Harry, doubting the best witch in the whole school," Ginny put her arm around Hermione and gave a squeeze, "I believe you Hermy!"

"Icks-nay on the Ermy-hay," Hermione said, "But thank you very much Ginny. Now let's get out of here!"

Cho pulled a desk bellow what looked like an air vent and stood up on it to magically take off the cover. When it was off she jumped of and Ginny climbed up and through the shaft, from the inside she gradually make the whole bigger to accommodate everyone else. When everyone was up Hermione returned everything back to normal and they set off crawling through the vent.

"Wait, why would Hogwarts have an air conditioning system? No electricity remember?" Harry asked.

"If you'd have read Hogwarts, A History you'd know that it's not an air conditioning system but an Elf Shaft." Hermione huffed.

"An Elf Shaft?" Cho sounded bewildered, or at least from what you could hear in the echoic "shaft".

"Oh! I've heard of these, Dad used to have to remove them from old mansions before muggles bought them. It's the way house elves used to get around before they were taught magic," Ginny informed them.

"Learn something knew everyday," Harry mumbled as he sidestepped a spider web.

"We should be just above the Library now," Ginny announced.


They felt the floor underneath them collapse as they fell through the rafters above the library, sending debris everywhere. In all this commotion they managed to trigger the domino effect among the bookcases and watched in awe as each one kept falling one after another.

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! (and so on)

"Smooth guys, real smooth," Malfoy said as he offered Hermione a hand up. She took it, blushing.

"Harry's got something to say," Cho said as she pushed an unwilling Harry to his feet and shoved him right to Malfoy.

"Thanks guys," sarcasm dripped from Harry's words.

"No problem," smiled Ginny and they all waited for Harry to speak.

"We did some talking back at the classroom before we left and decided that we all had a pretty good time this Saturday even if we all got detention," Harry took a breath," And we wanted to offer up a truce."

"A truce?" Malfoy looked confused.

"Yeah a truce, like an agreement between two parties-," Hermione began.

"I know what a truce is Hermione," Malfoy said a little annoyed, "What I don't get is why."

An awkward silence filled the room as Harry mentally punished himself for being so stupid and offering peace.

"I thought we already had one," said Malfoy. And as everyone began to realize what he said a smile began to creep slowly across his face. Harry punched him in the shoulder.

"Make me feel like an ass would you?" Harry said jokingly.

"You know it never gets old."

They all sat around in a circle telling each other anecdotes of their past. They had just come off a good laugh when Draco told them about how Crabbe had a crush on Hermione for like two years and would use to pretend his pillow was her every night. Hermione was unfortunately mentally disturbed from that point on.

"Hey, what about the Essay?" Ginny asked all of a sudden. Everyone looked startled.

"What about you Hermione? You want to right it up for us?" Cho asked.

"You guys sure? How will I know what to say?" Hermione asked.

"We trust you," Malfoy said, "Make it sound cool."

"Alright," Hermione sighed and took the parchment to a corner by the window so she could think.

To pass the time Ginny and Cho played a game of Exploding Snap while Draco and Harry talked about Quidditch making wild gestures with their hands. The peace in the room was ideal compared to the awkward silence in the beginning of the day. Just when Hermione declared that she was done the library doors burst open to reveal a speechless and horribly purple Snape.


They all smiled at each other and made their way past Snape one by one careful not to look him in the eye, except for Draco. He marched straight up to Snape and slapped the essay in his hand and walked out, catching up to Hermione and slinging his arm over her shoulder.

Snape clutched the letter in his hands and read it:

Professor Snape,

We think that it's incredibly insane of you to assign us this Essay to force us to recall on everything we've done wrong. We know what we did and we served the time for it, even if your opinions on punishment are in one way or another warped to your liking. We've taken a vote and have decided to take it up with the headmaster on your behavior and the absence of Professor McGonagall in the process.

To get to the point, we think that writing essays don't teach us anything about life. In some way we owe you a thank you for patching up the bonds between houses this Saturday. See you next Saturday!


The Rebel, The Prude, The Brain, The Jock, and the Tissue Box

PS: Sorry about the library!

Author's Note: Thanks for reading and being patient! And let me know if you like the ending!
