Chapter 8: Do You Or Do You Not?

"Rei? Why are you so curious about me and Kai?" Kaili finally asked in a huff, as she gave Rei a kind look, yet her eyes were annoyed. "Is there something about me or Kai that bugs you?"

"Oh, no, you're fine, and so is Kai, it's just...are you two" Rei rolled his eyes as he put his two index fingers next to each other as if to symbolize a couple in love. "Together?"

"Nooooo...." Kaili extended her vowel as she looked at Rei with one eyebrow raised. "Why do you ask, Rei?" she blinked.

"Well...before he took off to look for some where safe did you see the way he looked at you? Don't you see the way he looks at you, or doesn't look at you?" Rei asked too many questions.

"Kai and I are just good friends, I care about him, and he cares about me, it's what friends do" Kaili explained, "I've known Kai for the longest time I can remember, he's always been there for me...he may be cold and mean sometimes, but I know he cares about me, and I like being with him. Fate just brought us together..."

"Don't make it obvious that you like him or anything, Kaili" Rei looked at Kaili, unimpressed. "I knew it, you like Kai!" Rei exclaimed aloud.

"Shut up, I do not!" Kaili gave a dirty look to the male half cat-demon who seemed to be having a blast now that he had found out something about Kaili. "I just care for him, okay, doesn't mean I like him or anything, and if you ask me, I think he's a jerk!"

"I never knew you felt that way..." Kaili and Rei turned around to peer at Kai.

"Kai, I didn't mean it...I just..." Kaili stammered as she stood up, quickly.

"You just what...?" Kai snapped at Kaili "I've done everything for you Kaili and you show no thanks, which is a real human like thing to do..."

"You were human too!" Kaili shouted back, as she raised her tone.

"You two fight like a married couple..." Rei sighed heavily; as he watched, Kai and Kaili go at it.

"SHUT UP!" they both yelled at Rei as the poor half-demon, both gave the same look, and the same tone of voice. Rei slowly back away.

"I didn't mean it like that; Rei wouldn't get off my back about me and you!" Kaili screamed at Kai.

"About us, there is nothing special between us Kaili, keep dreaming!" Kai belted back, as Kaili growled through her clenched teeth.

"That's what I was saying, idiot!" Kaili unclenched her teeth, as she rapidly unclenched and clenched her fists, as if say she was going to punch Kai. "Kai, Rei told me that you look at me funny, do you or do you not like me?"

"Do you?" Kai's tone simmered, as he looked down at Kaili, who was on the verge of crying. "In what way?"

"In the way I like you, love, you dumb-head!" Kaili's started to cry, her emotions were like an arubrics cube right now, all mixed up, and could only be solved my the cleaver who tried, and had patience to get a whole face of one color, in this situation a emotion.

"What?" Kai asked, taking a step back on his left foot, as if waiting to run away in fear from the human girl who was acting like a wild tiger.

"I love you Kai, and always have, do you love me back?" Kaili asked; as she took a step back herself.

"I'm sorry Kaili, but, I've only sworn to protect you, not fall in love with you, plus, how could I ever love a human as complex as you?" Kai whispered back as Kaili's tears turned into waterfalls down her smooth cheeks. "C'mon, I found somewhere for all of us..." Kai slowly started walking, as Rei tried to comfort Kaili.

The raven-haired half demon hugged Kaili's shoulders, as even gave her a kiss to turn himself into a small kitten, as she had first found him.

"Rei...I'm fine..." Kaili kissed Rei's paw, as he turned human once more.

"Are you sure?" Rei asked, as Kaili nodded.

"Here..." Kai made the other two stop, as they all looked up at a small ruined building, nothing new, all the buildings looked the same, as the entered darkness swallowed them.

"Rei, I'm not okay, I'm sacred of the darkness..." Kaili clung to Rei,

"Here..." Rei gave Kaili his hand, as he smiled. "Just don't let go, okay, and you'll be fine..." Kaili nodded. Kali held Rei's hand, as Kai made them stop again.

"Here, we'll rest here tonight..." Kai said, as he looked at Rei and Kali who both nodded. Kaili let go of Rei's hand as she sat complete darkness. Giving Rei's hand a kiss, Rei turned into a small tuxedo kitten again, as he curled up near Kaili's waist, keeping her safe. Kai watched the two as the small kitten gave a yellow-eyed glare at the angel.

"Gimme' a break, the girls a weirdo..." Kai whispered a snap at Rei, as the kitten turn the other way, lying on top of Kaili's arms. "Whatever..."


Kannbi: Poor Kaili, good thing Rei's there...TT.TT