Hitoshizuku (A Drop of Water)

I turn Yusuke into a girl! laughs --evilly until Jin hits her up side the head--

Jin: Urameshi is going ta skin ya alive lass

Only if a certain wind demon goes and tells him. --Blinks a moment and then glomps Jin-- JINNY!!! You came!

Jin: Yipe! --Gets knocked over-- Ow... Well, course I'd be 'ere. Yer goin' ta need all the help ya can get after Urameshi sees this

Yeah --, so I guess I should get this started. Like I said before, Yusuke turns into a girl because he falls into the spring of drown girl in the Jusenkyou springs. What changes will he and the rest of the team go through? What is the demon that they had to chase into China? And the most important question, can I get Yusuke to wear a dress? I'll have to ask Keiko for help on that one.

OH!!! OH!!! Far warning that this is Yusuke/Kuwabara shonen-ai!!! I'll tell you now so if you don't believe in the power of love, leave now! But I love the stuff and there should be more Yusuke/Kuwabara, so as my true love for the pairing, I shall raise this fic and when it has grown to survive, I shall release it back into the wild and we shall monitor its progress...

Jin: Ya sound like one of them animal population restorer people

Well it's true!!! There are not enough! Especially long ones with good plots and written with good detail. So I'm going to give it a shot

Yusuke: --Kicks door down, seriously pissed-- USAGI!!! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR COTTON TAIL ASS!!!

Eep... --Runs for her life--

Yusuke: --Chases-- We're be having hasenpfeffer tonight!!!

Jin: --Sweat drop-- Well, sad ta say the lass had it coming to her --Turns to readers-- Well, she could be a while. Usagi Youkai does not own Yu Yu Hakusho, which is probably for the best. And really, if you don't like Yusuke/Kuwabara, please dun flame. Ye weren't forced to read it

--Still running for her life-- JINNY!!! HELP!!!

Jin: --sighs-- I better help her, or ye won't have a fic to read --goes to help the authoress--


In the dark of Asia, deep in darkness like a pool of dark water, you can hear the thumping of paws on the wet ground as dark shadows almost flew across the damp land. Red eyes flashing in the black shadows from the cloudy sky, which opened up to let water pour onto the ground. The dark gave them cover, to carry their victims to their master.

The four legged shadows rushed into the woods and slowed down to a trot. They could almost be invisible in the forest except for the other shadows of the victims they had, who cried and pleaded to be let go, but the shadows did not hear them, only the call of their master. The shadows stopped abruptly at a rustle in the trees and a human figure leapt out. It was a young man, wet from the rain pouring down, landed onto the earth with little sound. He stood, and shoulder length damp red hair was brushed back from miss colored eyes; one yellow, one orange.

One of the victims, an old man, spoke something in Chinese, asking the man to let the others go and to not harm them; the other victims where his family, his son and daughter-in-law with their two children, a little boy and his baby sister. The red haired man chuckled at the plea

"Then you must answer my questions old human" he said "Then maybe I won't feed the little ones to my minions" he gestured to the two children, who were crying and speaking pleas in their native language

"Let them all go" the old man said in English "They have nothing to do with this..."

"Do you think I care?" he asked "I WANT to kill you all old man, but I need you. You can't haggle lives with me. That is... if you have what I want..." the old man stayed silent, not wanting the man to kill his grandchildren "Good, now..." He snapped his fingers and the two shadows that held the little boy and girl dropped their prisoners. The two siblings immediately hurried to one another and embraced each other. The red headed man laughed again "I shall let them go, but only for sport. If I do not get the information from you I shall sent my minions to hunt them down for a slow, pain filled death each"

There was a moment of silence before the old man turned to his grandchildren and told them to run away as fast as they could in Chinese. They started to protest leaving their family, but their grandfather scolded them for not listening and they looked at each other and then got to their feet, running away from the forest. The red headed man chuckled

"This hunt will calm my rage" he said "Let the questions begin then..."


China, the country with more than half the world's population, but it turns out that that population is falling steadily for disappearances of humans, by what witnesses say was a pack of shadows. Koenma sent his best group of spirit detectives... the Urameshi team... And they were hot on the demons' trail...

It was morning as Yusuke looked around the area. There were lots of trees, and a dirt road that forked off into 5 different directions. "Uh..." he said "Where the hell are we?"

Well... more or less...

"I think we're somewhere in Beijing" Said Kurama as he was looking at a map, which was, unfortunately, in Chinese. But he remembered studying China in class, so he knew the names of the places.

"Oh yeah, that helps" Yusuke said sarcastically "Like I know where Beijing is" Kurama sweat dropped

"It's in China" Hiei said in an aspirated tone "And it's where Koenma said the last abduction was"

"I know that" Yusuke said "But where in Beijing?"

"I think to... the northwest" Kuwabara spoke up "I sense some demons over there"

"Well, we finally found a use for the idiot" Hiei said with a smirk "A demon radar"

"Shut up shrimp!" Kuwabara snapped, balling his fists "It's not like you can sense them very well!"

Kurama shook his head at the two's bickering and Yusuke just laughed as they fought. Kurama folded up the map and walked in the direction that Kuwabara had instructed, walking up a hill on one of the paths. The red head peered over the hill to see a not so pretty site. He came face to face with a mass of blood, bones, and an overwhelming blast of demon sent so strong it made him take a step back.

On the ground was a small cracked human skull and some other bone splinters that the attackers had missed. There was no organs left of the body, save for some black hair that was still clinging to the shattered skull pieces, which was missing its brain.

Kurama ignored the smell and bent down to get a closer look. If anything, it looked like the victim was young, the skull was small and not fully grown.

"Hey Kurama, what'd ya... eww" Kuwabara stopped in mid sentence and grimaced at the scene. Yusuke also wrinkled his nose at the blood. Hiei just acknowledged it and shrugged; after the Dark Tournament with all the demon killing, they weren't very surprised by the site, but the fact that it was human ruffled the other humans up a little

"Well we know the demons aren't afraid to kill" Hiei concluded "I say Kuwabara dies first"

"Shut up!"

They then all heard crying and all turned to behind some trees, which looked like an elephant had tried, and succeeded, to ram through the trees.

"Anyone hear that?" Yusuke asked

"Sounds like a human" said Hiei

"Someone's in the brush" said Kuwabara.

Yusuke was the first to make a move. He quietly walked over to the broken trees, searching for the crying. The others soon followed, keeping alert, sensing the presence of demons everywhere. It was so intense that they weren't sure if the demons where still around or not. Kuwabara was especially jumpy from his high spiritual awareness.

"Man, how many demons were around here?" the orange haired teen asked "It's like this place is flooded with demon energy" it all sent a shiver up his spine as even a few human souls were in the ocean of demon aura.

"Well if they do come back around here we'll kick some ass" Yusuke said and he came to where he had heard the noise, which had stopped when they had approached

"It sounded like it came from under the fallen trees" said Kurama as he moved around where the crying had come from. Yusuke bent down and looked in between the fallen trees, only to be stared back at with big brown eyes.

"What the..." he said and he looked at the others, pointing at where he saw the eyes "Hey, there's a little kid in there!"

The little girl shut her eyes and mumbled prays in Chinese. She didn't want to die. She had to tell someone what happened. Tears weld up from pain. Her leg was caught under the trees and her one arm was bleeding badly. She let out a whimper of pain, but then she saw bright light and she covered her eyes as two of the trees above her were moved with ease.

"It is a child" Kurama confirmed as his vines removed the trees from over the little girl "She's also injured" the girl shied away from the kitsune

"Yao mo" she said in a whisper

"What did she say?" Kuwabara asked

"I'm not sure" Kurama said thoughtfully "I haven't learned much Chinese yet"

The little girl was only about 4 years old with short black hair that was messy and knotted from the attacking demons, and scared brown eyes.

"Yao mo" the little girl repeated

"Well what ever she said, let's get her out of there" Yusuke said and they soon got the girl out of the splintering wood.

Hiei pretty much ignored the others as he looked around the destroyed trees. There was hardly one standing and it looked as though the trees had been bitten and clawed at. Blood was everywhere from animals that had gotten in the way of the demon tornado that had passed through here. Dead birds, deer, squirrels, even a few bears littered the ground

"These demons were not very hungry if they can kill a whole forest and not eat any of it" Hiei said "They were looking for something"

"Or someone" said Kurama as he looked at the little Chinese girl, who was sitting on the ground watching Yusuke make funny faces for her so she wouldn't cry anymore. She had stopped crying and was grinning at the funny faces this stranger was making. Kuwabara snickered at the faces

"Man Urameshi, you should be a clown" Kuwabara laughed

"Shut up, I'm just trying to get her to stop crying" Yusuke said angrily to his friend.

"Bi xiao ge ge" the little Chinese girl said

"What did she say?" Yusuke asked and Hiei sighed

"She said you resemble her older brother" the fire demon said and the others all looked at him in surprise

"You can speak Chinese?" Kurama asked

"A little" Hiei admitted

"Well why didn't you say anything before?" Yusuke asked and the short demon (Hiei would kill me if he found out I called him that) glared at them

"I hate humans and I am not your translator" he said

"But she may know what demon did this" Kurama said and Hiei gave an annoyed 'humph'

"Hn, fine" Hiei said and walked over to them.

The little girl watched the black haired man look down at her with blood red eyes and she got a small shiver up her spine and Hiei bent down to her level

"Y-yoa mo?" she asked timidly

"Ai" he said and spoke in some Chinese, a little slow, choosing his words carefully, it wasn't his native language. The girl answered a little quicker than he spoke, but he seemed to understand it all. After a minute the girl spoke for a while and Hiei paused her in places to make her elaborate, which she did, and she started to cry near the end, which Hiei looked annoyed at that. Soon she stopped the story and cried freely

"What did she say?" Kurama asked

"She said a bunch of demons attacked her house and kid napped her family" the fire demon said "They took her and her family to a man and the man let her and her brother go. Though just before dawn the demon chased them and killed her brother before they could get help. She hid in a tree and the demons attacked the forest" he shrugged

"A man?" asked Kuwabara "Was it a demon?"

"She didn't know" Hiei said "She just said a man with odd eyes and fire hair"

"And the demons?" asked Yusuke

"A pack of shadow dogs" Hiei answered "Most likely a pack of hell hounds have found a master"

"And where was this man?" Kurama asked and Hiei looked to the little girl

"Na er?" he asked and the little girl pointed to the north

"Na li" she said and said it two more times to get her point across

"Well let's go" Yusuke said "I wanna get rid of this demon and go back to Japan. China has too many trees"

"Yes, we should hurry if we want to find any clues from the demons" Kurama said

"Yeah, but what do we do about the kid?" Kuwabara asked, indicating the Chinese girl who was whipping away the rest of her tears "We can't just leave her here"

"Well, we could take her to the nearest town" said Kurama "perhaps she has family there"

"It's worth a try" Yusuke said and helped the girl up, but he leg wouldn't support her and Yusuke ended up giving her a piggy back ride to the place she pointed to.

The place that they came to was a large valley; filled with hundreds upon hundreds of springs, each with about 4 or 5 bamboo poles sticking out of them.

The little girl pointed to a small house with in the valley and said "Da ye" then she pointed to the forest next to them saying "Yao mo" Kurama looked at Hiei

"What did she say?" the red head asked

"She said that that hut is her uncle's house and the demons were in the woods" the Hiei demon answered

"Well lets drop this kid off first" Yusuke said "If we do find some demons we don't need to baby sit while we're fighting" and with that he started down the hill to the house, the others following

Upon reaching the house Yusuke knocked on the door and it was a minute before a middle aged Chinese man answered. He took a minute to look at them, seeing where they were probably from and what language they spoke

"Hello, welcome to Jusenkyou" he said "Are you here for the tour, sirs?" Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama blinked

"Hey, he speaks English" Kuwabara said

"Da ye!" the little girl on Yusuke's shoulders yelled with a big smile, reaching out to the man "Da ye! Da ye!" The tour guide of the Jusenkyou springs blinked at the girl

"Ying Tao!" he said and Yusuke took the girl from his shoulders for the man to take her. They were both speaking fluently in Chinese, momentarily forgetting about the foreigners. The girl, Ying Tao, quickly told her uncle what happened to their family after the tour guide invited the Urameshi team in for tea. Hiei sat in a corner, refusing the drink, but the others took seats on cousins around a table. Yusuke and Kuwabara sat cross legged on the cousins while Kurama kneeled, the correct way to sit.

"Thank you for rescuing my niece young sirs" the tour guide said "How could I repay you for saving my only family?"

"Well" Kurama said "Maybe you could tell us about these demon attacks" the tour guide blinked and looked thoughtful for a minute

"Oh yes" he said and rested his chin in his hand in a thinking manner, "My, there have been many attacks around this area, haven't there" He took a drink of his tea before he continued "There have been attacks for a few weeks now, ever since some young girls came to the Jusenkyou"

"What's the Jusenkyou?" Kuwabara asked. The Tour guide smiled

"Ah, for saving my niece, I shall show you" He stood up and the others followed him out the door. Ying Tao followed her uncle closely, almost scared to go back outside again, gripping the tour guide's hand with both of her's. In going out side they saw the many springs in the valley "These are the legendary accursed springs of Jusenkyou"

"They don't look so special to me" Yusuke commented

"They may not look like much" The Tour man said "But these waters are very dangerous. There are more than one hundred springs here, each one with its own tragic tail"

"Tragic tail?" Kurama asked

"Yes" the Chinese man said "Each spring has had a creature drown in the water, and someone who falls into these waters, shall turn into what ever drown in them"

"Preposterous" Hiei said with a snort

"For every one person who has said that, there has been one person that has fallen pray to the curse" The Chinese man said wisely

Kuwabara then felt a strong demon presence and looked up and to the south; a very strong demon presence. "Hey guys, we got company" Everyone turned, now noticing the thick air coming closer. Ying Tao hind behind her Uncle as a large shadow appeared over the valley. It was a large black dog with wire black fur and blood red eyes; it had to be almost 6 feet tall

"Yao mo!" Ying Tao squeaked as she hid from view, shaking like a leaf. The dog, unfortunately, was not alone. Another dog appeared, just like the first, then another appeared, and then another 6 more. They all bared their shaper pearly teeth and then one other dog appeared over the others, about 3 feet taller than the others and it let out a loud howl before the others charged for attack, red eyes focused on the little Chinese girl. The first dog was the first to jump for them and Ying Tao let out a scream, but the demon dog ate spirit gun as Yusuke jumped in the way and the dog landed on the ground, making the other dogs skid to a halt

"Hey, get in the house!" Yusuke shouted to the Chinese family and the tour guide didn't hesitate in scooping up his niece and dashing to the hut. The dog that Yusuke had struck down seemed to evaporate into the air and the other 8 demon dogs formed a line, baring teeth and snarling. The taller dog, the apparent leader, was behind his pack, looking at the Urameshi team, who had their weapons out now, Kuwabara with his spirit sword, Hiei with his katana, and Kurama with his rose whip. The leader barked sharply twice and the others charged into battle, each fighter getting two dogs.

Both Hiei and Kurama dodged their dogs' attacks at first but Yusuke and Kuwabara met the dogs straight on.

Hiei dodged one dog's attack only to be met with the other, and he nearly dodged that one too, also grazing the dog's leg with his sword, only to be met again with sharp claws running across his back from its partner. 'They're fast' Hiei thought 'But not fast enough' and he went on offence to one dog

Kurama had just tumbled out of the way from one of his own attacker, leaping back to his feet and slashing through one of the dog's hind legs with his whip, cutting it off, causing think red blood to poor and a loud howl to echo through the valley, though the attack caused the momentary fall of the kitsune's guard and the dog's partner took the opportunity knocking Kurama down, leaving a large gash in the red head's shoulder, but Kurama got quickly to his feet 'They like to draw one's guard for a rear attack' he analyzed 'cleaver'

Kuwabara already had his shirt torn from one dog and had all his focused on one of them. The orange haired teen finally hit the one he was focused on in the throat with his spirit sword, bringing the beast down but its partner leapt from behind before he could bring back up his guard


Again, dog met spirit gun and was thrown into one of the springs. Kuwabara had ended up on his butt from trying to avoid the attack before looking at Yusuke, who had already slain his beasts, getting his share of cuts and bruised for going head on with the demons with out using his spirit gun; he only had two shots left for that day.

"And you said I never saved your butt" Yusuke said with a smirk and Kuwabara scowled at him as he stood up

"Shut up, I had him just where I wanted him" Kuwa said and Yusuke snorted

"Sure you did" the spirit detective said but before their bickering could go on they heard another scream from Ying Tao. They jerked around to see the leader of the pack tearing up the hut wall where the Chinese man and his niece were inside. Yusuke quickly aimed and shot his spirit gun at the dog leader hitting it in the side, making it skid back and fall to the ground. Yusuke blew on his finger like a hot shot cowboy and put the still armed weapon in an imaginary holster.

"Peace of cake" he said and Kuwabara mumbled something about show offs that the raven haired teen didn't quite hear, but knew it was probably directed at him. Though when the smoke cleared a very ticked off dog was charging for Yusuke, and both him and Kuwabara were hit, Kuwabara getting knocked to the side and Yusuke getting hit toward the springs, just skidding short of the first spring. Yusuke shook is head and had to jump back quickly, but the demon dog caught his shirt in its sharp teeth, just grazing his skin with the canines.

Kuwabara was about to help, but Hiei's second dog, the wounded one, leapt at him, blocking his way to the spirit detective. Hiei and Kurama each also had one dog each keeping them busy

Yusuke pulled away from the dog, ripping to front of his shirt and he stumbled back on one of the paths between the springs. The dog watched its pray back along the narrow path. The dog growled in frustration and put one paw on the dirt path, then slowly balanced itself while it made its way towards Yusuke

'That's it puppy' Yusuke thought and smirked as he backed along the path. 'Just a bit further...' He then pointed his spirit gun finger at the dog, making it stop its advances. "Buh-bye doggy" Yusuke said and his spirit gun built up, but before he fired the dog seemed to smirk its self before opening its jaws to reveal a fire ball starting in its throat, and it was building faster than Yusuke's spirit gun. "Shit" the raven haired teen cursed and jumped away just as the fire hit the spot he was just on and the force blew him off the path.

Yusuke luckily grabbed one of the poles and held on tight before he fell in the spring below. He gave out a relieved 'Phew!' before turning to the demon dog that was looking fearfully at him. At first Yusuke didn't know why the dog was frightened now, but then he saw the skid marks in the dirt where the dog had bit. If the dog fired now, the recoil would send it into the spring behind it. Yusuke smirked again and while gripping the pole with his legs, he aimed his spirit gun once again at the dog, which had no where to go on the narrow path.

"Spirit Gun!" He yelled and the shot hit the dog in the side sending it into the spring behind it, but he underestimated the strength of the pole and the recoil on his spirit gun made it snap, also sending him into the spring below.

"Urameshi!" Kuwabara yelled, just as he saw Yusuke fall into the water, he slit the dog's throat once more before it fell it fell to the ground and then ran over to the spring which the spirit detective had fallen into. He watched the bubbles rise to the surface of the water and saw a silhouette coming to the surface. A head of short black hair broke the surface of the water and gasped for air. Kuwabara grinned and laughed in relief. "Hey Urameshi, I thought some demon fish decided to kill you again (From the fight against Rando, Manga 4)" Yusuke gave him a glare, though the spirit detective's eyes seemed to be a little more almond shaped.

The two remaining dogs fighting Hiei and Kurama suddenly stopped at the fall of their pack leader, their ears perking and their noses twitching for a moment before turning and running for the forest. The tour guide and Ying Tao carefully came out of the now broken house. Ying Tao curiously stumbled over to where the demon dog had fallen in while the tour guide hurried over to the spirit detective team mumbling worried 'Oh my's and 'Oh dear's as he walked over as Kuwabara grabbed Yusuke's hand to help pull the other teen out of the spring

"You have fallen in to the Spring of Drown Girl" the Chinese man said just as Kuwabara pulled Yusuke out of the water "A very tragic legend of a young girl that drown in that spring 1,500 years ago. Now who ever falls in, takes the body of a young girl" Yusuke raised an eyebrow

"What is he blabbering about?" Yusuke asked, and then blinked. Yusuke didn't remember having such a soft voice before. The black haired teen looked at Kuwabara, who was looking away and blushing a little. Yusuke looked to see Hiei and Kurama staring at her, Kurama finally found decency by looking away and Hiei just continued to stare, a little confusion crossing his features. The Chinese man gave a final 'Oh my' before covering his eyes. Yusuke finally looked at himself only to meet two lumps that were NOT supposed to be there. And because Yusuke's shirt was ripped from the dog, she was topless. Yusuke-chanĀ­ flushed and covered her new fully developed breasts with her arms...

Botan was just exiting the Spirit world when she thought she heard a scream from far, far away, and for a brief moment thought it was Yusuke. The shook her head and giggled to herself, wondering why she would think that, and she hopped on her oar to go check of the Urameshi team's latest mission...


First chapter done!!! I tried to keep everyone in character. And Yusuke's spirit gun number? I read somewhere that he could only shoot 4 spirit gun bullets in a day, so I'm sticking with that. And if you're wondering if Kuwabara and Yusuke will fall magically in love because of Yusuke's new curse, you're wrong!!! I do not be leave in love at first site, and I know they're too stubborn to admit their weaknesses. That's just how guys are; no offence to any guys reading this, I directly asked my dad the difference between girls and guys and he told me that guys... well, I won't go into detail. And since the tour guide in Ranma 1/2 didn't have a name, I didn't bother looking one up for him, call me lazy, but my internet keeps freezing on me, it's frustrating. Note that every chapter will not be 9 pages long like this one. Ok!!! Now review and I'll continue!!! Vote Yusuke/Kuwabara!!!