
Author's Note: I was going for creativity and fun in this one, so don't take it TOO seriously..

Chapter 1: The Cheerleader and The Quarterback

"Oh my god, Donna, I so wish I were you!"

Donna placed her hairbrush down on her vanity, adjusting her long, fire red locks as she turned towards her two best friends, Jane and Ashley, sitting on her bed, their legs sprawled beneath them as they flipped through the recent issue of Vogue.

Jane stretched her legs out, beaming up at Donna, twirling the end of her blond ponytail as she spoke excitedly, "I cannot believe you are Eric Forman's neighbor!"

"Yeah, like, right next door." Donna confirmed, gazing out the window, her eyes hazing with lust.

"Yeah!" Ashley screeched, casting the magazine aside as she sat up, motioning for Donna to pay attention. "We should so go over there!"

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Donna. You're the most popular girl in school and Eric Forman is only the hunkiest guy on the football team."

"Yeah, you guys are like peanut butter and jelly."

"Bread and butter."

"Hairspray and curlers!"

Both girls collapsed into giggles as Donna's face turned as red as her hair. She turned back towards her mirror, forcing her blush to fade away as she made a serious face.

"You think?" She asked, biting her lip as she turned back towards her best friends.

"Oh, we are so going over there!" Ashley and Jane screeched simultaneously, grabbing Donna's hand and leading her downstairs, before she could get in another word.

"Guys, I think I'm going to ask Donna out."

"Donna Pinciotti?" Michael Kelso asked, shoving an Oreo in his mouth and pushing his glasses further up his nose. He let out a snort, letting spews of chocolate fall everywhere.

"Donna is very hot, Eric." Fez said matter of factly, grabbing an Oreo. "You think you can handle her?"

Eric didn't bother to answer his friend; he simply took the box of Oreos from his hand and shoved one in his mouth, spitting chunks of chocolate as he spoke, "If I could handle Jackie, I think I could handle Donna."

"Well, Donna's a lot hotter then Jackie, Eric." Kelso pointed out.

"What? No way. Jackie's got that whole mysterious thing going on." Fez pointed out, wiping chocolate away from his jacket, adjusting his collar. "Well, as fun as this is, I have a date."

"With who?" Eric looked up, patiently.

"Um...I think her name's Ashley. No...Stacey? No, it's definitely Ashley." Fez shook his head out of confusion. "I guess I'll see when I get there." He nodded at Kelso, patted Eric on the back, and let the door slam behind him.

"Wow, Fez is just about the coolest guy in our grade." Kelso said, an envious tone peeking out of his statement as he brushed Oreo crumbs away from his face, cleaning his glasses gently with the bottom of his new, polyester vest.

"I don't know about that," Eric said, confidently laughing towards Kelso. "I mean, Fez may get a lot of ladies, but I'm going to be quarterback of the football team, Kelso."

"You're right, Eric." Kelso said sheepishly, snorting again. "Anyway, I should get going to. There's a special tonight on National Geographic about ice glaciers and their effect on the ecosystem. It's going to be sweet!"

"Sounds lame." Eric said casually, propping his legs up on the table as Kelso sighed sadly and left the basement.

Eric took a look around, glancing back towards the tiny storage room, wondering if his 'adopted' sibling was around.

"Hey, you back there?" He called out, hearing a rustle and a bang in reply.

"Is there a reason you woke me up?"

Eric turned back around, grinning happily as Jackie fastened the leather belt around her jeans, brushing some dirt off of them, which didn't really help since they were always filthy. She scratched some skin underneath her AC/DC shirt as she sat down in her designated chair, flipping her hair into a tight ponytail and pushing her aviator sunglasses up her nose as Eric rambled on.

Jackie tuned out; she usually did whenever Eric started talking about girls.

Sure, she still had feelings for Eric, but well...he was kind of an ass to everyone who didn't have a vagina, or a direct connection to one, and he was always at football games. Jackie Burkhart doesn't chill with the pep squad or anyone who knows someone who's on it. It's her number one rule, right above only washing her hair when necessary, and never spending more then 10 bucks on a shirt.

Jackie snapped out of her daze as Eric tapped her, panting like a little puppy.

"Yeah?" Jackie asked angrily, still pissed that someone disturbed her mid-day nap.

"You're ok with me asking Donna out, right?"

Jackie blinked widely, crossing her arms across her chest. "Yeah, whatever."

"Cause I know we only broke up like..."

"Six months ago."

"Yeah, but sometimes girls need time to heal."

"Trust me, I healed pretty fast." Jackie said quickly; standing up, ready to finish her nap. "I'm over it." Jackie confirmed this with a head nod and disappeared back into her room.

Eric shook his head, slightly confused, and slightly disappointed.

"Eric, god dammit!"

Eric stood up quickly, straightening his shirt as his mother, Kitty Forman burst down the stairs in an angry parade.

"I have been calling you for the past ten minutes, dumbass!" Kitty slapped him upside the head, which was quite a feet, seeing as how she's such a tiny woman. Eric winced, immediately spewing apologies and excuses. "Just shut it and get upstairs, before I stick my foot up your guilty ass!"

"Yes, ma'am." Eric fumbled, running up the stairs quickly.

"Dumbasses." Kitty muttered as she took a look around the messy basement.

"Donna, ring the doorbell already!" Jane whined impatiently, jumping up and down. They had been standing there for at least 10 minutes, which was enough time for Ashley to remember that she had a date with Fez.

"Jane, what if it's weird?"

"Oh, please." Jane rolled her eyes, ringing the doorbell quickly and ducking behind a bush.

"Jane!" Donna bellowed, kicking the bush angrily. "How could you...."

Donna's voice trailed off as she turned towards the open door, where Eric's father, Red, was standing, giving her a strange look.

"There was a bee." Donna explained quickly.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Is Eric home?" Donna gulped nervously, smiling earnestly as Red led her inside, pouring her a glass of lemonade as Kitty called for Eric.

"What is taking that boy so long?" Kitty mumbled, giving Red a weary look.

"Maybe he's busy, sweetie." Red laughed manically.

"I'll go get him!" Kitty huffed, angrily stomping down the stairs.

"She's really quite nice...." Red explained to Donna, "She's just been having a rough week." Red laughed gently, "She was fired." He whispered, walking towards the fridge. "Are you hungry, Donna? I baked a bunt cake earlier."

"No, thanks." Donna leaned against the wall anxiously.

She was going to kill Jane for ringing that doorbell.


Donna put on her best smile as she looked up at Eric, who was walking towards her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought maybe we could like, hang out, or something."

"Sure..." Eric's heart raced slightly as Donna walked past him and down the stairs, her short skirt flopping up and down with her walk.

Eric was slightly surprised as he came back downstairs to find Fez and Kelso, back in their respective seats, and lastly Jackie, flipping through Rolling Stone as she munched on a popsicle.

"What happened to your date with Ashley?" Donna asked quickly.

Fez looked up, slightly shocked to see her in the basement. "Why, hello there." Fez stood up, taking Donna's hand and kissing it softly, causing her to burst into giggles. Jackie rolled her eyes as she threw her magazine down on the table.

"Why is she here?" Jackie asked to no one in particular as she finished off her popsicle.

"Aren't you Jackie Burkhart?" Donna asked, taking a seat on the couch, beside Eric.

"Aren't you a cheerleader?" Jackie asked in return, angrily biting on her popsicle stick.

"I was," Donna scrambled to find her words, "I mean, I am. But it's not football season right now...I only cheer during football season."

"That's because football rules!" Eric shouted, pumping a fist in the air, wrapping his other arm around Donna casually.

Jackie glared at them both, grabbing her keys from her pocket.

"I'm out of here." She looked towards Kelso, "You coming?"

"Well, I mean, I was going to see if I could catch the National Geographic..."

Jackie raised her eyebrow in annoyance and Kelso hurriedly stood up, "Sure, why not?"

"Later." Jackie mumbled, giving Donna one last dirty look before her and Kelso left the room.

"Well, I have to go pick up Ashley." Fez stood up, taking the keys to his new van out of his pocket.

"I thought you had a date with her earlier." Eric said, glancing towards Donna.

"Yeah, but then she found out I had a van and told me to go get it."

"Oh my god, Ashley is such a slut." Donna laughed to herself.

Eric and Fez exchanged amused glances, before Fez left the room as well.

"So, what'd you think?"

"Your friends are pretty nice." Donna started, nodding her head. "Except I think Jackie hates me."

"She pretty much hates everyone." Eric laughed. "Wait until you meet Steven. I've known him, since, well forever."

"Wait, Steven as in Steven Hyde?" Donna asked happily. "He's only assistant coach of the cheer squad. Of course I know him!"

"Donna," Eric paused, flipping some of her hair out of the way, "I really like you."

"I really like you, Eric."

Donna and Eric kissed gently, and then more passionately, until Red sweetly came down stairs to ask if Donna would be staying for dinner, in which Kitty added, 'go home, we ain't no food bank'.

Donna kissed Eric on the cheek, before slipping out of the basement, reminding herself that she'd better thank Jane for ringing that damn doorbell.