Misc Stuff For The Story


1.Trance- We'll Be Young Forever (1st Beginning)

2.Ayumi Hamasaki- Surreal (2nd Beginning)

3.Evanescence- Eternal 4.Moulann Chang- Stressed Out 5.Ayumi Hamasaki- Connected

6.Dream- Get Over It

7.Yoko Kanno- Call Me, Call Me

8.BWitched- To You I Belong

9.Maaya Sakamoto and Yoko Kanno-Gravity ((1st Ending)

10.Dream- Sincerely ((2nd Ending)

11. Ayumi Hamasaki- Free and Easy ((3rd Ending))

Thank Yous

I want to thank my readers first and foremost. The story was randomness at first, Elaine who was very supportive, we're both bookworms, and she slightly helped me with my finale!!! Mew, who reviewed alot, she was just a very fun person to talk to, and she had this huge anime obession, it's so good to find someone who had something in common with you, don't you think? Bethany who started reading the Artemis Fowl series, but she most definately helped me a little bit, I sorta let her and alot of people down by killing off Artemis. ' ack! The many reviwers that I haven't mentioned, GOMEN ((sorry))!!!! All you reviewers just ROCKED, I love you guys for reviewing. It just made me came up with millions of idea..yea I was helped too...' I will admit...but still...some ideas were randomness thank you for putting up with me!! Tandra who listened to my many ideas...XX Myself sorta...for actually not discontinuing...I actually thought about it many times before, but after I changed from the Labtop to my PC I actually started back up with a whole new twist!

Author's Notes-

The series started randomly in the beginning of summer of 2004 out of bordem on a floppy-disk that I never found. I hadn't read the Eternity Code yet, but when I did I made some "adjustments" to the damage I caused. And it might've been some very screwy adjustments I must say! But people actually dealt with me. I started reading other people's fics....one off the bat that I can just insantly think of is being Folly...it was one of my very first Artemis Fowl fanfictions I ever read... That and a couple one-shots. Traveling around the world....what I fun thing to do! Koki, Victoria, you know all the OCs weren't actually based on anyone....they were just there.

Ryoma is my favorite out of my all my OCs in Another Fate, Another Mission, Another Destiny... He just reminded me of what I would have if it had to be an older brother. Sadly I have two younger brothers, so that means I have to do everything first...and then them, it makes me feel a little bit brave. I wanted Holly to have asome realitives, I didn't want her to be alone. How faires were out above ground? I've gotten this question alot, LEP sends certain faries/creatures out to spy on the humans, just to make sure that they don't figure out about them and start attacking them.

Why can everyone do that? It'd get too suspicious. The Shorts are actually good at keeping their mouths shut, but Holly sorta went on a high position. I'm glad I did the fanfiction before the Fourth Book of Artemis Fowl comes...then I would REALLY have to change just the whole plot after I already had finished it. Yes there is a Fourth Book, um...I forgot what it was called...I just know Opal Koboi is back for revenge in this one and Artemis has no clue what's going on!!!! LoL! That's going to be fun.

I imagined Artemis Fowl more of an anime...it seems weird yes, but I loved the idea of it being one. I can't exacly imagine real life people doing it....I will know when the movie comes out, but until then my anime-like images stay in the head. I've actually attempted to draw Holly, and it didn't turn out as well as planned...XX Ack! It's so terrible!! I love a picture of Blu that I did for Wolf's Rain fanart ((for any of you who have seen Wolf's Rain)) and made Blu's hair shorter than it's supposed to be it was to her ears...((It was supposed to be Kiba at first)) but I have an urge to make BLU turn into HOLLY! LOL!

I really didn't mean to kill of Artemis, but nobody's actually tried it have they? I think it'd be weird if I turned out to be the first....o.o' That's just a scary thought. You guys review and that's how I pay you back. I am TOO cruel!!!!!!! I promise the next Artemis Fowl fic I do won't be as depressing!!!!! Actually I'm finding an idea I have, quite twisted. LoL! I'm crazy. But I did bring Artemis back...sorta. I guess you can say that. Raven reminded me of Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh did you see that? Ryou can't help that he's possessed by his Yami....and alot of people blame Ryou for Yami Bakura's actions!!! Of course Raven sold her 's a little ball of light...that little ball of light is dangerous people!!!!! Raven wasn't so bad, she brought back Artemis with the magic she had left...

I cried when I killed off Artemis, it was even just....too cruel for me. I've never killed off a main-character people......Asmera yes, but that was for a short while....and Artemis changes completely when he comes back to Holly, so that really hurts deep down! See I'm not mean!!!!! I'm very, very, very soft hearted and you'll find that out from my friends that I'm not an evil phsycopath who likes tourturing living things physically and emotionally.

I understand that half the soundtrack I did is in Japanese. It's all I listen to is J-Pop, the American music is the same thing now. It's all about sex, drugs, your ex-girlfriend or vise versa, getting what you want...you know..it's all meaningless. So I've found Japanese music beautiful, most of the lyrics are very meaningful, especially Ayumi Hamasaki's, she's an absolutely beautiful preformer. The Japanese Holly Short! LOL!

I shouldn't compare Japanese Celebs to book characters, it's just wrong. It's just voice that makes sense..lol...I told you I'm crazy!!!!!! Moulann Chang is very meaningful as well, and I love her music just as well as Ayumi Hamasaki. Maaya Sakamoto was really good too, I love her music just as well, you guys should check Ayu, Moulann, and Maaya out, they're some of my favorites! Music is a way of life as I say. It gives people a soul if it's done right. Maybe more singers and songwriters should think about you know that? But anyways, until my next Artemis Fowl Fanfiction, Ja ne! Thank you all for reading and reviewing! Off to more writing!

Dentri Tomiko