A/N: OK, this is my first Outlaw Star fic (big surprise there) And it's about Jim!! Jimmy-kun is so kawaii!! Oh, and did you see him in Thursdays ep? Fighting with Gene? That was so cute!! Well, anyway, this is kind of an AU fic (alternate universe if you don't already know.) because I know what happens (eventually) in here'll be totally different from the show. For instance, Jim's past, which you don't really hear anything about in this part but will be very important in the parts to come. OK now, enough of my talking, I'm done now. I hope you like it! And please r/r...

Bounty Hunted

There was a broad smile residing on Jim's face as he walked the crowded streets with his friends. Gene was doing it again, he was staring at Melfina, who as usual just walked on normally without even noticing his gaze. This sort of thing always amused the boy walking along side the two, boy was he gonna have a time teasing Gene about this one. Not that he found such pleasure in angering his partner, but Gene was just... well, Gene. And he just always made it so easy for his younger friend.

"You know, it's not polite to stare at people." Jim stated with a quick laugh as his fire haired friends attention immediately changed to that of himself.

Melfina on the other hand just looked confused as she too looked at the boy. "Whose staring?" She asked wishing she'd been paying a little more attention to her friends, to which Jim only laughed harder.

"Haven't you noticed?" He asked grinning slyly up at the raven haired young woman. "Romeo over here's been staring at you all day." Jim gestured to Gene as he spoke, quickly receiving a hand slapped over his still grinning mouth, courtesy of Gene.

"OK, that's enough from you." He spoke in annoyance.

Jim probably would have just made another smart comment if Gene's hand weren't still there blocking his speech. So instead it was Melfina who spoke next. "Ummm... Gene, should you really be holding his face like that? You might hurt him."

"He's fine." Gene replied reassuringly, releasing the boy from his grip. And then giving a hard "manly" slap on the back which nearly knocked him over, and added, "Aren't you, Jim?"

"Uh, yeah, fine" Jim said, his voice lacking the reassurance that Gene's had as he rubbed his now sore jaw. But his silence it seemed wouldn't last as Gene turned back to Melfina and Jim sprouted a new smile as well as a laugh. "But not as fine as...." He trailed off as Gene shot him a quick warning glance that said he was going to far. "Ummmm..... The lovely weather we're having today." His words were spoken almost questionably as his eye's wandered about their current surroundings. "Would you just look at that sky?" He laughed nervously and Melfina looked up to see what had supposedly grabbed the boys attention.

"It's full of clouds." She stated confused.

"Yeah, Jim, it's full of clouds." Now it was Gene's turn to do some mocking. "Dark ones too, you must really like the rain."

"As a matter of fact I do." Jim said almost annoyed himself. "Maybe it'll help to cool you down."

"Okay," Gene sighed. "Time to quit. Why don't you go do something useful now?"

Jim looked confused at this. "I am doing something useful." He said referring to their current search for work.

"Making fun of me while we find a job is hardly useful." Gene said in a now serious tone.

"Oh, and like what your doing is." Jim reminded him, in a sudden rush of anger. "Maybe if you took your eye's off Melfina for a minute we'd know what it is we're doing here."

"And maybe if you weren't so busy arguing with me we'd have a job by now." Gene countered the boys statement.

"Well, maybe if I weren't around you wouldn't have to worry about that!" Jim retorted staring up at him.

"My point exactly." Gene said in an almost relieved tone as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "That's why you should go get supplies or something. It'll give you something to do and keep us out of arguing range at the same time."

"Fine." The boy shouted at his partner. "I can tell when I'm not wanted."





And with that Jim turned and jogged away from his friends without looking back. "Gene, don't you think you should go after him?" Melfina asked, worried about her young friend.

Gene just shook his head. "No, he'll be okay." And then noticing the weary look on her face added, "Trust me, Melfina. We argue all the time, you know this isn't the first time he's run off like this. He just needs to blow off some steam, I'm sure we'll see him back at the hotel tonight."

"All right." She sighed. "But he just looked so mad. Aren't you in the least bit worried?"

"He's fine." Gene said again, truly believing his words. "That fight was nothing, we've had much worse. Now let's go, we've got stuff to do."

Melfina just nodded still a little unsure as the two resumed their pace. And then a thought occurred to her as they walked side by side, something she'd caught Jim say during the argument. "Hey, Gene?"


"What did Jim mean when he said that we'd know what we were doing if you took your eye's off of me?" She asked, a pensive look upon her face as she stared at Gene who blushed briefly at her question.

"Ummm... uhhhhh... Nothing.... He was just, umm..." He stumbled over his words trying to think of something believable. "He was just trying to make me mad."

"Oh." Melfina sounded almost disappointed. "Okay then."

"Yeah." Gene said, feeling kind of an awkward tension around the two. "Hey look, there's a wanted sign." He said jogging off down the street.

"Huh? Oh." Melfina said as she picked up her pace and caught up with him. It wasn't long before they were lost in the crowd.


Jim sighed as he walked, his hands buried deep within is pockets and his head tilted towards the ground. 'Okay' he thought. 'How did I start this one?' He shook his head at this, almost laughing at his own stupid question. 'The same way you always do.' He answered himself. 'By making fun of Gene and getting him all pissed off.' But it wasn't without reason, he didn't tease Gene constantly just for the amusement of it. (Although that was a plus) At one time he thrived on causing his friend embarrassment, but back then Gene'd simply come back with something smart of his own and they'd make a joke out of it. That was just the way they were. But now things were different. Now Gene just got mad. And they just got into fights. And separated, leaving Gene alone with Melfina.

Not that he wasn't totally sure that they liked each other, he knew they wanted to be alone, even if it was unconsciously. But why did their being alone together mean his being alone by himself? Why did it have to mean that Gene was constantly pushing him away in order to be near her? It was just so irritating, if only he hadn't lost his temper again, why'd he have to leave? It was like he was playing right into Gene's game, to be annoying then leave. That's just the way it was. Or at least that's the way it was now.

'That's how it is now.' He thought almost bitterly, kicking a stray rock in his aggression. 'How it is now'. But why did things have to change? Hadn't it been easier when it was just the two of them? Then he'd been Gene's partner, then they'd been equal and enjoyed each others company. Why did that have to change? It just didn't seem fair. He loved Melfina, she was almost like a mother figure to him, (Hey, he said it not me.) but why did she had to take Gene away? Why did that mean that he should be the lonely one?

He sighed again, shaking his head at the thought, as if that would make it go away. Was he really blaming Melfina for this? Did he really have to find some reason to turn this all on something real rather than on fate? He knew he was being selfish, if anyone was at fault it was him. He was the one constantly mocking Gene and making him mad at him, but he did that out of sheer loneliness and he knew it. How else could he get his friends attention when it seemed Melfina had it all?

And there he went again, blaming Melfina for his problems when he knew damn well it wasn't her fault. He was the insecure one here. He was the one who had to prove himself again and again. But he was right when he'd said that it was all his fault. He shouldn't have teased Gene so much, and he didn't have any right to be mad at him. He wasn't the one who started it in the first place. He wasn't the one who ran off. Not that Gene hadn't made it all to clear that he didn't want him around. An action that hurt the boy more than his friend knew.

Jim had never had many friends. Even before Gene. Especially before Gene. He didn't have anything back then. No friends, no family, not one single person who cared for him at all. And it had been Gene who filled that gap in his life. He was like brother to him. Aniki, That's what he called him. Like the family he never really had. And that fact, under the circumstances, only hurt him more. How could he have been so stupid?

Gene would forgive him though. But he knew that wasn't enough to make everything all right again. Maybe if he didn't come back tonight, maybe then he would know something was wrong. If he stayed away from the hotel and the Outlaw Star for just one night. He knew he could do it. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd made it alone. But did he really want to worry Gene? And would Gene even worry?

And then he saw it out of the corner of his eye, nearly bringing that smile back to his face. There was a bright golden wanted poster on the side of some building not more then ten feet away. A wanted poster, a job, and quite possibly the answer to his problems. Some of them anyway. Maybe that would do it. Maybe if he got them a job Gene would pay him some attention. Maybe then things would be okay again. Maybe then things would go back to normal between him and Gene. If only for a little while.

He was there in an instant, by the side of the tall brick building and staring up brightly at the possible answer to his problems. His happiness however was short lived, disappearing quickly as he caught a glimpse of the golden face in front of him. The shock of it hit him instantly and he just stood there staring in confusion and bewilderment. Could that really be who he thought it was? 'Gene' He thought worriedly. And then turning as if to run he forgot all about the fight, all about his problems, all about how much he hurting inside as only one dominant thought now filled his mind. 'I have to warn Gene.'

But warning Gene was a chance he never got as a new dilemma hit him unexpectedly. The foreign hand clamped onto his face so hard and so fast that he could barely breath. He fought kicking and flailing, his muffled screams filling the air as he was forcefully dragged backwards into the small dark alley beside the building with the poster. "It's in your best interest to remain quiet." Came the voice of his attacker who was now restraining the boy. It was strange though, that voice. Her voice. Why was it so familiar to him? So familiar in fact that he ceased fighting her grip and stayed quiet as he was told. "They're watching you, Jim." And then her hand was removed from the boys face, his breathing deep and heavy as he inhaled the air his lungs had been begging for only seconds ago. "You okay?"

His mind was spinning as he reflected on the events of the past few minutes. But he wasn't afraid, not anymore. He was however very confused as his breathing went back to normal and his only thought lay on that of his ''Attacker''. And then clearing his throat he was barely able to choke out the name that wouldn't leave his mind, "Hilda.....?"

To be continued...

A/N: So whadda ya say? Did it suck? Was it good? To fast? Did it even make sense? Ahhh... Too many questions! *Grins* Ok, Just tell me what I should do with this, that's all I really wanna know. If you want me too, I'll continue. If not, well, who knows, I'll probably continue anyway. Either way it *might* take me awhile. But whatever, hope ya liked it! And a note to all, WE NEED MORE JIM FICS!! I just love that kid!!!!!