Family Reunion

Chapter 1.

Alec sighed frustrated as he made his way to the headquarters of TC.

He was not looking forward to this conversation with Max. It had been 6 days since the inhabitants of TC had decided to make a stand.

In those three days chaos had reigned as the sector police and military had turned up to maintain a vigil.

Max had been so busy trying to requisition supplies and help smuggle new transgenics into TC that she hadn't noticed the mumblings.

Every unit leader had already sought him out. As he was the highest ranking officer back at Manticore it was him that they came to.

They needed structure and they didn't feel that Max, however capable, was able to deliver it.

Oh, they all respected her, but they felt she just didn't have the training necessary for when the time would come to fight, and they all agreed unanimously that the time would come, and it would come soon.

Walking into HQ, Alec waved distractedly to Mole and the other transgenics in the room before walking purposely towards Max's office.

"Alec", Joshua appeared in front of him blocking him from Max's office, "I wouldn't go in there, Max and Logan, fighting, lots of yelling, Max not so happy at the moment."

"That's Ok big guy", Alec said thumping Joshua on the chest, "What I've got to say is going to make her mad anyway"

Alec walked in without knocking, noticing Max's barely contained anger at Logan, which for some reason made him smile.

"You had no right Logan, can't you see we're in the middle of a crisis here! I know it might seem huge to you, but right now I have to take care of my own!"

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" Alec inserted casually as he leaned in the door frame smiling cockily.

"YES" Both parties yelled.

"Well, sorry about that but I really have to talk to Max, so Logan, buddy, whadaya say you give us a minute?" Alec grin grew as he saw Logan colour with rage and splutter at his arrogance. He never did understand what Max saw in him.

"I think that's probably a good idea. I'll talk to you later Logan", Max stated coldly sitting back down behind her desk.

Logan looked from Max's hard set face and shot Alec a scathing look before brushing past him elbowing him as he went, "Fine".

Alec shut the door shaking him head and took a seat across from Max, "Lovers spat?" he asked knowing full well he should keep his mouth shut.

"Look Alec, I have zero tolerance for you're mouthing off at the moment, so if you don't have anything useful, you know where the door is!" Max raged shifting paperwork around her desk with more force that absolutely necessary.

"Well" Alec said "we need to talk about the troops. We have to put some structure in around here Max. All the unit leaders have come to me with concerns on this and I have to act now. They need a leader."

That had Max's attention, her eyes snapped to him and she stood up, "What the hell do you mean leader? Structure? You want to recreate Manticore Alec? What the hell makes you think I would ever put you in charge of something like that? You'd probably just screw it up!"

Alec tried not to flinch at her words. He knew in her eyes that he was a screw up, but as a soldier, he was the best. But she had never taken the time to figure that out. Alec stood up, his anger building at her defensive posture, hands on her hips glaring at him.

"You don't have any authority here Max" Alec yelled losing his temper "You haven't been at Manticore for years, these people don't know you, they know me. I am the most senior ranking officer here and they all want to know why I haven't taken charge!" Alec saw her flinch and narrowly curbed his frustration. She really had no idea.

"No one wants me here?" Max's voice had lost all its anger and now sounded uncertain.

"No, Max that's not what I'm saying, everyone here respects you, for what you've done, but they need a Military Leader, they need to be ready for this war, and I will do it, because I am the most qualified for the job, that's all".

Alec didn't know what to do with the little girl lost look on Max's face. Lout, bitchy, angry Max he could deal with, but he felt at a total loss of how to react to quiet Max.

"I-I had no idea Alec" Max whispered brokenly, "I've been trying so hard just to keep everything together, I'd never thought about what they wanted"

Alec's gut clenched as he saw a single stray tear spill from her eye and without thinking he gathered her to him, cradling the back of her head.

"You're doing a great job Maxie, and I need you to keep doing it. I just need to prepare everyone for the battle ahead, because without a doubt Max, we will have to fight, and I don't want to lose anymore". He was surprised to find his protective instinct kicked in when he though about Max being in that fight. He knew she could kick ass with the best of them, but she felt so fragile in his arms.

Max broke away from Alec and he saw the new determination in her eyes. "Ok, what do you need me to do to make this happen?"

Alec mentally shook himself and gave Max a list of weapons and supplies.

"I need you to get these for me. The tunnels you've been using to smuggle new transgenic's in, that's the only way. I'm calling a meeting in an hour, I'll need you there".

Max nodded marvelling at her docile behaviour as she took the piece of paper from him.

"I'll get onto this straight away........boss?" Alec was happy to see the mischievous look in her eyes as he walked out of her office. Maybe this would work after all. He had an hour to organise all the units and his mind was already kicking into soldier mode.