A/N Yeah yeah I'm sorry ok? I do like this story, I just struggle writing it. Reviews help me think that its worth it to continue this story, so please tell me, even if its only short. I really do appreciate all the ones I get.

Anyway, ONWARDS!

Chapter Four: Meetings with Friends

Artemis was feeling the closest thing to happiness since his father had been returned to him. He had regained his memories on the previous Thursday and had been almost nice to people since in the rest of the week, even his therapist, who was baffled. But now as Artemis was sitting in the Bentley being driven steadily closer to his first meeting with Mulch for just over two years he was going over possible future enterprises with him. He wondered what Holly or Root would think if they knew that their two favourite criminals were getting back together. In the back of the Bentley, Artemis Fowl II smiled and began to think.

At the same time about five hundred miles away in England; one Louise Bentley had a lead. She had read that one Artemis Fowl II had been seen all over the world at once and that he had supposed powers; apparently he had once escaped from over one hundred Mafia while rescuing his near dead father from kidnappers in the middle of the arctic. This was clearly impossible, Louise had reasoned, but instead of dismissing this story that so many believed as hear' say, it fed her paranoia. This Artemis Fowl was said to be a genius she read, so maybe he had magic help from these devious pixies. The more that she read about him from various sites and files the more excited she became. This Artemis was a criminal, and a very rich one, that clearly knew all about the fairies and would surly help her exploit them. She decided that she had to meet this person, and scrolling down his files to try and find an e-mail address was shocked to see that he was only just 16, three years younger than herself. Then she smiled. Let's see how smart you are then, Artemis Fowl.

Holly was nervous. She was about to go on her first date in about eight years, and with Trouble Kelp. She was wearing some of her best clothes; that complimented both the olive of her skin and the hazel in her eyes. She had showered in perfumed, well, slime and even added some makeup. She glanced at her watch. 6:50am. She was being picked up at seven for dinner and drinks as her half sister called it. A shiver went down her spine, and it was couple of seconds before she realised it had nothing to do with Trouble Kelp. It was her gut telling her not to go on this date for reasons that were more than just embarrassment. Something bad was happening, and something bad was going to happen. Not necessarily today, but this would be the start of something bigger that she wouldn't like. Holly told her gut to shut up as the doorbell rang, and went to answer the door.

Mulch Diggums was very excited at meeting Artemis again, but also slightly scared. He knew what the boy could have been, and how cruel he could be. Would regaining his memories bring back the almost nice, nearly honest Artemis? Or had Mulch just triggered the end of the fairy world? Currently he was sitting in taxi heading toward the agreed meeting place, as Fowl Manor would undoubtedly be under the watchful eye of Foaly, monitoring Artemis' every move and visitor, and most of his "Business" dealings. No doubt he also enjoyed watching and learning from the exceptional boy. Mulch smiled. He wondered what Holly, root and Foaly had been doing for the last to years, and what they would say if they knew what he had started up again. As the taxi rounded off the main road, Mulch signed and leaned back. Whatever it was, there was no stopping it now.

Holly was desperately trying to calm her nerves. The meal had gone find, well even, and they were starting to warm and open up to each other. But Holly just could seem to shake Artemis from her mind. Things were complicated there. She was really confused in that area in fact. She didn't fancy him, she knew that much, at least. She shuddered when she realised that she had even considered the possibility. He was a Mud Boy, and her ex-kidnapper. But she couldn't stop her mind from throwing him up at every opportunity, and also, to a lesser extent, Mulch Diggums. Strange how little, after being criminals, that those two actually had in common, yet they got on so well. Foaly and Root had been sure that it was Artemis that had somehow saved Mulch from the minimum of 50 years that he was so clearly guilty of, but there was no evidence and, at the time, the Mud Boy in question had been mind wiped for at least six months.

After taking her for dinner and the fairy equivalent of the theatre, Trouble Kelp, had two surprises. The first for Holly was an above ground pass for England at the nighttime of full moon. There was really not much that would be more romantic, and this finally stopped her thinking of anyone else. They rented wing and went flying for hours. Shielded, of course, but what was more amazing was how Trouble had got the tickets. She had only agreed to go on this date two weeks ago and passes like these could take years of queuing. It was an amazing night, and it wasn't over yet.

Holly's second surprise was when Trouble without warning just fell out of the air, heading straight to the ground.

Artemis had been at the spot for twenty minutes when Mulch finally showed up, but Artemis was only a little annoyed. He ad used the time to finalise the plan for their first venture. It was simple enough bank robbery, but it had to happen. And of course, in a new and foolproof plan. It was only after he had given the instructions and various codes to Mulch and driven away again, back to Fowl Manor, did he realise that he had an e-mail from one Louise Bentley.

Artemis Fowl II, the e-mail read,

I have read your many websites and have heard that you are a rich genius, and hope that you will be able to help in my cause.

My name is Louise Bentley, my father, James Bentley. He was killed in Hamburg just over six years ago now, and I believe, as he did, in the existence of fairies. It was this belief that killed him and since I have tried with little or no effect to seek out vengeance. Though my attempts have proved less than successful, I have gathered a wealth of knowledge and hope that you will help me in my plight against these creatures. Do not dismiss this without thought, for I do have certain advantages at my disposal. It is my belief, Artemis Fowl, that you and I could become useful partners now and in the future.

I await your reply,

Louise Bentley

Re-reading the e-mail, Louise Bentley was finally satisfied. She hit the send button, and then returned to reading and memorising her own fairy database. It is Incredibly boring trying to memorise one's own work, and the fact that she did this solely as a mind exercise in will and purpose gives a clearer picture of the potential lengths that she would go to.

Artemis read the e-mail in the Bentley going back to Fowl Manor. He wondered which angle to approach this girl. Should he agree to work with her, refuse, or just pretend that he didn't know what she was talking about. Artemis decided to see how serious she was, starting with an e-mail that read:

Ms. Bentley,

I neither know who you are nor who these 'fairies' of which you talk are, and believe that you have read too many myths recently. Instead of me I recommend that you visit a hospital. Do not bother me further as I have much more important ventures to prepare.

Artemis Fowl II

Even as he sent this e-mail Artemis could feel that this was the beginning of something important, but did not know how. Artemis decided that after this Louise contacted him twice more he would meet her. Artemis then went to his study and began to meditate on the stand of such a strange problem.

Louise Bentley did not receive Artemis' reply as she was out in her garden, enjoying the evening air, the sky lit quite well by a full moon. When she first heard the disturbance she thought it would be a fox or maybe a badger. When she finally saw the pair of creatures annoying her she went back into her house to fetch a camera, then changed her mind and brought out a shotgun.

As she levelled it her father training her came back to her, and she knew she would only be able to hit one of them. She chose her mark, cocked the gun, checked her aim and fired one shot.

The bullet hit Trouble's wings, bounced off his helmeted head and sank deep into his shoulder. It pierced three major arteries, fractured his equivent of a collarbone and lodged itself just puncturing his right lung. He fell out of the air with no warning, hitting the ground the next second. Concussion was immediate.

Holly didn't understand. One minute she and Trouble had been flying talking, then they paused to admire the moonlight, then he had just dropped from the sky. She followed him lower, but did not get to close to the ground. There was something hostile here. She checked her shield was still on then cautiously hovered lower.

Before Louise's father had been a reporter, he had served a brief spell in the army. He had taught her how to shoot, and the second creature didn't disappear immediately she cocked the gun again and started to aim for a second time.

Holly was very lucky that at the last moment she darted diagonally, so her bullet only cut into her arm. At that point her worry for Trouble was outclassed by her worry for her own life and decided to come back with some of the LEP. She flew as fast as she could to the shuttle port, hoping that Trouble had enough magic to survive the injuries.

Louise Bentley carried the tiny fairy indoors, which was when she noticed that there blue sparks floating over her captive. She touched one spark experimentally and it fled up her arm and neck and sunk into her eye. She quickly took her arm away, but noticed that they were repairing the damage that her shotgun had caused. Wonderingly she brought up a slim knife and cut what had to be the fairy's skin, and watched as the cut was repaired. But the sparks were starting to slow down. Good she thought. So you do have a weakness then.

Um, yeah. The story will star tin essence soon, if I ever get there. I just really have to set it up properly first. Forgive me in your review please?