Harry Potter and the Eye of the Storm

(A/N ok, ok, so i'm new to this, but i would love some CONSTRUCTIVE help and ideas. This just the begining of a long story that i wrote straight after i saw the third film, but it seems a bit aimless, coz it is. It should get better. I hope.)

Chapter 1: Letter Writing

Since the death of his godfather, Sirius Black, fifteen year-old Harry Potter had effectively isolated himself from the worlds around him. He would spend days in his room, coming out only to use the bathroom and to eat. But just two weeks into the summer holidays, Harry's mourning took a different turn. Harry had dutifully written to the Order of the Phoenix every three days, but had become so bored with having to write the same basic letter that he wrote out many at a time and just strapped one to Hedwig's leg whenever he needed to. However, the arrival of Sirius' will had a profound effect on him. It had a note from both Dumbledore and Remus attached.

Attached is Sirius' will. This was written about a year ago, when the second war began. I hope that you will read this, as well as this and Remus' note, as though you probably do not wish to hear from me, I beg that you at least consider what I have to say.
I will not ask you forgive me, but I do ask you to forgive yourself. If I say it was not your fault that Sirius died, you would only become angry with yourself, and me, but for the wrong reasons. I cannot tell you to get over his death, neither can I ask you to stop mourning for him, but I do ask you, and it is only a request, to stop mourning in this way.
Sirius' was for the most part energetic and could rarely be held down, even in Azkaban. He would not want you to shut yourself away and dwell on memories. He would want to be remembered in everything that you do, every achievement you complete. He would want you to stay in touch with the living instead of thinking only of the dead.
I suggest that you talk about it, not to me but to your friends. As well as the Weasleys' and Miss Granger I recommend Luna Lovegood, who can also see Theresals, as well as Neville Longbottom. On a different subject, maybe you sure speak to one Mark Evans. You will understand why if you chose to.
I have managed to change the under age law in regard to you, so that of your sixteenth birthday if you wish you may continue to use some curses and hexes over the summer. I hope you will come to Headquarters for the end of the summer.
Best Wishes,
Albus Dumbledore

Harry put Dumbleore's letter to one side, and picked up Remus'. It read:

Dear Harry,
I have already read my version of this will, but as Sirius' wrote each in the style of a personal letter to each person that he requested to read it neither I nor anyone else has read this. You do not need to read this right away. I stared at mine for over an hour without opening it. I just hope you understand that I am hurting as much as you. Sirius' was the last of my greatest friends, and I am mourning just as much as you, and I hope that you will help me as much as I hope to help you.
However, we are not first and will not be the last people to be bereaved by Voldemort, and so I need you not to sink so deep into mourning that you fall out of touch with living. I agree with Albus, that you should talk to your friends, and also really hope to see you soon.

Harry stared at the short text, and realised that there were tears on his cheeks. He moved to pick up the will, but stopped himself. He would read it in the morning. Harry wondered briefly what he had to do with Mark Evans. He was an eleven year old who lived in Little Whinging, and had recently become Dudley's gang's new main target. Maybe that was the connection? Another mystery for the morning.

Harry didn't dream that night, which was rare. He still practiced Occumency, so didn't seem to receive many dreams from Voldemort any more, but most nights Harry had enough of his own nightmares to suffice.

The Dursleys weren't really any different to him, except that Harry had fewer chores to do, thanks to Moody and the order threatening the Dursleys at the end of last term, but twice now Harry had caught Aunt Petunia looking at him strangely again. Harry didn't think that she really cared about him, but got the feeling more and more that she was trying to figure out what she felt herself before letting on to anyone else. This was fine with Harry, as it meant she tried harder to avoid having to talk to Harry.

The morning started the same as always, with Harry having a quick shower and then making breakfast for the Dursley's and himself. Then he went upstairs again, and took out Sirius' will. Harry looked at the parchment for what felt like hours, before sitting at his desk and slowly opening the parchment envelope.

Dear Harry,
This, as you will already know, is your copy of my will. If you are reading this then it must mean that I am no longer with you. I hoped that I could be there when you graduate from Hogwarts, but if you are reading this then I will not even see you reach your six year.
I am sorry that I have had to leave you, and ask you not to mourn for me, only to give me the honour of being remembered. I only hope that I was able to go out fighting and not without honour or purpose.
I also know the contents of a certain prophecy, and hope by now you know of it. If you do not, I suggest that you ask after it, but if Dumbledore still feels that you do not need to know its contents I beg that you will not pressure him. I hope that if you do or don't know the prophecy that you don't let either to affect your everyday life. Stay positive, Harry. People who love you are all around you. Just look for them.
I have decided to split up my worldly goods. As the last Black, I have quite a lot that you never knew about, and left a fair amount to many people. I leave Grimmauld Place to the order of the Phoenix as Headquarters. I hope, Harry, that they and you do not let it become a graveyard of memories, rather a standing tribute to me and the Order. I have left my Mansion to you. However, it is another Black Heirloom, and may need to be purged of my ancestors. I hope you can use it for doing better things than some Blacks, including myself, for I haven't stepped foot in it for over twenty five years.
I am leaving a sum towards the order as well to Mix Blood, a charity that discourages racism between purebloods, half bloods, Muggles and Muggle born families. I hated being pureblood, let me tell you. I have given an amount also to the Weasleys'. They have been so good to you, and me, and I ask that you make sure they except it, as they would never take anything from me while I am living. They will be able to put it to good use. I have also followed you in investing, though a slightly smaller sum, in Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes. Fred and George show real promise and I am sure that even the master of tricks, James, would be amazed at the sheer talent. They deserve it, from the oldest to the newest of Marauders'.
After this has been subtracted, I am left with a further house and still quite a large sum of money. I have opted to share the money between you and Remus, as he is my greatest living friend, a wonderful man and has always found it difficult to be treated fairly. You have been an amazing godson, Harry, from saving my life and backing me up to finally giving me some excitement and a reason to keep going. You have been almost my brother, almost my son, and I will always love you, wherever you or I are.
Now I offer you some advice. Deal with what is, but always think why. Do not dwell on the past, or fantasies, or what if's. You must be strong and help those that find it harder to also be strong. We are going up against an evil that is powerful, but the world needs balance, Harry, and this is why he will ultimately lose. You have two powers he knows nothing of, Harry, love and balance. Anger and happiness, love and hate, shield and pain. And I believe that you will help us set the scales again.
Harry, you have done so much with so little. I know you now have mixed feeling about being told how much you resemble James, so I will not say this. But I will say that James would have been deeply flattered to be told that he resembled you, Harry, as you are as much like Lily as him. They are watching your progress through life and I am sure they are immensely proud of you. And now Harry, if you are reading this, I will have rejoined them, and will also be watching you. I would never ask you to consider yourself as a Black, as my family was never anything like as good as yours, but hope that you could consider me worthy enough to be called Potter. I will never leave you Harry, and you will never leave me, and I am sure that, one day, we will meet again. I will wait for you.

With all my love and purpose,
Sirius Black

Harry stared at the parchment for an hour. Then he cleared his mind and fell asleep.

Harry woke up again at about 4pm, and realised that he had changed. In the same way that talking to Luna had strangely comforted Harry two weeks before, Harry felt as if the main part of his grief had been lifted after reading the will. Harry reread the letters from Dumbledore and Remus, and he knew what he wanted to do. Harry wanted to learn. Not just study, but really learn some powerful magic. And he was driven. Harry placed a large owl order to Flourish and Blotts as well as renewing his subscription to the Daily Prophet. Harry also started letters, not to Ron or Hermione but to Luna and Neville. They were very short and read:

Dear Luna,
I found that talking to you at the end of last term really helped. Thank you, as I am not sure that I said so at the time.
I have just received the will of my godfather and thought that maybe you would be able to help me learn about how you got over the tragic death of your mother. I hope we can stay friends next year, as you certainly had an interesting personality.
Any luck with the Crumple Horned Snorkacks yet?

Dear Neville,
Thank you for coming to the DoM with me last term. I don't think I said thank you at the time, and you were a true a friend to me, even though I put you in a position of deep personal risk.
As you may know my godfather, Sirius Black, was killed by the very same Bellatrix Lestanges, who was even his cousin. She is evil beyond evil, and maybe, if you ever need a friend to talk to as much as I needed you that fateful day, I hope I will always be able to talk and listen to you, as well as help you in any way I can.
Please do not think that I pity you, as I hate to be pitied. I only want to find a way I can repay you for your faith in me.

The next day Harry began his new routine. After breakfast Harry jogged twice around the block before starting to study. As his books had not yet arrive, Harry finished all his homework and then set about making sure that he could perform every spell in his old textbooks from previous years. After studying for most of the day, Harry would test himself and then go for another stroll to the park near his house and try to count the number of people watching him.

Mainly there were at least six, the highest being ten, in numerous disguises from the homeless, to a dating couple that only acted affectionately when Harry shot a look at them. Harry was definitely getting good at spotting his trackers, but what really unnerved him was how he was sure that some of them would be Death Eaters, and Harry didn't know which ones.

After a further week and a half of this Harry finally received three things he had been waiting for dearly; His books, his O.W.L. results and a date that he could go to Headquarters, two weeks before term started. Harry looked over his books checking that they were what he had ordered. Then he finally opened his O.W.L.s. There were four pieces of parchment inside; two from the Ministry, one from Hogwarts and one from Dumbledore.

Dear Mr Potter,
Enclosed are your O.W.L. results. Please note that:

O= Outstanding E= Exceeds Expectations A= Acceptable P= Poor D= Dreadful

Each pass grade [A or higher] is worth one OWL; each O achieved receives two OWLs. Additional OWLs may be achieved. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and stay safe!

Harry sighed. They never would have put 'stay safe' even last year. He opened his results slowly.

O.W.L. Results

H.J. Potter

Astronomy A 1 OWL

Care of Magical Creatures E 1 OWL

Charms O 2 OWLs


Divination P

Herbology O 2 OWLs

History of Magic P

Potions E 1 OWL

Transfiguration E 1 OWL


Well done!

Dear Mr Potter,
Please note that this year any grade of E may be submitted to NEWT Potions class. Please fill out the form choosing your classes and send it back by August 20th.
Also please accept the place of Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor, noting that all these privileges have been fully restored.

Yours sincerely, Prof. M. McGonagall

Dear Harry,
Last year I tried to protect you, wrapping you up in misconceptions. And this is the result. So this year I have decided to try to tell you as much as I fairly can, acting on the basis that you are to be treated, if without the consent of certain people, as a full member of the Order of the Phoenix. I will not let you take an active role, however, but will keep you informed of what is so clearly your business. I am also planning, if you consent, to have you trained in some arts that may help you. I can only hope that they will only be used at the right moments. We will, if you wish, discuss this later this summer at the Headquarters, that being if you come.
Yours eternally,
Albus Dumbledore P.S. do try to talk to Mark Evans if you have the chance. I believe he could do with someone like you at the moment.

Harry had another week until his birthday, and after that another two weeks before he could go to Headquarters. Despite Sirius' will, Harry thought that he would be dreading it, but really he wasn't. He wanted to be with his friends, and he wanted to get on with his life, whatever that ended up being. And that night, Harry ended up sitting on the last swing trying to guess how many people were watching him tonight.

The bag lady Harry had recognised as Tonks, but he hadn't given any sign. The dog walker had been around the park three times already, and if you were really careful you could see the tiny impressions on the grass made from someone walking around under an invisibility cloak. There was someone coming up behind him. Harry spun around, reaching for his concealed wand, when he saw a boy approaching him. He was quite skinny, wit mousey fair hair and brown eyes. The expressions on his face reminded Harry of the Hufflepuffs' in his second year when they thought he was attacking people. Harry tried to think who this kid was when it hit him. This was Mark Evans.

'Er...Harry?' he asked timidly.

'Hello Mark.' Said Harry guardedly. Tonks wasn't moving, but Polyjuice had tricked them before.

'How do you know my name?' he said, shocked.

'I recognise you.' Answered Harry smoothly.

'Oh? Oh, yeah...' Mark muttered, as if having second thought about talking to Harry at all. 'Um... "Good things, chocolate frog cards? You have two bumblebees?"' Mark hazarded.

Harry nearly fell off the swing. That was half of this week's password from the Order. 'I lost one looking for my flannel.' He replied. This one had been Hermione's idea, from the endless search for Nicolas Flammel in their first year. It seemed so long ago that Harry had found him on a chocolate frog card of Dumbledore. So long ago.

Mark let out a breath that he had apparently been holding and almost whispered, 'Can I show you something Harry?' Harry glanced quickly at Tonks. She looked slightly shocked at being recognised, but gave Harry the tiniest of nods. Harry turned back to Mark and nodded. 'Sure.' he said amicably, and they set off across the park together.

As they walked, Harry tuned up his perceptiveness to try to see who was following him now. The dog walker had changed direction and the occasional sound of leaves showed that someone was in the bushes. A lady pushing a pram was also there, but Harry didn't know if she was even a witch, let alone a Death Eater. Mark turned out to live only two blocks away, in Lavender Close. Whoever had come up with the road names around here, Harry reflected, must have had a very limited imagination. His house was slightly smaller than 4 Privet Drive, but the garden was longer and though it as less neat it was much more natural. Mark unlocked the door, and glancing back at Harry nervously, led him inside

Mark lived with his mother and younger sister, Lucy. Lucy was happily playing in their garden, but when Mark called, 'Mum?' he sounded nervous. 'Mark?' called his mum. 'I'm in the kitchen.' Harry followed Mark, for the first time wondering if this was a good idea.

But Dumbledore had said to talk to him, and though Harry hated to admit it, Dumbledore was usually right. 'Mum,' Mark took a deep breath. 'This is Harry.' Mark's mother was quite young, maybe only 34, but then Harry reminded himself, Mark was five years younger than Harry.

She had dirty blonde hair and happy brown eyes, but was sitting at the table looking like a mixture of happy, sad, worried and simply bemused. She looked up at Harry when he came in and said, 'Hello. So you're Harry Potter, then? No, you don't really look like a criminal.'

'Hello, Mrs Evans.' Said Harry evenly, before turning to Mark. 'So you had something to show me?'

'Umm...yes. Maybe you should sit down.' Mark sat down, looked at his mother, and then slowly took something out of his pocket and passed it to Harry to read. For the second time that day, Harry nearly fell off what he was sitting on. It was a letter from Hogwarts.

Dear Mr Evans,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is the list of requirements and instructions as to get Diagon Ally and platform nine and ¾. Please note that term starts on the first of September, and the school train leaves at 11 o'clock from King's cross station, platform 9 ¾.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. M. McGonagall
Deputy Head.

P.S. I suggest if there is any difficulty that you seek out and talk to one Harry Potter, as I believe that he could help you and that maybe you could help him.

Harry stared at the letter for a bit, then looked up at Mark, and found that he was grinning sheepishly. 'Umm...so...are you a wizard or something?' Harry suddenly wondered if Hermione had gone through this. Being brought up a Muggle for 11 years and then suddenly an owl turns up and changes your life and world completely.

Harry decided that the easiest way for this to happen was to tell the truth. 'Yes, I am. I got a letter like that five years ago.' So long ago.

'So you do magic?' 'Yes.' 'And you haven't been at St. Whatits?' That was from Mark's mum. 'No. The Dursleys made that up to cover my going to Hogwarts. So are you going to go then?' Mark blushed. 'Actually, that was why mum asked me to try to talk to you. We didn't know what to do. I mean, Witches and Wizards? Owls? And the equipment- Cauldrons, wands, robes? Is this a joke? Is it real?'

'It's no joke, Mark. It's as real as this room. But it does have a growing shadow. Maybe you shouldn't go.' Harry sighed. 'Twenty- six years ago, a really evil wizard, calling him self Voldemort, surfaced and began to try to take over. He quickly gained followers, some as evil as him, some weak, some just wanted some of his power. He was getting everywhere, and though many were scared of him, not many resisted him. But then the ones that would never give in formed the Order of The Phoenix, and started recruiting people for the side of light. As Voldemort's power grew so did the Light side. My parents were members. And then when I was just one, Voldemort wanted to kill me. My parents were in hiding, but one of their best friends betrayed them. Voldemort murdered my parents. And then he tried to kill me.

'But something happened, and his curse bounced back on to him. He didn't die, but his spirit was ripped from his body. I came to live with the Dursleys'. And then last year, Voldemort regained his body. Now he is gaining power again, and it isn't necessarily a good time to be a Muggle- Born wizard, and less a friend of mine.' Harry looked at them, and saw the look on Mrs. Evans face. She wouldn't want her son to go. Harry wondered if he'd just ruined Mark's life. But he'd had to tell them. That was fair. But it was Mark's face that confused Harry. It seemed to show no emotion at all, and then suddenly loads, and then none again. Harry realised that he was basically using a form of Occumency without knowing it. Harry was impressed.

Then he spoke. 'I want to go.' They both looked at Mark, slightly speechless. He continued. 'I'm not going to give up a part of my life because I might be in danger. That would be like giving into him. I want to help, I want to learn, I want to go. If nothing else, I want to be able to protect myself.'

Harry looked at Mrs. Evans. 'Are you ok about this?' She nodded slightly. 'Are you sure?' Mark nodded, slightly subdued after his outburst. Then he said, 'Can you do some magic now?' Harry smiled. 'No, underage wizards aren't meant to do magic outside school. But my headmaster has bent the rules slightly, and I can from my 16th birthday, instead of my 17th. So I can show you some in about a week, if you can wait?'

Mark's expression said it all.

(A/N So how was it? R&R please... Chapter two coming soon!