Be Blinded By the Truth

By General Quistis

Disclaimer: I do not own Ragnarök or any of its related stuff… but I own characters in the game ' But those characters won't appear here… Okay, so I don't own anything but maybe just the story plot.

Author's note: Guess what; this is my first effort to write a fic based on the Ragnarök manwah… I don't care if you'll be harsh, but this is my choice. Hey, there's a first time in everything, right? The story starts from some scenes in book 10. If you have the time after reading this, please review. I will really appreciate reviews because it'll tell me how I'm doing. ' So… here goes…


Chapter One: We Meet Again

            She watched from afar, observing every move Chaos had done to distract Skurai's attention from Iris. Then shifting her gaze onto her younger sister who was being restrained by blocks and could not escape, she narrowed her eyes, scanning her sister's condition. "She's going to die if nobody's able to stop Skurai…" she was thinking silently. But she does not give a damn about them, really, so she just sat still, a quiet observer speculating about the events unfolding before her eyes, just when everybody else knows that she could be away minding her own business.

She shifted her gaze back to Skurai. She had been looking at him repeatedly, as if she is waiting for something to happen to him… and she was feeling something negative about him. She wondered why, but shrugged it all off.

But as she stared, minding his moves and the way he holds Talatsu, a quick image entered her mind… and it was him wearing a Crusader's uniform. Her eyes slightly widened, holding onto her own sword. She knows she has to get rid of all of them… especially Chaos. "He might defeat Chaos… oh well, if he manages to do that, he'll die afterwards…" she thought silently with an slight smile on her face… but her heart was racing.

She kept on observing… waiting for something good to happen… until she witnessed his death.

Thanks to Chaos and Iris.

"I thought he wouldn't die!" Chaos pointed out.

And Iris was finally free.

But she still stood in her secret place, unmoving and feeling so numb all of a sudden. She wanted to attack them already while they are still shaken by the events that just took place, but something was telling her not to. "What is this… happening to me?" she was thinking. She could recall the way Skurai had stared at Iris while she was being restrained by those blocks… one by one filling up until they could completely cover her and suffocate her. It was like something was going on in his mind… but nobody knows what it was that was bothering him.

And Chaos fell to the ground, with Iris panicking but still being restrained by the blocks. Why is she still being restrained by the blocks? Sara wondered to herself. If he's really dead, those blocks would simply disappear… or maybe the spell that he used was really indestructible even with the death of its master? She was not sure; but Fenris Fenrir appeared in the scene and got Iris out of those blocks and let her try to heal Chaos.

Taking a deep breath and shaking slightly with several confusing thoughts in her mind, she slowly backed away, running as fast as she could down the hallways.  She stopped when she saw a trail of blood on the stone floor. Slowly, she looked straight ahead… and saw a crawling Skurai… struggling to get away. But where is Talatsu?

He was bleeding to death, just like Chaos… and he was beginning to lose consciousness.

Mindlessly, she just ran to him and stood before him, stepping slightly at his hand to make him stop. He slowly looked up at her. Seeing and recognizing who she was made him sneer. "Wh…what?"

She just looked down coldly at him.

He smiled. "Sara…" he breathed out her name like his last breath before passing out. Her eyes widened a little as she raised her eyebrows, still looking at him. Her mouth slightly opened and she backed away a little, but still keeping her eyes on him. "What am I doing?" she thought silently. Frowning, she raised her sword, ready to stab him with it to cut his life shorter… but she just fell on her knees, staring hard at him. Closing her eyes, she made a move to stab him with her sword… but it just hit the stone floor beside his unconscious body. She let the sword support her weight as she leaned against it. She felt so numb. Her gaze softened before turning to him, letting go of her sword when she realized that she was kneeling on his pool of blood. The blood stained her cape, her boots and her legs…

Slowly, she reached for his hand that she had stepped upon moments ago and took it in her grasp. As she did so, she thought she saw again the image of him wearing a Crusader's uniform, holding a beautiful young girl's hand. She let go of him, shaking her head in confusion and denial and backed off a little, but she slipped on the blood and fell backward in a sitting position, the blood splashing against her face and the rest of her body. She was panting hard as she stared hard at him, like she was looking at something that just harmed her pretty badly. Grabbing her sword's handle to support her weight as she tried to stand up, she instantly turned her gaze straight ahead of her and Skurai when she heard footsteps approaching and voices saying, "Come on, let's get out of here!"

Frowning, she instantly bent down and did something that she had not even imagined herself doing…

            Chaos, Iris and Fenris stopped in their tracks when they saw the bloodstained floor and the trail of blood leading ahead of them, just straight ahead.

"What the…" Chaos began.

"He could still be alive!" Iris exclaimed in worry.

Fenris frowned, lowering her gaze onto the floor where she was stepping. She was stepping on blood, but she could see tracks alongside of it… Like someone was dragging something bloody… "I think somebody was here and helped Skurai get out of here before we could see him and finish him off." she explained.

"What do you mean? There was nobody else here but us!" Iris told her.

Fenris looked straight ahead and decided to follow where the tracks and the trail of blood would lead. "There is someone… but who?" she was thinking quietly. The trail of blood led them outside, but once outside, there was nothing else.