The Fire Burns Within
A Vulpix Poem
By: Sailor Dark

Deep Within a Fire quakes,
Some time now it will awake,
Those that thought the have found peace,
Not too safe when they are asleep.

Fear me now I have the power,
It Burns with pride and with desire,
You can battle me if you want,
But you'll find that you cannot.

I'll put your pride all up in Flames,
I am not the one to blame,
For I'm the one that did not challenge,
Because your Pokemon did the howling.

I walk away you fall to your knees,
It took that battle to make you see,
That I am not a prize to be won,
For your journey has just begun.

That Fire Burns Within Me strong,
Once you saw me you knew you were wrong,
I hope one day you challenge me again,
When you have realized what pain I've been in.