A/N: This songfic is very short, just something I was inspired to write.

Song: The Last Unicorn by Kenny Loggins

Warnings: Suicide

Characters: Hermione

For her friends, life had never been better. Final examinations were over, graduation was in two days, the war was over and the light had won with very few casualties... everywhere she looked people were laughing and smiling again, for the first time in months. The sun shone down on the grounds of Hogwarts School For Witchcraft And Wizardry, gently warming the skin of students who had been kept in the castle since the beginning of the year for protection. They turned their faces up, the breeze caressing them and ruffling their hair softly. The lake lapped at the shore, creating a calming melody that set everybody at ease. Students wandered or sat, in groups or alone, but all were clearly at ease. Their faces radiating an inner happiness. All except Hermione, that is, who stood in the shadows, her arms wrapped around herself protectively. The sun's rays had been lost on her, and the feeling of excitement about her upcoming graduation was absent. Not even relief was felt that the war was over. She was dead inside. For months now, she had wondered. Wondered why she didn't cry when people she knew were killed, why she never felt fear in the face of battle, why she no longer dreamed. At the time she had blamed it on the war, and the fact that one must adapt in order to survive. But for three weeks now the war had been over, and feeling had not returned to her. It never would.

When the last eagle flies,
over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars,
at the last dusty fountain

In the shadow of the forest,
though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving
At the last unicorn

Out on the quidditch pitch she could see Harry and Ron flying from one end to the other, obviously racing. Her lips turned up into a smile, but her eyes remained as empty as ever. They had never once let her down, Harry and Ron, they had always been there for her, whatever she needed. They had been the best friends anybody could have asked for. But neither had they seen that she was not the person she had once been. She hid it well, the fact that she was dead within, nobody at all suspected. In her pocket a bottle of muggle sleeping pills weighed heavily; it would be a shock to everybody when they found her body.

Wrapping her arms further around herself she began to walk, her feet tracing the familiar steps to the astronomy tower. As the sound of her solitary footsteps echoed in the empty halls, she tried to think back to the last time she had truly felt anything. It wasn't until she reached the tallest tower of the school, and looked out over the ground below, which was just beginning to darken as night approached, that she remembered James.

There had been snow on the ground, but it wasn't the pure white blanket it should have been. In fact, it was stained with so much blood, there was little whiteness to be seen. A red field, covered in children who were covered in cuts, some already dead, some still calling out in pain. Hermione had been the first of the Order to arrive on the scene of the muggle orphanage, the dark mark freshly burnt into the sky above her. She had immediately murmured the spell that would alert every member of the order, but even as she finished the spell she realized that it was too late for the children. The few that were still living were grievously wounded; even magic would not be able to save them.

"Mama?" The voice was so soft Hermione had barely heard it, but when it came again she had spun around, searching for the owner. Off to her left had been a boy, no older than five, with curling blond hair and blue eyes. Around her, Hermione had started to hear the pops that signaled the other's arrival, but she ignored them and went to the child, falling to her knees beside him. His throat had been sloppily cut, the blood escaping from him too slowly for a painless death, yet too quickly to help him.

"I'm here baby, I'm here." Her voice had come out as little more than a whisper, and as she smoothed his hair out of his eyes she watched his chest rise and fall for the last time. In that moment her heart had broken, and what little belief she had in the goodness of the world was destroyed. No child deserved to die in such a way.

When the first breath of winter,
through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north,
and a pale moon is rising

And it seems like all is dying,
and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear her laughter
It's the last unicorn
I'm alive
I'm alive

Slowly her eyes cleared of the memories, and Hermione looked back over the school grounds one last time before lying down on the cold stone floor to look up at the rising stars. Dinner wouldn't be for another hour or so, and she wouldn't be missed till then. Pulling the bottle of pills out of her pocket she opened it without hesitation, swallowing them one by one. Only when the bottle was empty did she relax back into the floor, turning her eyes again to the sky. It was done, there was no going back now. For the first time in nearly a year, she felt a sense of clam surround her; this was right. Now she wouldn't have to keep on going, a shell of a person. She wouldn't have to pretend to be alive until she died. She could just go to sleep, and it would all be over. Above her, the stars twinkled, beckoning her home.

When the last moon is cast,
over the last star of morning
And the future is past,
without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through,
the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she shimmers,
it's the last unicorn
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive