
Draco sat in his chair in his ever-so-boring room, staring at the little glass forget-me-not, willing it to turn back into Hermione by sheer willpower. As it stayed the same, he sighed and turned away.

Life hadn't been the same without Hermione. Nobody forgot her, Draco made sure of that. He had dedicated one whole wall of the Great Hall to her, without even asking Dumbledore. The teachers hadn't wanted to take it down though.

The whole left side was decorated with crimson and silver, a mixture of Gryffindor and Slytherin. He had put up a copy of every single essay she ever wrote. He had also charmed a bookof Hogwarts A History to fly around occationally. And a new copy of Hogwarts A History was issued, Hermione on the front page and Harry on the second page. He charmed that one to fly around too. He forced the first years to write a page each about her and pinned them up on the wall. Nope, nobody was going to forget her.

Draco had gone home from school the same day he decorated the wall, which was also the same day of the battle. He had taken the little glass forget- me-not and placed it in his mothers china vase. Lucius hadn't been seen or heard from since Hermione died. He was buried somewhere in the library, among stacks and piles of books.

Draco didn't talk to anyone either. He went back and forth from the library, searching for some sort of counter curse.

Hermione opened her eyes slowly. Wait. She was supposed to be dead. Then why wasn't she? She took a good look around her. Everything was blue, and seemed delicate. She had very little space, and felt very little. Hermione gasped. She was inside the flower! Apparently, the curse left some sort of flower behind and....the person thought to be dead was trapped inside.

"How horrible" she whispered. She would die anyway, of starvation. And who knows how much air there was in here....Hermione would starve or suffocate. Whichever came first. She shuddered.

She peered outside and found that she was able to. She saw Draco, a giant Draco, staring right back at her. She waved frantically. But he seemed to look right through her. He probably couldn't see her, since he was on the outside of the flower.

Hermione sighed as Draco walked away, and slumped onto his bed. Then she had an idea. She brought her hand down to her pocket, and her hand met sheer silk. She looked down. Hermione was wearing a blue silk ball gown, but it wasn't going to be very useful to her now. She didn't have her wand then. Hermione sat down in the little space provided. She was going to die, but her mind was set against it. She took small breaths, trying to ration her precious air.

Hermione stayed alive that night,but she didn't sleep. When she woke in the morning she felt weaker than ever. She could hardly move.

Draco walked over to his flower, and stared sadly at it.

Hermione couldn't breathe all of a sudden. She inhaled imaginary air, and felt her lungs were going to burst.

Draco picked up his little flower, and walked over to window, where the sun was shining brightly. He watched with a sad smile as the sun reflected off the flower, making it sparkle and not look so unhappy.

The bright light shining made Hermione concentrate on her surroundings. It was blackening before her eyes. With her last strength, she threw herself against then flower, and passed out.

Draco watched surprised, as the flower he was holding knocked out of his hands.

"NO!!!" he cried, as the flower smashed on the floor, shattering pieces everywhere. But then, right before his eyes, Hermione appeared. She got bigger and bigger, until she was finally her normal size.

Draco saw immediately that she wasn't breathing, so after overcoming his initial shock he checked her pulse. It was dwindling. In less than a second he plugged her nose and drew two long breaths into her. Hermione coughed and gasped. She opened her eyes barely, smiled weakly at him then fainted.

Draco picked her up gently and got her to the Malfoy infirmary. His mother saw who he was carrying, and her eyes widened. She ran from the room to get Lucius.

She came back with him in tow. For three days Hermione was unconscious. They watched over her like a hawk. When she finally woke up, she explained everything to them. They held a huge party to celebrate, and Hermione and Draco couldn't have been happier.

The End