Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, ya ya sure sure.
Story Title: Wild Horses
Chapter Title: Abduction
Author: Trixie-chan
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13 for language
Notes: Hey hi people! How is everyone? A few notes about this story, it is an A/U (Alternate Universe) Bulma/Vegeta fic. My first A/U! Anyway, there are no special powers in this story, it's set back in the Wild West. The only thing special about Vegeta is his amazing sexiness and super advanced fighting skills. That means no ki blasts, no flying, no Super Saiyan, and he is not a Prince. Sorry! But there is a little irony about his horse's name... Well, anyway, along with the story! Enjoy!
"....." = talking
..... = thinking


Bulma tied up the laces of her left boot and stood straight up. She walked over to the mirror and smoothed out her dress to admire herself. Her dress had white lace going across the low-cut top of the dress. The light blue peasant's top connected to the darker blue tight middle of the dress. That part connected to the poof-out sparkly bottom of the dress; the same color blue as the middle; with white puffy material hanging slightly out of the bottom. A part of the dress was hitched up, revealing the black, knee-high lace up boots that she loved so much. She also wore her pure white gloves that went up to her elbow. Her naturally straight hair was pulled back into a spirally ponytail that hung down to her shoulders. She wore a necklace with a tear drop pearl and long earrings that hung down in four silver strands on each one. She smiled at her reflection. "Damn, I look hot!" she complimented herself out loud. She ran her hands along her sides, flipped her spiral curls, then gave a sexy pose. She giggled and turned around to leave.

Bulma was the head saloon girl at Goldie's Girls And Drinks, as well as the technological genius of Dodge City. There wasn't much technology in those days, but when any kind of machinery broke or anything needed fixing, from machines, to houses, to plumbing, she was the one to call.

Bulma walked down the flight of stairs to the back of the bar. "Hey Goldie!" Bulma called to her boss and friend as she headed out to the main room to take the chairs down from the tables, her job to do before the saloon opened.

"Hey Bulma, and how are you this morning?" Goldie asked with a smile.

"I am great," she replied taking some chairs down from the tables. "Just wondering how it is possible for someone to be so smart and so sexy all at the same time!" They both laughed.

"You and your damn ego..." Goldie laughed. The rest of the time that Bulma was taking down chairs was spent in silence as Goldie was washing off the counter.

When Bulma was finally done, she walked over to the counter and hopped up on it to sit.

"Oh now look what you did!" Goldie whined. "You got all your butt germs on the counter!"

"My butt don't got no germs," Bulma retorted matter-of-factly. "My ass is nice 'n' clean." Goldie just rolled her eyes. "When do the other girls get here? I always forget."

Goldie sighed. "How many times I gotta tell you! The bar opens at 9:00 am, therefor they have to be here by 8:30."

"Ahh yes, that's it. We still got 10 minutes till they get here." Goldie jumped up on the counter and sat as well.

"So how'd you sleep?" Goldie asked.

"Oh I slept good. I had the best dream. I dreamed I had met my prince charming, ya know, my soul mate, my man. Ooooh he was so handsome! He had the oddest, most unruly black hair, it stood straight up in the air. But he had so many muscles, not too much, just perfect. I could die! And the best part? He loved me! Me! Bulma!" She sighed dreamily. Goldie just looked at her and raised an eyebrow.


Vegeta woke up groggily to the echoing of the dripping water in the cave he 'lived' in. He tossed his hand-made animal skin cover-up blanket off and stood up stretching. He looked down at his new, red and black silk boxers and smirked. He just got them yesterday...

--- Flashback ---

"Now," Vegeta started, pacing back and forth in front of the frightened, tied up man. "From what I understand, you are the fastest working, most 'talented' clothes designer around. I have a special request. I want you to make me a pair of silk, black and red boxers." The clothes designer was taken aback.

"Silk? For something like that??" he asked in shock. Vegeta turned directly towards him, anger in his eyes.

"You dare to question Vegeta? I could kill you in a second," Vegeta said menacingly coming up to him. The man shook his head furiously. "I thought not. I have gotten all the supplies you will need. You will start immediately. Have it done by sundown." With that, Vegeta tossed him in a room with all his supplies. He smirked as he walked away, of coarse he would return him to his shop, he would probably need him later on.

--- End Flashback ---

Vegeta smirked again and started to put on his clothes. He walked outside the cave and looked at the newly risen sun. He whistled loudly for his horse, which trotted right up to him.

He looked around for a bit, then put his weighted cowboy hat on (Hey, how else do you expect it to go on his head? Something's gotta weigh his hair down...). "I haven't gotten any in at least 3 days... I think it's time to find me my own personal hooker," Vegeta thought out loud with a smirk. He reached into his bag hanging over his horse's back and pulled out a bunch of papers with his notes on them.

"Let's see..." he explained to himself. "According to most everyone around, Goldie's Girls And Drinks in Dodge City has the best lookin' and best everything else. But the best girl most agree is the head saloon girl, Bulma. Bulma... that's a nice name. And lucky me I am pretty near Dodge City. That saves time." He folded up the notes again, stuffed them in his bag again, and hopped onto his horse.

"Come on Prince!" He clicked his teeth and kicked his sides lightly. "Yah!" he yelled, and they took off.


"Three beers for you men," Bulma said cheerfully delivering the drinks the men ordered.

"Why thank you Bulma, and may I say that you look lovely today," one of the men complimented as she handed them their beers.

She smiled warmly. "Why thank you Clint." Bulma walked back to the bar, tray in hand and set it on the counter. Another of the girls came up next to her, setting her tray on the counter as well. "Hey Bulma," she smiled, panting slightly.

"Hey Mandy, you seem a bit out of breath," Bulma laughed.

Mandy laughed lightly with her. "Well, I just was hired, and I'm just not used to all this running around, I mean it's only 11:15! And you would not believe how many men have been pinching or feeling my ass!" Mandy cried in frustration.

"Well, being as you're new here, I'll explain something to you. Those men know the rules, they also know that you're new and don't know all the rules yet. The 'Girls' part in the title of the bar means that we have two different kinds of women here. The ones that serve, like us, do not perform as well. So next time someone does that to you, tell him that, tell him off, or tell him that if he does it again, Goldie or I will kick his ass." Bulma smiled.

Mandy smiled as well. "Thanks Bulma."

At just that moment, the saloon doors swung open to a man in a black cowboy suit with black boots and a black cowboy hat walked inside. The room was filled with gasps and whispers. "That's Vegeta..." and "He's wanted for $500!" and "What the hell is he doing here?" and "Is he going to hurt us?"

Bulma looked up and gasped as well. She had never seen his wanted posters. This was the man that was in her dream. Her soul mate. She didn't know he actually existed...

Vegeta quickly scanned over the room when his eyes fell upon a beautiful, aqua haired woman with a gorgeous figure. He slowly walked forward and stopped in the middle of the bar. "Which one of you is Bulma?" he asked, secretly wishing that this 'Bulma' was the aqua haired beauty.

Bulma was stunned that this man from her dreams was looking for her, but soon regained her composure and stepped forward. "I am."

Well, Vegeta thought. She's brave, gotta give her that. He walked to her, looked her up and down, and then unexpectedly grabbed her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder. Bulma gasped and started kicking in the air and slamming her fists against his back.

"Let me go! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she screamed.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Goldie yelled from behind the bar after Vegeta had turned around and was walking away. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. Then he pulled his gun out of it's holder and pointed it at Goldie, who immediately shut up.

Vegeta smirked. "I thought not." Then he walked out the door with the still kicking and screaming Bulma, leaving everyone in the saloon in a stunned silence.

--- End of Chapter One ---

So what you think?? Tell me what you think! The next chapter of Piccolo: The Pop Star Days and the next chapter of this story, Wild Horses, will both be out soon! Was that a LONG FanFiction down time or WHAT???? It was the saddest amount of time of my life.... Am I sad or what? ::sigh:: Well, please R&R! Ja!

- Trixie-chan