Title: "All The Way"

Author: Jackie W.

Email: jackiesficaol.com

Rating: PG-13

Classification: SJ UST/Romance

Season: Season 8 possible spoilers – then again I might be way way off!

Spoilers: Up through Lost City part II.

Archive: SJD, yes. Anyone else, please just ask.

Summary: It's for sure their going to love each other, all the way.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret Productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment, not monetary purposes, and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Author's Notes 1:

This is based on two minor spoilers for Season 8, plus a comment that Christopher Judge made in an interview that I though was very funny. Muse took those things, mixed them together in her overactive imagination and came up with this. So while there might be some similarity to a few plot turns that you will see on Stargate in the coming season, mostly this is just Muse being Muse.

Author's Note 2:

I never quote more than a few words from a song in any of my fics because I consider that to be plagiarism. (Someone else wrote those words not me) But that doesn't mean that Muse is not inspired by music. Quite the opposite.

When we are writing romance she insists on listening to really romantic ballads. For angst it must be really sad ballads. Hard rock does not inspire her much which is very curious as I am totally a child of rock and roll (giving my age away here folks!) I was born in the 1950's so rock and I have grown up together. The 1970's is my musical decade (and it gave birth to some truly great rock) So who does Muse listen to? Barry Manilow (ok at least he's from the 70's). But even more surprising is that Muse loves my parent's music. Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennet and Rosemary Clooney really get her creative juices going.

Of course I have very little in the way of those artists in my CD collection. (Since I have two teens you are more likely to find Three Doors Down or Counting Crows in my Discman than Frank) However, a large part of this fic was inspired by an old Frank Sinatra song. I DO own a copy of this one, it's from his duet collection he did a few years ago and this particular one is with Celine Dion.

However it occurred to Muse and I that the reference to the song might go totally over the heads of a lot of readers. My kids, while knowing who Old' Blue Eyes is, certainly wouldn't recognize most of his music. And this one has beautiful lyrics.

So for you kids out there (those younger than 40!) Here is the reference material that goes with my story.

All the Way

Frank Sinatra

Writer(s): Cahn/van Heusen

When somebody loves you

It's no good unless he loves you - all the way

Happy to be near you

When you need someone to cheer you - all the way

Taller than the tallest tree is

That's how it's got to feel

Deeper than the deep blue see is

That's how deep it goes - if its real

When somebody needs you

It's no good unless he needs you - all the way

Through the good or lean years

And for all the in between years - come what may

Who know where the road will lead us

Only a fool would say

But if you'll let me love you

It's for sure I'm gonna love you - all the way, all the way