Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.














Hullo guys! Welcome to chapter to of 'A Dangerous Game' A really big thanks to all who took the time to review my last chapter. I really appreciate it guys =) Anyways, sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy the chapter!!



















A Dangerous Game

By: Mokubaz-Angel

Chapter Two: First Day back








The once bright clear blue sky vanished slowly before them, as night took over. The Hogwarts Express continued on down its path, soon to arrive at Hogwarts. Students were going and leaving their compartments, as they went to change into their school robes, wanting to be ready for when they arrived.

"New robes Ron?" Harry commented, as they closed their compartment door, and took a seat.

"Yeah. . .Mum bought em' for me." he said, turning his gaze to the window.

"It's really great to be back," Harry said, smiling to himself. "I can't wait to play Quidditch and to see everyone again," he added.

"I suppose" Ron said. He still didn't like the fact of being back. He did want to see some of his friend's though, just not some of the people there. "Too bad we can't just go there to have some fun. . .being away from parents and not worrying about homework and tests would great." he laughed.

"I suppose Ron" Harry replied. "Hey. . .where's Hermione? She should be back by now," Harry noticed.

"I don't know, maybe she's still changing." Ron said.

"It's been almost fifteen minutes though," Harry told him.

"She's also a woman." Ron said bluntly.

"Oh. . ." was all he said, as Ron laughed.

Hermione closed the door to the bathroom, and began to change into her new school robes. It didn't take her that long as usual, and when she was done, she quickly folded her clothing and sat them on the counter. She then looked at herself in the mirror, realizing the changes from the first day she had been here.

She was a lot taller, and very slim. She had perfect curves, which had taken her most of the summer to get. Her once bushy hair was now longer and straighter to her joy. She had hated it being all over the place. She sighed before moving away from the mirror and grabbing her clothing. It's not like anyone will ever notice me she thought, opening the door and walking out.

She continued down, deep in thought about herself, when someone walked out of their compartment, neither seeing each other, they banged into each other, making Hermione fall to the floor.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." she said embarrassed, as she went and grabbed her clothing from the floor.

"Gravelling at my feet already?" he laughed at her.

Hermione knew that voice all to well, and immediately looked up to find a smirking Draco Malfoy, who was all too well enjoying this. "Prat." she said angrily, getting up. "Look where your going next time." she huffed, as she moved around him to walk away.

Quickly, he grabbed her, making her yelp as she was now facing him once again. "Don't walk away from me unless I say you can." he said, his voice turning dark. He may have to get her to love him, but he was a Malfoy, and he wouldn't tolerate it from a Mudblood.

"Get your hands off of me this instant!" she said furiously, trying to get out of his grasp.

"You are not in a position to tell me what to do, now are you Granger?" he asked her, as she glared angrily.

"You, have no right to lay a hand on me. I don't care if you're a Malfoy or not." she spoke, trying to remain calm. "So get them off," she repeated from before.

Draco smirked, as he watched her pulling to break free. "Fine." he said, letting go, and because of her trying to pull away, she fell backwards, and back onto the floor.

"Bastard." she hissed angrily, as she stood up, not wanting to be at his feet again. When she was standing, she shoved him to the side, and walked down until she reached her compartment. Before entering, she looked back at him to find him watching and laughing at her. She gave him a glare and walked in, closing the compartment door angrily.

"Are you okay Hermione?" Harry asked as he watched his best friend walk in angrily, muttering to herself as she took a seat.

"I'm fine guys." she said, smiling at them. She didn't want to tell them about the earlier events. Then, they would just get angry, and start problems. She didn't want that to happen, especially on the first day of school.

"Are you sure?" Ron asked. "You don't seem it. You look pretty pissed off actually." he commented.

"Ron, I said I was fine" she repeated herself.

"Oh okay then." he replied.

Not much longer, they felt the train come to a halt, signaling they were finally at Hogwarts. The first years scrambled to the windows eagerly to get a look at their new school, excited at what would happen this year.

"Good to be back." Harry said, smiling up at the castle.

"It is." Ron said.

"Let the new year here start." Hermione smiled.

Soon after, the students sat at their tables, waiting patiently for their food. But, like always, the sorting happened first. They all watched as the doors open, and the scared yet excited first years entered silently.

At the front of the room, was the hat that sat on the same chair it did every year. They waited silently, as suddenly, the hat moved, making the first years gasp from shock. The hat smiled, before he sang his usual song like he did every year.


Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
your top hats sleek and tall,
for I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
so try me on and I will tell you
where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends,
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!


When the song had ended, the hall had erupted in applause. Dumbledore soon stood up, and waited for noise to die down. When it did, he spoke.

"Welcome new and old students to Hogwarts. I hope this year will be a good year. Now, let us start the sorting. Mrs. McGonagall, if you would read out the students name so they can be sorted." he spoke softly. She nodded and he took his seat.

"Annie Aleve." she called. A small girl with short blond hair walked up. She grabbed the hat, and took a seat, putting it on her head. Moments of silence past before the hat yelled out her new home.

"RAVENVLAW!" the hat bellowed.

Applauses erupted, as she smiled and went to take a seat at her new table. "Jessica Anderson." she called out the next name. A short small girl, with long brown hair walked up. She picked up the hat, and put it on her head. Again, moments went by, before he yelled it out.

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled, as the Slytherin table applauded their new comer.

"Daniel Burt." she called out the next name. A tall boy walked up, and like the previous two students, put on the hat.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat cried, as more applauds came.

Mrs. McGonagall continued down her list, as every student went up, and was sorted into their appropriate place. When the list was done, and the final student took his seat, Dumbledore stood up once again.

"Ah, now that we have that sorted." he chuckled. "Let us begin the feast!" he smiled, as he clapped his hands.

Before them, the tables began to fill with all the food any of them could imagine. Potatoes, meat, fruits all appeared.

"I'm so hungry, I'm going to enjoy this." Ron drooled, as he grabbed his spoon and began filling his plate with potatoes first.

"Pig." Hermione commented, as she began to fill her own plate with the food.

"Oh stop it 'Mione." Ron said. "I would like to enjoy this meal." he added, as she threw a bean at his face. "Hey!" he yelled.

"Accident." she lied smiling.

Harry laughed simply. "You guys. . .what would I do without you?" he laughed.

After dinner, with the clap of his hands, everything disappeared. The students looked up tiredly at him, all wanting some rest from the day's events. "I hope you all enjoyed the feast, for I know I surely have. Now, I'm sure you all are quite tired, so I will leave you to get to your common rooms. Have a goodnight," he said.

Instantly, the students stood up, and began walked to their common rooms. By the time Ron, Hermione and Harry had reached their common rooms; there had been a line, as each student, one by one entered.

"We don't even know the password," Ron said.

"Well someone has too, since people are getting in." Harry comment. He then tapped a girl on the shoulder; she turned over waiting to know what he wanted. "What's the password?" he asked.

"Candy Apple." she said.

"Thanks" Harry said, turning back to his friends.

"Candy apple?" Ron asked. "We need to ask someone to change that." he commented.

"It's not that bad Ron, besides, whose head girl and boy?" she asked, hoping one of them was in Gryffindor.

"Dumbledore hasn't said yet. New students came. . .exchange program, so he has to see and all. I think he announces at breakfast tomorrow." Ron said.

"Oh okay then." Hermione said, as she entered the common room, her friend's soon after. "Well I'm going to be guys, and so should you. Night." she said, walking up the stairs to the girls room.

"Night 'Mione." Ron and Harry said, as they did the same.

The sun had risen, and the sound of chirping birds hit her ears. She opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to light. She yawned before sitting up slowly. New day she thought excitedly, as she got out of bed, and began to get dressed.

When she was done, she walked down stairs into the common room. "Hey Neville, do you know where Ron and Harry are?" she asked him.

"Just left to go eat breakfast," he said.

"Thanks." she said, before leaving.

It didn't take her that long to get to great hall at all. She took a seat in front of her two friends and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Mornin' 'Mione." Ron said tiredly.

"Morning Ron, Harry." she said, taking another bite of her toast. "So, did Dumbledore announce head girl and boy yet?" she asked soon after.

"Not yet. After breakfast though he will, probably." he said, before owls began flying into the great hall, dropping off mail and their new schedules to them. The three all stopped what they were eating, and began to read their new classes.

"Yes! No double potions for us today." Ron smiled happily.

"Yeah, but on Tuesday and Friday we do." Harry groaned.

"Well, as long as it's not on our first day, I'm happy." Ron said, putting his schedule to the side, as he began to eat more of his eggs.

"I guess." Harry said.

"Well even so, this is your last year guys, work hard, and try not to let Snape get the best of you." Hermione said.

"'Mione! He hates Gryffindors! I could behave all year round, and he'd still find a way to take off points or fail me." Ron pointed out.

"Not true Ron. I'm sure if you worked harder, then you would see a difference," she said. "I mean, I get good marks in his class." she pointed out.

"I still say he's out to get me." Ron said.

"You think that about everyone who gives you a low mark or doesn't like you." Hermione stated.

"Not true!" Ron exclaimed.

"Very true! Aren't I right Harry?" she asked, as both her and Ron turned to him.

"I am in no way getting involved," he said, going back to his bacon and eggs.

"Why can't you ever be any help?" Hermione asked.

"Because, you guys are fighting over the stupidest thing, and I don't want to be caught in the middle like I am now." Harry said.

"Fine." Ron said.

"Fine." Hermione said soon after.

They had eaten in silence for the rest of breakfast, each enjoying their own peace. When they had finished, Dumbledore had appeared, and almost instantly, the room was in silence, all looking up at the great man.

"Students, I have made my decision on who will be head boy and girl for this year. Please give a nice applause to our new Head Girl, Hermione Granger." he said, as the room applauded.

"This is so great!" she smiled.

"It is, now you can take points off Slytherin!" Ron said happily.

"I will not Ron! This is a responsibility." she replied.

"Well, if I'm head boy, I will." Ron said.

"Now" Dumbledore said, continuing on with the announcements, "For head boy, please give a nice applause for our new head boy, Mister Draco Malfoy" he smiled.

"No. Fucking. Way" Hermione gasped, as her eyes turned to the Slytherin table. . .



















I know! I know! That's not how head girl/boy is announced at all. But, I forgot before, so I gave it a little difference, so I hope you don't mind. Anyways, thanks a lot to all who took the time to review my last chapter, I really appreciate it! Now, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Please review guys!!!


[I'm changing my name here soon, so if you would like, please review and leave me your e-mail address, so when changing it, I'll e-mail you so you don't lose this fic! Thanks in advance]