Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha and co.

Kagome's Point of View

His face, his laugh, his once-in-a-while smile. His voice, his ears, his know-it-all attitude.

His courage, his determination, his faith. He was my love and i will never forget as i sit in my room,

thinking about him. They way we fought made us look like a married couple. I wish that were true. But

his life was taken so early. That damned Naraku, seemed made from the pits of hell, destroyed my love.

We had fought a long and hard battle against the one who has caused so many lives to perish through the

earth, the one who didnt care if many people were slaughtered by his hands. His defiled, dirty, soaked

in blood, hands. Miroku, the poor monk, his life may not have ended so young but his precious Sango did.

My best friend, my sister, brought down by a single blow of darkness. Capturing her soul and taking her

to a better place where her and her brother, who also died, could live with her father and her friends.

I remember the screams of her name echoing out of Miroku's mouth as he weeped over her body. Shippo, my

son, fought has hard as he could, but Naraku got to him first, by braking his spirit to win and by braking

his legs. The poor kistune never had a chance to say goodbye to his loved ones. The pain had been too

much for such a young child. Me, I have missed them so much. The way we would have picnics, played around

in the feilds of flowers we encountered along the way. But all those memories are gone, they left when he

did. I am done smiling. I am done wondering about the future when he has been dead for hours, the stench

of his blood flowing through my nose. I can't look at Miroku. I can't look at the bodies of my friends,

my family. I am done looking at the destruction made around us. I am done living. I am now just an empty

casket. A body to roam without a soul. A corpse. A corpse along with my friends. A corpse along with

Naraku as he too lay dead at my feet. All that is left is an empty shell of a former happy life. I am done.

Kagome packed up her things for school and brushed her hair. It had been a few years, making her 18,

and a senior in high school. She had changed her features.She now had short hair, one lock that was dyed

blood red. Her friends never talked to her anymore and Hojo was no where to be seen around Kagome. She was

alone and she liked it that way. When she had come home from the fuedal age years ago, she was always quiet.

Her friends would ask her questions and try to start conversations but her mind was empty as well as her

feelings. To herself, she was dead and nothing but a walking corpse, roaming her homeland for invisble

happiness. Hojo had to tried to ask her out on dates but she always turned him down saying, "the dead can

not see movies". So he gave up. Now, in her senior year, she had no one. The teachers stopped asking her

what the answer was to certain questions and they basically stopped thinking she was there. Kagome merrily

looked out the windows, waiting, wanting to see her faithful hanyou, waiting for her at the gates so he

could take her back to the fuedal age. But she hadnt thought of the fuedal age nor her friends in a long

time. She really was considered dead to everyone.

The school bell rang and Kagome quietly walked up the steps to school and waited for people to pass her

by. Happy faces rushed by in a blur it was hard for Kagome to pay attention where she was walking. She ran

into someone, but brushed it off."I'm sorry. Here let me-"

"I don't need help." She said monotoniously. She walked past him in one quick stride that it was almost

like SHE was dead.

They person Kagome had bumped into, crouched low to ground and picked up a card. He flipped it over to

see that it was an I.D. with Kagome's picture and address on it. The guy smiled and quickly pocketed it.

"Hello, Kagome." He said as he made his way to the school.

So....how is it so far? I know this is a short chapter, but i garentee that the next chapter will be

longer....i hope...O.O Please review!!!