Disclaimer: Neon Genesis Evangelion is Owned by Gainax. Buy the DVD's of the Series and the Movies from them. I did, and it was worth every dime. I don't own anything except my DVD's, and this is done for my own satisfaction.

Welcome to Season Three of Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Last Best Hope. The events chronicled here take place after the 1st season of the TV series, and the End of Evangelion Movie, as well as the events that took place in "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Awakening." The 24 part second season fic.

Evangelion Episode 3:09 Shores of Change


Shinji Ikari is gone. His death made even more bittersweet by Asuka's public admission of her pregnancy. How will all the players of this game react, now that the most valuable piece has been removed from the board? And what of the message Shinji was given by his guardian angels? Are there any answers, or merely more questions in the next chapter of Evangelion: Last Best Hope

Presumed date is December 25th, 2019

Or at least, that's what this should be

See, over the last several years, demands on my personal time have grown and grown, and my time to write has shrunk and shrunk.

I had originally planned out another 16 episodes and a 17th EPILOGUE for this series, but, at the rate I've been writing, that might take me another 7-10 years.

So instead of making what few fans I probably have left at this point languish (and me beating myself up for not being creative on a better timetable) I'm going to finish the series in one shot.

No, I'm not abandoning it, like many authors do with their works, but I am going to finish it in a blaze of glory.

So, its here that I'm announcing the concluding story of Neon Genesis Evangelion: Last Best Hope.


As of the time of this writing, I am beginning the climax of the story, and the culmination of almost six years of work. The current work is over 45 pages long, and some 15000 words.

I should have this finished and back from my pre-readers in a couple days, as they've been working hand in hand with me as I write this, to save time. (and because they're as impatient as any of my fans are to see how I get myself out of the corner I wrote myself into)

So, thank you all for the support you've given me over the years, and I hope you enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Drop by Evamade DOT Net sometime, and say "hi" I'm around there a lot these days, as I run the place.

(ps, any fanfic authors out there looking for a home, are more than welcome to drop by, we're always looking for new stories to add to the fanfiction section, and we're an open site, so there's no judges to approve or deny your work)