
January 10th, 2002

"Wow Harry, that's quite the story, Ron said after gulping the rest of his butterbeer. Most of it had ended up on the floor of the Three broomsticks after Harry had made his big announcement. That was the first full sentence his friend had managed to get out for the last half-hour.

"Oh Harry, I hope you're all right now. You should have owled us. We would have come home from the honeymoon. Aren't you supposed to still be in the hospital wing? You were in a coma only two weeks ago, after all. That can be very dangerous."

"Mione, didn't you listen to the story? You missed the part where Harry said he is having sex with Snape!"

The Three Broomsticks was suddenly silent. Ron turned quite the interesting shade of scarlet.

"Well, thanks a lot Ron. I bet this wonderful quote will make the cover of Witch Weekly. Beside, we're not just having sex", he added after casting a silencing spell around them. "We're... together."

Who knew that after scarlet, your face could turn violet?

"Is he, um, nice to you?" asked Hermione, concerned.

"Yes, of course. In his own way."

"And his way is what?" said Ron.

Harry paused, trying to find words that would convey not the way Severus acted, but more what it meant, then smiled: "He never sneers at me anymore!"

They both looked confused. Harry still thought it said it all. "You're mad mate." Ron shook his head. "Well, you do what you want." Hermione nodded quickly. "Just please," he continued, "spare me the, you know, details."

Harry's nervous expression quickly turned into a faraway dreamy look.

Evidently, green was also within Ron's colouring range.


Severus smirked, waved at the gaping man sprawled all over the ground before him and apparated away. He had given his word that there would be no cursing of the muggle brute, but Harry hadn't said anything about portkeys to small villages in Mongolia.


Severus was reading quietly in his rooms when Harry knocked, came in and dropped beside him on the sofa. "Hello Sev", he said kissing his cheek.

Severus raised an eyebrow at the nickname. He certainly would not allow... Harry, a look of fascinated adoration on his face, traced it with his fingers in a gentle caress. Well, maybe 'Sev' was tolerable, provided only Harry used it. He put his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"I hope you don't mind going public, because there is a good chance the Prophet will have us on its front page tomorrow morning."

Harry had used a joking tone, but Severus could see he was anxious about his reaction. As if there was any need. "Good," he said promptly. "Then all your rabid fans will back off, knowing you are mine."

The blinding smile and possessive kiss he got in response assured him it was also true the other way around. Good.



Thanks to everyone who reviewed this first story of mine. Sorry to those who thought this was going to be a long fic, but everything was planned out beforehand. Hope you enjoyed the mini-epilogue! (My beta insisted on a healthy dose of Sev revenge.)