I just combined my first three chapters more will be coming later....

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ/DBGT.

Title: It Never Ends

C1-Welcome Home.

Trunks looked nervous as they walked towards the shadow of the familiar house. Capsule Corp. Home.

Goten knew why he was nervous. After all, Vegeta was his father and Bulma was his mother. He was sure to have both a good tongue-lashing and a beating from them. He was twisting his long purple braid with his hands. He was slouched a little too. He must have been thinking about the impending doom.

Goten grinned. He was looking forward to seeing everyone again. He was aware of the backlash that would come his way. He was very aware of what he had done.

He had left, with Trunks, five years ago, to go searching for his father. He felt him still out there. He felt him! No one else did. Everyone was so certain that Goku was finally dead. He saved the world and universe, yet again and had been finally allowed to rest. But Goten still could feel him but he couldn't find him.

He dragged Trunks out with him, as they wandered space. They did not find his father. All they found was trouble.

He had gained a few scars. The new one and the only that just about took his life, was a black scar from a razor sharp whip that had wrapped itself around his throat. There had been poison on that whip and it nearly took him out. It was the main reason that he had come back. He was sick for three months and was hardly aware of the time. If Trunks hadn't been there, he surely would have died. The scar still hurt, he was just used to it now.

He wore a high necked shirt to hide it. Exposure to air, made it hurt even more.

"Shouldn't we wait until everyone is up?" Trunks said. "It looks like not even my father is up. I don't want them to be angry at us." He fidgeted with his braid as he looked at the quiet house. They had changed a lot in the last five years.

Trunks hair had grown so long that he now wore it in a braid that reached to his waist. Goten was used to it now. It was funny to watch him go Super Sayin though. But then, Goten shouldn't talk either. His had had grown as long as Trunks. He didn't bother tying it back. He let it fall loose down to the middle of his back. He knew that he probably would have to get it as soon as mom saw it, but he rather liked it long.

"Na!" Goten said. "We won't be able to get something to eat that way!" Goten patted his belly. "I'm hungry."

Trunks smiled. "We'll I'm glad your feeling better." He hadn't eaten much when he was sick. He was recovering well now. Trunks still worried about his friend but he recovered and he seemed to be doing better now. Even if they didn't find Goku.

"How mad do you think they will be at us?" Trunks whispered as they sneaked into the kitchen.

"Furious. I know mom is going to force me to finish school," Goten said as he entered the fridge. "I am more worried about you. You have the two most stubborn people in the world to deal with."

Trunks sighed and shrugged. "It's the price that I have to pay. I knew this was going to happen. I'll live through this. Besides, it's all your fault. I'll sic dad on you after he is done with me."

Goten smiled.

They ate in silence and listened to the quiet house. There was no sign that anyone was up yet. It was like the quiet before the storm.

Then they heard a noise outside. A battle scream followed by another.

"That sounds like Dad," Trunks said as he went over the window. "Yep. Dad. I don't recognize the person he is sparring with though?"

Goten took a look.

Vegeta's sparring partner was a rather stunning woman. She had the golden aura that super sayins get. Her hair was quite long and flew around her in a menacing manner.

"Is that Bra?" Goten asked.

"No. That cannot be my little sister!" Trunks said. "She never trained before. It has to be Pan."

"No way! Pan wouldn't look like that. Look at her battle armor. It has to be Bra. Her armor is the same as Vegeta's expect it is green, instead of blue!"

They watched the fight and realized that they weren't really trying to hit each other. At least, they were not as fast paced as they all knew Vegeta could fight at.

"I don't know who she is but she has to be one of them. Look. She has a tail," Trunks pointed out.

The woman did have a tail. It was whipping around behind her instead of around her waist, like Vegeta did, when he had his tail.

"But they both had them removed"

"They do grow back."

They watched as the woman started to pick up pace. Her hands moved quickly. A blow hit Vegeta in the jaw. Vegeta retaliated with a blow to her stomach.

"She's good, who ever she is."

Vegeta laughed.

The woman growled.

"Yeah," Goten sighed.

They couldn't tear their eyes off the match. They argued a bit more on whether it was Pan or Bra.

"Sis hates fighting. She would rather be at the mall," Trunks said.

"Mom, wouldn't allow Pan to train so early in the morning. School has to come first in her books," Goten countered.

"Who..." A small voice came from behind them.

"Did you hear that?" Trunks asked.


They turned around to see a small boy standing in the doorway, a small boy with a messy mop of purple hair and large green eyes. He was wearing a pair of pj's with spaceships on them. He held a small blue blanked that he had pushed under his chin with two small fists.

A boy that looked remarkably like Trunks.

From the shocked look on Trunks face, he saw the resemblance too.

"Is there something you forgot to tell me?" Goten whispered to his best friend.


"The boy? He looks like you." Goten said. "Did you have a girl friend that you didn't tell me about?"

"No," Trunks gasped. "I... I was to busy working to have a girlfriend."

They stared at the freighted little boy. His green eyes were starting to water. A frightened noise escaped him.

"We won't hurt you. We..." Goten stared but was cut off by the boy.

"MOMMMY!" He yelled and took a couple of steps back. "MOMMMY!"

They boy certainly had a good set of lungs.

"There is no need to be frightened," Goten said, trying to speak as gently as he could.

The room gained a new occupant, the woman that had been fighting Vegeta. She was now standing in front of the boy. She looked even more menacing that she did outside. The boy quickly ran to her side and wrapped his arms around her leg, calling her mommy. She put a comforting hand onto the boy's purple head. Then the anger was turned to them.

She raised her hand, her teeth clenched together and a ball of green energy quickly grew in her hand. Before they could even protest, she let out a scream and released the ball of energy and sent they flying through the kitchen wall.

Goten barely had time to block before he found himself lying on the capsule corp. lawn.

The woman was strong!

Goten tried to sit up. His first attempt was a failure. His head was swimming. She certainly put a lot of energy in that blast.

His second attempt was halted but a foot being placed on his throat. Her boot. He focused his eyes on her. She held the boy in her arms, held protectively to her chest. Her other had was palm down and gather another batch of energy.

Her eyes were glowing a wild green.

He put his hands around her ankle, but he couldn't move her. It was solid. He couldn't speak!

He closed his eyes as he prepared for the blast.


This is part 2 of the story.

It Never Ends

C-2- Catching up

"Back off!" He heard Vegeta's gruff voice.

Goten was never so glad to hear his gruff voice.

"Why?" Her voice was surprisingly soft. He opened his eyes again and turned his head to see a frowning Vegeta.

"Yeah! Why!" The boy in her arms yelled now, as he was getting his bravery back now. "He scared me! And he was stealing our food!"

Vegeta grumbled something under his breath and then spoke loudly, "It's Kakarott's brat!" Vegeta let out a sigh and powered down, his hair going from gold to black.

"I thought that was Gohan?" She said.

"This is his youngest!" Vegeta snapped.

The boot was removed from his throat and she took a step back. She had both her arms around the boy. The boy stuck his tongue out at him. She looked at Vegeta and powered down herself. Her golden hair fell down in to sheets of a dark red. Her eyes remained green, a little darker, but still green.

"I forgot about that," she said.

Vegeta humphed. "Get up!" Goten groaned as he received a boot in the side from Vegeta and then sat up. His head was swimming a little. Vegeta grabbed his collar and pulled him up. "Where is my boy?"

Goten was a little shocked and didn't respond right away. Vegeta gave him a shake. "Answer me already! Are you deaf now!"

"Uh, now. He was here," Goten said weakly. He looked around and saw a hole that looked as if Trunks could have created it. "He must be in there."

Vegeta let him go and he fell to the ground.

"Ow," He moaned.


He turned to see that boy who was now standing by his mother with a grin on his face. Goten was certain that he just called him a wimp.

"Get inside now," The woman said to the boy.

"But mom," he whined. "I will miss all the fun then."

"Benot!" She snapped. The boy cringed and then walked through the new door that she created with that last blast.

Goten couldn't help but stare at her. She was a very beautiful woman. She was just about the same size as Vegeta height wise, but she also had one hell of a figure and it was hard not to notice with the green spandex that clung to her. He features were smooth and rounded, expect for her eyes, which looked angry right now. He wondered who she was? Then he took note of her tail again. He never had a tail. It was removed before he could remember. Her tail was quite unusual. Vegeta's and his fathers were fuzzy brown, hers was a dark red, that matched her hair.

"Trunks!" Vegeta hollered. Goten came back to reality. He looked over to where Vegeta stood.

The woman made a humphing sound similar to the one Vegeta makes all the time and walked into the house. Vegeta's eyes followed her for a minute but his attention turned back to wrecked shed as Trunk's noisily emerged and in a shy voice and a smirk said, "Hi Dad."

Vegeta growled, "Shake your self off. That blast will wake everyone."

"Where did that woman go?" Trunks asked as Vegeta grabbed his son roughly. "Just get inside! You have to explain first!" Vegeta shoved his son towards the hole in the wall.

Goten and Trunks looked at each other and with some more coaxing from Vegeta, they went inside.


They both hung their heads as Bulma yelled at them about leaving the way they did. Stealing the spaceship. Leaving without telling her. Making her worry and then destroying her kitchen. Goten tried to argue that they didn't destroy the kitchen, but Trunks just shook his head and warned him not to say anything. That lasted for about an hour before Trunks got a surprised hug from her. "I am glad that you are back!"

Trunks sighed. "That wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be." He thought.


He groaned as he thought his mother was going to start yelling at him again.

"Where were you and where is my space ship?" Bulma demanded.

Goten started to explain. He simplified it a great deal. He didn't mention the last battle that they fought and lost. He even made sure that his shirt was still covering the scar on his throat. "I couldn't find dad," Goten said. "I really just wanted to find dad."

Bulma gave him a sad look. Goten knew what she was thinking, but he just knew that he was out there somewhere. He wasn't dead. He was out there. Wandering for some stupid reason.

That's when a new little boy entered the room. He was bigger than the one with the purple hair, but his hair was almost white, he was so blond. He sleepily walked through the room. His green eyes were half shut. "Oma, I'm hungry," he said and pulled on Bulma's arm.

"Oma?" Trunks said.

Bulma grinned. "Oh! You have met the boy's have you? This is Legen. (Lee-jen) He's your grandson!"

Trunks fell off the couch.

"What?" Goten said in shock. "How could that be?"

"Oma, please, I'm hungry!" The boy said in a very drowsy voice. He still really wasn't aware of his surroundings.

"Just a minute dear. Go see what is left of the kitchen and see if there is some food," Bulma said, guiding the sleeping boy towards the kitchen.

"Mom! Explain this to me!" Trunks said with urgency. "How can I have a grandchild?!"

"I'll explain it to you. Now sit down and relax."

Bulma explained it to the former vacationers.

It seemed that not long after they left, they arrived. They being, the woman that they saw sparing with Vegeta, Soyna, and her baby brother that they called Junior.

"They were injured pretty badly when they arrived. Poor Junior just about had no eyesight left. Soyna was poisoned and large with the boys. If Vegeta didn't pull them out of the wreckage, they surely would have died. Poor Soyna was a wreck. Junior was able to fill us in a bit."

"She had twin boys, Benot, the one with the purple hair and Legen, the hungry one. They are quite smart boys. They take after me that way."

"Anyway, when they both had clear heads we were finally able to make heads and tails out of the situation."

"Soyna and Junior are your future selves children, Trunks. It seemed that after the androids were defeated you found yourself a nice girl to start a family with. We figured that she had to be from that bloodline, because of her tail. She still stubbornly refused to cut it off."

"She didn't tell us much at first about what happened. She was pretty shaken by the whole incident. She still has nightmares over it. She eventually opened up to us and told us what happened to bring her and her brother here."

"Oma!" Came a cry from the kitchen. "What happened to the kitchen?"

Bulma sighed, "Your mother blew it up. Can you find something to eat?"

There was a moment of silence from the room. "Yeah," came a lower call.

"I thought it was bad with you and Goten always hunting for food. Now I have a house full of Saiyians that eat me out of house a home." Bulma sighed.

"Bulma, please tell us more before Trunks goes catatonic," Goten said as he looked over at his very dazed looking friend.

"Oh. I'll simplify it a bit. There was a race that was looking to increase it army. They aren't very strong by our standards but they have ways of weakening their opponents. One of the first things that they did was poison the one that threatened them the most. Horrible stuff they used. I kept Soyna in the hospital for 6 months before its effects started to wear off. She still has the scar from the whip..."

Goten cringed. Could it be the same one that gave him the scar on his throat?

"... around her arm. They didn't even know they were under attack when the other Trunks fell ill and died. They didn't even know that he was poisoned until that guy confessed. What was that guy's name again? Krad!"

Goten rubbed his throat. Krad. He knew that name. It was the same one. Oh, this was not turning out to be a good situation at all. It was true that they weren't that strong of a race, but they certainly were smart. They had stumbled on the planet looking to replenish their supplies. They stayed for awhile and they did ask them to join their army. They didn't like the fact that two strong men were just roaming the universe and refused to join them, so they tried to destroy them. The Wodah's. They seemed nice enough in the beginning until he refused Krad's request and he found that whip around his throat.

Bulma continued.

"They wanted Soyna and her child. They didn't know that she was going to have twins. They wanted to increase their army strength with her. They figured that she would be easier to control than Trunks."

"I, the genius that I am, fixed up the time capsule for them travel back to this time, so that they would be safe, with the help of her husband. I guess he was a very smart man. His name was Brennen. He was supposed to join them, but he didn't make it. They just about didn't make it."

Trunks looked at his mother. "I have kids?" His eyes looked kind of dazed.

"Sort of," Bulma said.

Legen walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room. He looked fully awake now. He looked over at the two men on the couch and was a little startled. "Oma?"

"It's okay Legen. Do you remember me telling you about me son? This is Trunks and this is his best friend Goten. Fry's uncle." Bulma said.

The boy relaxed. "Oh. That's okay then. Are they reason that mom blew up the kitchen?"

"They startled Benot." Bulma sighed.

A voice came from upstairs. It was Soyna. "Legen! Get your butt up here and get ready for school!"

He smiled and then ran up the stairs.

"Fry?" Goten said. "Who's Fry?"

"I have grandkids," Trunks muttered. He put his hands in his forehead and groaned. He looked kind of pale. He wasn't taking this news all that well.

"Your nephew! Oh! He was born after you left!" Bulma said. "A lot has changed. He was born 4 years ago. He is a little monster!"

Goten just blinked.

"Two kids," Trunks whispered. "Two."

"I think my head is starting hurt too," Goten said. So much had changed in the last 5 years. So much.

Bulma laughed. "Things never seem to quit around here."

Trunks stood. "I think that I am going to lie down for a little while." He was still rubbing his head.

That is when Soyna entered the room with the two boys. She glared at him briefly and then looked away. Trunks looked as if he was frozen in spot. Benot stood behind his mother's legs and Legen was more worried about tying up his book bag.

She was no longer dressed in the tight green spandex. She was wearing a simple pair of jean and a t-shirt with the symbol of Capsule Corp. on it. She had tied her hair back into a ponytail now. She still looked rather menacing for such a small woman. She must have inherited that from Vegeta.

"Are you taking the boys to school today?" Bulma asked.

She just nodded.

Trunks looked as if he were struggling for words.

She looked down at the floor, away from Trunks. "You don't need to say anything. You are not my father."

Bulma gasped.

"You just happen to look like him."


This is my third installment to my fanfic. I hope you are enjoying it. I am getting quite a few reviews and so far so good for my first try at this. This chapter will be a little slow. It continues a bit of the catching up theme and lets see if our two heroes can survive through it all

Disclaimer (which I forgot last time): I don't own DBZ/DBGT

It Never Ends

C-3 - More News

Trunk's was quite shaken by all the news. He almost seemed relieved when Soyna said that he was not her father. But there was yet another shock to come.

They had to meet Junior yet.

Trunks was just starting to get over the shock that he had a ready made family when Junior lumbered into the kitchen.

He looked just like Vegeta! Expect he was much bigger. He was well over six feet and his hair was just missing the widow's peak but the resemblance was uncanny. They couldn't see his eyes, for he wore a dark pair of sunglasses over them. Trunks went into shock again.

Trunk's kept pulling at his braid and shaking his head and starting muttering to himself. It was scaring Goten a bit. He had never seen his friend this way before.

Junior was certain not as volatile as his sister. He was much calmer about meeting a man that resembled his father. Maybe because he couldn't see to well, it didn't bother him. Goten wasn't too sure.

"Actually, sis, took it all quite well, if all she blew up was the kitchen," he had said with a smirk. "We may not see her for a couple of days now though. You know how she can get." He said to Bulma.

Goten helped his friend to his room and sat him down.

"Why did you talk me into going with you?" He whispered. Goten thought that he was trying to sound angry but now he kind of sounded sad.

"I didn't know all this was going to happen," Goten said. "Hell, I didn't know that Gohan was even planning on having another kid and it seems that I have a nephew. I wonder what other changes have occurred."

Trunks shuttered. "I'm scared to find out." He began to tug on his hair again.

"I haven't seen your sister around," Goten said. "I wonder if she still lives here?"

Trunks just shook his head. "My head hurts to much. This is all too much. I don't think Mom was the right person to talk to right away. We should have gone to your house."

"I won't be that bad. At least you know that you will get married one day," Goten said, trying to lighten up the moment but realized from the look on Trunks face, that he just made it worse.

"To who? Do I already know her? What will they think if I find a different girl than the one that other Trunks married? Oh God," He moaned and collapsed on the bed. "My head really hurts."

Goten didn't know what to do really. "I guess I should go home and see how mom is doing and all that."

Trunks just groaned and put his arm over his eyes.


Goten wasn't sure what kind of greeting his mom would give him. He was nervous as he walked in the front door. "Mom," he called out, but not that loud. He took in the surroundings and was never gladder to be home in his life.

He called out again.

He walked into the living room and saw some pictures that he didn't remember. There was one of Videl with the boy that must be his new nephew. Cute kid. He looked more like Videl than Gohan. His hair was the same yellow as Videl's but his eyes were the same coal black as Gohan's. He looked all of three in the picture. Pan certainly looked a lot older. Her hair was not so short and she somehow managed to tame it. Hell, she was even wearing make up in the picture.

He certainly missed out on a lot. If only he had found dad.

He called out again. Maybe no one was home right now. He was contemplating taking a shower and having a nap before anyone got home when he saw his mom out in the garden.

She was still the same. A little bit grayer but still his mom. He smiled. He opened the door with a wide grin. "Hi Mom. I'm home."

She looked up startled for a second; she jumped up and tackled him with a hug. "Oh, my baby is home!"


He told his mom that it was really necessary to cook him something but she said she was happy to after yelling at him and cuffing him across the head. "You never leave again or else I will hunt you down and kill you myself."

He did happily eat all the food that she cooked as she told him about Fry starting his first year of school this year and how well he was doing. Pan was at college and doing something in the field of chemistry. Gohan was now teaching at the high school. Videl was off doing some errands and often did volunteer work at the hospital. "Things have changed so much while you were gone. I missed you so much."

He sank a little in his chair at that. He knew that he left at a bad time. He knew that. Dad had just left and they all assumed that he was going to be gone for good this time. She was recovering from loosing her husband yet again and also thought that even in death, she may not get to be at his side. Everyone was still upset over the whole ordeal and the same time relived that it was over.

But he felt that he had to go. He felt like he didn't have a choice in the matter. He had to go. He grew up without a dad and was just getting used to having him around again and then he was torn from him, yet again. He had to search for him. He knew that he would hurt mom, by leaving the way that he did, but he just had too.

"I missed you too mom, especially your cooking. Trunks is not a very good cook," he said with a smile and saw that his mother was smiling now too.

"Did you meet Soyna and Junior?" ChiChi asked.


"How is Trunks taking all this? The poor guy must have been in shock at his ready made family," ChiChi said placing some more food on his plate.

"Not very well,' Goten said with his mouth full. Warm food. He hadn't had a warm meal in a long time. "It was a little much with Soyna blasting us through the wall and all."

"Is that all she did?" ChiChi said.


He had a long hot shower and allowed his muscles to relax. It felt good to be home. After the ordeal of washing his hair he decided that he defiantly had to get it cut. As he got out, he could smell ChiChi cooking up another meal. He shook out most of the water out of his hair and wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to his room, which he was surprised, was still there.


He felt a foot on his back and he tumbled to the floor. He felt two sets of knee's pressing in his back. "Hi uncle."

Pan. She hadn't changed that much at all.

"Get off me Pan," He said. That was twice in the same day that he was knocked down by a woman.

"Aren't you going to say, 'Hi Pan.' At least!" She said "Hey, what is up with you hair?" He felt her tug on it.

"Hi Pan. Get off of me and quit pulling my hair," Goten said. He was tempted to throw her off but decided not too, when he realized that his towel would probably not hold.

The knees moved. He grabbed his towel and stood up. Pan did change. Her hair was longer and styled with a smooth curve of black. It looked good! She looked like a woman not his pesky little niece.

"I'm mad at you."


"You took Trunks with you instead of me! I'm as good a fighter as he is. I could have held my own!" She said with a serious look on her face. "Or at least you could have taken me along! I would have been more fun than school!"

"I was going to go alone. It was a last minute thing to take Trunks along," Goten said. "Can I go get dressed now, instead of dripping in the hall here."

She smiled and tackled him again, this time, giving him a big hug. "I'm glad you're finally home!"


He listened to Pan talk about her school and how she just hates her inorganic teacher and how she can't wait to graduate next year.

"Bra, Raymond and I, were all planning on going on a vacation then. Originally it was just going to be Bra and me but since she got married..."

"Married!" He couldn't imagine little Bra getting married. Hell, he had a hard time imagining the guy living past touching Vegeta's little princess. "How the hell did that happen?"

"He is a doctor. He is such a nice guy. While Soyna and Junior were in the hospital all the time when they first arrived, Raymond took care of them. Bra and I were there almost every night taking care of the twins, to give Videl and Bulma a break. Things clicked. Vegeta didn't see it coming. You should have seen the look on his face when Bra announced that they were getting married. Vegeta didn't even get to threaten him once." Pan giggled. "You missed a fun wedding. Vegeta threatened Raymond's father a few times when he tried to dance with Bulma!"

"Married!" He still had a hard time grasping that. "Why didn't she wait for me - I mean - us to get back?"

"How did Bra put it? Quote: If those to buffoon's can go running off in space without letting me know, then I am getting married without them. It is there own damn fault. End quote." Pan said.

"Ouch," Goten said. "I should go congratulate her."

"Come on. Fry should be here soon! You have to meet my little brother. He is just so darling!"

As she said, there was his little nephew, but he was also with two other boys, Benot and Legen. Fry still looked like the picture in the living room.

Videl gave a squeal and gave him a hug and a smack. He would be grateful when everyone stopped hitting him. "You worried Gohan and me. Don't do that again!"

"I won't." He said.

"Fry, this is..." Videl started but the boys had already disappeared. She put her hands on her hips. "Well, that was your nephew. The twins would not stop talking about how Soyna blew the kitchen up when she saw you and Trunks in there." Videl chuckled a bit. "I am so surprised that is all she did."

Goten raised his eyebrows. Why was everyone saying that?


Trunks woke up late. He didn't feel the least bit rested. His head still ached. His dreams were full of thoughts about Soyna. He couldn't really remember much about what happened in the dreams but it wasn't very good.

He opened his door and was startled by the presence of his father. "Rested enough?" There really wasn't that much concern in his voice.

"Yeah," he lied.

"I lost my sparing partner for the day. You are the new candidate," Vegeta said and then walked down the hall. "See you outside in 5 minutes."

Trunks groaned. He was hoping that this would be put off for a bit. He knew that dad was going to give him a good beating for leaving the way he did, but did it have be today.


Trunks was surprised that he held up as well as he did. He was quite shocked indeed. He even hit his father a few times. He was certain that he was too tired and drained to even survive 5 minutes with Vegeta, but he had somehow managed to survive a half-hour without to much damage.

That was until Vegeta turned up the heat.

Then he found himself eating dirt. His father foot pushing his face into the lawn. "I concede!" Trunks mumbled into the dirt.

"It is not that easy boy!" Vegeta snarled. "I went through hell dealing with you damn emotional mother." The foot pressed him deeper into the lawn. Trunks didn't have any strength left to fight him. "She cried for a whole month, when you left without a word!"

The foot left, but he felt himself being lifted and thrown against a near by tree. "I had to deal with her crying and sniffling and her complaining that she must be a bad mother. It drove me nearly mad!"

Trunks slumped against the tree and looked on fearfully as his father walked toward him with clenched fists. "You are lucky that Soyna came along so that I had someone to fight with or else this beating would have been more severe."

Vegeta stared at his son for a bit and then powered down.

Trunks waited for the next attack and was a little surprised to see his father walk away from him. "Oh and son. Cut that awful braid off. You look like Zarbon and that is not a look that I very much like!"

Zarbon? Who the hell is he?


A shower made him feel a little better after the beating his father gave him. He decided to wait and cut his hair another day. He was used to the braid now and kind of liked it.

One of his eyes was swollen shut from the battle, but that was the worse of his injuries. Which was fine by him. He didn't end up in a regen tank. That was certainly something.

He dressed in some clean clothes and then was greeted by his sister and a strange man. He was stunned that she was married. "How did you get him by Vegeta?" was his first question.

"He was our doctor and was always around with Soyna and Junior when they were initially sick. Dad wasn't too rude to him then, it wasn't until he found out that we were getting married." Bra laughed.

"I still stay out of his way. It is easier that trying to deal with him," Raymond joked.

His sister certainly had grown all up. She had always been pretty but now she was beautiful. She looked so happy too.

Raymond left. "I have to go check on Junior. I have some new drops that may help him a bit longer than before."

"Did dad beat you up already?" Bra asked when Raymond left.

Trunks nodded.

"Are you okay?"

"I just found out that my future self had two children and is now a grandfather. I am still having a bit of time dealing with it." He said. "It is quite a blow."

"How did Soyna take it?" Bra asked, putting a comforting hand on his.

"She just looked at the floor and told me that I am not her father, I just look like him," Trunks sighed. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He looked to his little sister for an answer.

"I think that is a good thing. She may be able to reconcile things a bit better if she sees you as a friend first." Bra said. "She never really got over her father and husband death. When I still lived at home, she hardly ever slept and when she did, she usually had the most horrid nightmares. Only dad could calm her down."

"I don't think that she even wants to be my friend," Trunks said. "We kind of sneaked into the house and we scared Benot. Then she blew us threw the kitchen wall."

"Is that all?"



"There will be no arguing with me!" ChiChi said firmly. She was brandishing a frying pan at her youngest son.

"But... "

"You left without finishing your school. I will not have one of my children being an idiot. You will finish you last year of school, whether you like it or not!"

"But I am to old to go back to school!"

"You are never to old to learn! Listen to your mother. For once in you life!" She said and then with teary eyes, "Where did I go wrong Goten? Was I not a good mother?"

"No, mom, you are a great mom, but..."

"Then you will go back to school starting Monday!" She said in a voice that meant that she was going to get her way.


He knew that he should be fast enough to avoid his mother frying pan. He could avoid a light beam attack. Why couldn't he avoid a simple frying pan that was wielded by his mother? It hit him solidly on the side of the head. He knew there was no use arguing anymore. He sighed. That was three times today that a woman took him down.


He turned to see the Benot with a grin and running into the next room to play with his brother and Fry. He was going to get that kid.

A.N. So... A little slow. I know. Things will start picking up. Even some romances happening for those whom like that. There is so much yet to be told. Hopefully I will get C-4 out soon.