Disclaimer: I certainly do not own Zero ((but he's sooo cute)) nor do I own many other things Louis Sachar and Walt Disney have made up. HOLES belongs to Mr. Sachar, THINGS-YOU-DO-NOT-RECOGNISE probably belong to me.

My Angel, My Only



Not exactly your average fairy tale, right? But all in all, my life has definitely had a few twists.

I found out my mother didn't abandon me for no reason, after all. She didn't hate me.

She was on her way to a job interview when some loser whacked her on the head with a shovel (a bit strange, don't you think?) to rob her.

I always knew wearing fancy clothes gave the wrong impression.

Of course, my mum had nothing worth stealing. But she was unconscious because she took a pretty hard blow to the head.

Some people found her and rang the ambulance. She was in a coma for a couple of days. I find that hard to believe, but it's true. I guess the loser hit her really hard on the head, or the shovel was pretty damn heavy.

When she finally woke up, she had trouble remembering whom she was and that she had son. One of the doctors actually turned out to be one of her older first cousins or something, and they helped her out.

By the time she finally gained her memory completely, and she proved no threat to herself or to the society, they released her. But by that time, I had already left Laney Park. The first cousin let my mother stay at her house with their family. Very nice people, they were.

She was trying to look for me. She told me she went to Laney Park every day to check if I was there. If she had, then we probably had just missed each other. Maybe I was sitting on the bus stop when she walked right passed it.

My mum had gotten a well-paying job and a place of her own. All the same, she had been desperately searching for me. She tried everything, but I had made myself difficult to locate because I always moved around and whenever I went to the homeless shelter, I put a different name down.

The thing she told me was, she never gave up searching for me. She even bought me another stuffed giraffe, which I named Jaffy II.

And you know what?

My mum is the best.


A/N: YAY IT'S THE END! So anyway, I hope the craptastic reason why Zero's mum took ages to return was... believable. I was gonna make it so that she got abducted by aliens from outer space... lol, kidding! :) Thanks for reviewing you gorgeous little dears. :) Especially to those who reviewed EVERY CHAPTER since... the beginning! Such as Ronniekinsgrl, Spice of Life, Nosilla, Mellabee... And Xylem for reviewing me heaps recently! :) Also, Lucky38, Marshmallows... and if I've missed anyone, send me a flame and scream terrible things at me! Hehehe... please feel free! :) Hehehe, vute! Lol, you guyses reviews are like... THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAYS! :) And... sniff... it's the end... aww...

Zero: (bawling into his hanky and Jaffy) I don't wanna weave!

NEITHER DO I! (bursts into tears)

Zero: WAAAAAAAAAAAH! I wuv thwe reviewerth... pweathe don't make 'em weave...

SNIFF SNIFF. Okay Zee... we must remain composed and-- WAAAHH!! ...Um... sniff... thank you SO much everyone... And for those who praised me for not making my first story a "Mary-Sue"... thanks. :) Oh, and I'm working on another Holes fic. Two, as a matter of fact. Here are the titles and summaries.

Like Family

The news that Squid cries at night spreads around and before you know it, he's become the object of everyone's taunts. But he's not alone. D-tent sticks together. More importantly, they'll stand up for one another. Like family.

Okay, this one is actually going to humor instead of angst... lol. But it's going to show the brotherly bondness between D-tent, which I adore because it's so cute. :)

Make A Wish

Six-year-old Kiara Zeroni made a wish. That one day she'll meet her Prince Charming and have four kids. Your classic love story on Zero's parents; how they met, how they fell in love, and what drove them apart...

Aww, this one is going to romance. :) And lots of drama. For those who don't reckon I can't write romance very well (hehe, take a look at CGL reviews... I'm just trying to be aloof, people!) then go and check my HP stuff. :) I know I'm not doing a terribly great job on Inspection of CGL when it comes to romance, but I'm just trying to not make it obvious. Okay? Cool. :)

So they're my new stories that I will post... one day. :) But for now... bye bye.

Zero: (blows his nose and waves... then hugs everyone)


PS. BOTH STORIES UP THERE (Like Family and Make A Wish) are copyrighted! Including the summaries. You steal, I kill. :)