Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, all I own are my spells and original characters. If you would like to use them, please ask.






It was a dark and stormy night, quite unlike the draught of the previous summer. Whenever lightning strikes one could see all sorts of strange things in this room, the smallest room of this particular house. For one thing you could see parchment and ink bottles and quills, instead of he usual pen and paper people used in those days. But that was not all you saw, for in one corner of the room stood a broom, and while that in itself is not out of the ordinary, the broom sported the name Firebolt in very stylish letters on the side of the red colored mahogany wood. But even this was not very out of the ordinary; people were known to do strange things. What was even more surprising were the books that littered all over the desk with tittles such as:

Advance Arithmancy to boggle the most unboggliest of minds by Arithmeus Arcana

CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Vol 1-25 by Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

Got an Evil Dark Lord After You? By Whiner Scarepants

A 1000 potions or more by Kauldron Longbottom

Auror Technics by Harold Potter

Everything An Aspiring Alchemist Needs to Know to Work Alchemy That Will Not Result in His Immediate Slow and Painful Death by Alch Kremist

Wards, More Wards, and Even More Ways to Ward by Ward Warding

Ways to Handle Yer Wand That Will Not Result in the Loss of Buttocks by Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

The Complete Unabridged Uncut Story of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named First Rise to Power, Formerly titled The Complete Unabridged Uncut Story of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Rise to Power by The-Author-Who-Wishes-To-Remain-Nameless

How to Become an Animagus by Moony, Padfoot and Prongs

Occlumency, A guide to Self Protection by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledure

Occlumency and Legilimancy, A Minds Power Against the Outside by Forgotten Occlumens

These were just some of the books as there where great stacks of them and over 200 books total.

Besides all those books this room also held yet more surprises that will not be mentioned here, but what will is the small boy in the old and extremely small bed in the room that happened to be waking.

As the small boy woke up from his dream, he couldn't remember what it had been about, all he could remember was that he had not seen either of his worst memories, Hermione falling when he thought she had been killed, or when Sirius had fallen behind the veil and being killed.

Now as I'm sure many are thinking, why would falling behind a veil kill someone let alone be dangerous, we this is not a normal veil and this in not your normal boy. Some reasons why he is not normal are when he had to fight the most evil Dark Lord in written history while being eleven years of age, or then have to fight the biggest and most ancient Basilisk ever while at the age of twelve. The year after help their Godfather escape from a prison that makes hell look like a paradise, just because he was wrongfully accused. This caused said godfather to spend twelve years in this place, escape so he could be with his godson and the be recaptured only to helped to escape by his thirteen year old godson and best friend. Then forced to be part of an ancient dark ritual used to bring back said Dark Lord back to life, and then be forced to duel him but if you believe the boy to have lost, you have not been paying attention very well, for he wins and being only fourteen years old.

Now many will be thinking that non of these things could happen but then again how many people have survived the perfect killing weapon, that has not failed since it was created thousands of years before, and survive it shortly after losing both parents, and at the same time this kid survived the perfect weapon he also rid the world of said Dark Lord and only received a lightning bolt shaped scar in the forehead for his troubles, all at the age of one. But his life being what it is he once again found himself in battle at the age of fifteen with not one, two, or three but twelve of the most notorious and evil people in the world and not only hold his own but win, with nothing but 5 school friends at his side.

Yes, many would be thinking that this has to be some kind of story, but then how many people know that wizards and witches really exist? Because this boy, this fifteen year old boy who you wouldn't give a second thought were you to meet him in the street is a wizard, and while that alone would make him different to most, he isn't just any wizard, as the events depicted above should have made you realize, because this kid, this wizard is Harry Potter, sole survivor of the killing curse and the most hated person of the Dark Lord Voldemort, the most evil person to ever live.

Now I give you his story…, no, the History of Harry Potter.

A/N: please R/R.