Okay Cherry's bitbeast is male. He is a black panther. He is very loyal and trust worthy but very suspicious of those he doesn't know. His name is Cyro. (it doesn't men anything I just love the sound.) also his emotion's send colours through Cherry's thoughts. And also this starts right as the Russian tournament is starting. hint, hintalso(i've said that way too much) Cyro can take over cherry's body when he wants/she wants him to

Disclaimer: ehem I own Beyblade. B.T.W; say hi to Fuzzle my dancing pink and purple furry elephant.

In an Alley way of Russia a thirteen-year-old girl sleeps. Her long black cape pulled around her for warmth and camouflage in the shadows. Her red brow creases as if in confusion or perhaps frustration as her troubled dreams take a frightful twaist.


)(o)( Flashback )(o)(

"Kai!" I yelled.The sound boomeddown the grimy corridor.He whipped around to face me, the expression on his face that of shock.

"Cherry! You shouldn't be here! What if someone sees!" he hissed frantically.

It didn't matter; none of it did. Tears course down my cheeks as I come to halt infront of him. I sob int his shirt as Ihad done many times before.

"It doesn't matter anymore Kai!" I bit my lip in frustration, tasting the salt of my own tears.

"What do you mean? What's going on? Why are you crying?" He put a soft hand on my shoulder and tried to wipe the tears away with the other only for them to be replaced by others. "Tell me. What's wrong?" his voice was reassuring as always, however confused.

"They said the female sect-" I pause as my throat closes upbefore blurting, "Isn't working out! They're going to shut the whole thing down! They don't know what they're going to do but it won't be nice! Help Kai! Wha'doIdo!" He enveloped me in a hug, stopping my ranting.

"A promise for a promise" was all he said.

"A secret for a secret." I managed to croak,

"no one takes all the blame" him.

"and no one gets left behind" me. Then both of us, my voice getting stronger with each word as we recited our pact.

"Sworn by the tears we cry," I finished. There was some sort of magic in those words that always made me- no, us,feel better.

A pained look crossed his face for a moment but it quickly passed.

"Cherry" he said suddenly. "We're gonna need a plan if we're going to get out of here with our lives." I looked at him.

"Y-y-you mean we're gonna finally get out of here?" My eyes brightened with excitement at the prospect of finally going I'd been trying to get Kai to go since forever! I latched onto his neck in a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you sooooooooo much Kai! I can't wait!"

"Go pack." he said. His voice now demanding and firm. I wipe the tears from my eyes away and hurry away, dodging the 'hidden' cameras from mere habit.

)(o)( End Flashback)(o)(

Crimson eyes flash open. Slowly they narrow into an unfocused glare. "You'll pay Kai, I swear by all the tears I cried over you. You will pay." Suddenly her pointed ears twitched, andshe turned her head.Sitting completely still she watched as a man ran by, followed by a gunshot that landed near her foot, sparking against the ground and ricochetting away. Another man ran by, but in an instant she was up and had him a headlock gasping for air.

"Who are you? What do you want?" he growled.

"Killin' is a crime. Yah should'a known that." she said, not answering his question.

"Yeah whazza runt like you gonna do 'bout it!"

"This." She tightened her hold on him.Cutting off his air supply in a cruel restraint.

"o-okay." he wheezed, face reddening and the veins in his neck showing more clearly.

"Wha'did that man do to you?" Shedemanded, letting go just enough so he could breathe normally.

"He kicked me dog, Spike."

"Spike?" she rolled her eyes"figures. Just don't go killin' people cuz they hurt your dog. It's stupid and you can land yourself in jail- even if they deserved it." She smirked at the end, letting him go and grabbing his wrist.Jabbing a cavity pressshe made himdrop the gun.Picking it up she examined it with critical eyes.

"Nice gun." She commented dryly.

"I try."

"Thanks, I'll enjoy it." Flipping from an over hanging sign post to the roof,she dodged the drunken punch he aimed at her.

"HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"the outraged manscreamed after her, jumping up and down. "I paid good money for that!" She stopped a moment, looking at the sky.Ihad beencoal black just a while ago, but nowsported anindigo colour.

"Sorry, I'd love to stay and chat but I've got a date with the sunset!" she laughed before running off. A voice belled through her mind as she jumped to the ground form an awning.

/Mistress, you really shouldn't preach to people about killing. You're no better yourself. You've probably killed ten times the amount of men he's killed./ the bitbeast's deep voice chimed. Cyro, as was the panthers name, had been connected to her through one of Biovolts cruel experiments. She had been the only survivor

/Yeah, I know but, that doesn't mean other's should follow me, and plus I don't kill without a damned good reason/ she replied, walking down the empty street before turnign into anohter alley. Preffering not to be seen she took ot using alternate routes through the city. She had learned long ago people did not take kindly to mutants such as herself.

/Yes mistress./ Cyro receded away.

She took a sharp and turn came to a sudden stop. Doing a three sixty in the air she faced a ladder. /I think we should take the rooftops./ She said to her friend./It's harder but has a much better view./

/Do you not think it unwise? So dangerous the fall./ his cryptical language filled her mind reply.

/Nah. I'm good and if I fall I'll land on my feet. Cats always do./ She smirked one fang slipping over her lower lip.

/Of course mistress. There's not a way in the abyss to convince you otherwise./ the black panther responded. If he could roll his eyes he would have.

/Nope. Not a chance./ she replied cockily. /Not a chance.../ With that she jumped onto the ladder and began to climb it. Seeing the sky starting to go from indigo to grey-blueshe picked up her pace. Racing along the top of buildingsshe launched herself off the edges. She loved rooftop travel. She was glad that the buildings were fairly close together.

One jumped loomed ahead. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and with a hoot of exileration she called upon her bitbeast, beckoning him to enjoy it with her. Her stride lengthened, her hands touchign the ground as her feline make-up allowed her to do so.Upon herlast stride she crouched and sprang across the gap, more like a cat than ever. Her cape billowing out behind her she reached for the edge, extending her musclesto their greatestcapacity.Reality stepped into her adrenaline phazed mind as she realized she was too far away. Stretching her fingers out, her hands came down on the ridge, immediadtely tightening as the rest of her body slammed in ot the side of the building. The breathe was crushed from her lung on impact.

"ooooowwwwwww."Now human, shemoaned, struggling to pullherself up the wall. She fell over theledge landing with a light thud.Pushign herself up shehugged her ribs, stumbling a step.She fell to her kness andtried to catch her breath. "Jesus!" she smirked in spite of herself /Cyro, next time I go take that big a jump, stop me./

/I tried mistress, yet you did not listen./ He growled in laughter.

/You cocky son of a b./ she bit out.

/More now than ever mistress./ Came his usual wise reply. No offense was taken.

Recovering from it she looked out to the edge of town, noticing the light of the sun was nearly up.

Finally she leaned against the trunk slightly out of breath and looked at the breathtaking view before her. She grinned a sharp-toothed grin and asked her bit beast /Isn't it beautiful/

/I cannot see it. Let me use your eyes./ He replied. She could feel his longing in her own mind sending a flash of maroon through her thoughts.

/Of course, how couldI have been so stupid./ She suddenly became blind temporarily as she gave her eyesight to her counterpart.

/It is beautiful./ he said retreating into her mind again. She smiled when she got her eyes back.

/Yes it is.../ She sat for a minute, reflecting upon her morning until she remembered her flashback/dream and scowled.

/You don't suppose I'll ever find Kai do you? We've been searching forever now and we still can't find him. It's like he's just vanished./

/We will find him someday mistress./

/I know, but when will 'someday' be/ She stared at the ever reddening sky remembering bitterly what he had done.

/Is there any way you can just be happy that you escaped Biovolt and forget about Kai/Cyro asked, worried for her saftey.

/I tried that already. I can't./ she replied simply. She could feel his worry. It sent flashes of light baby blue mixed with green through her thoughts. /He chose Black Dranzer over me. I will never forgive him./ A flash of purple indicated his sympathy. She'd been seeing that colour more and more often...
She pulled her beyblade out of her pocket and examined the ruby edge shining in the sunlight.

/You suppose we should enter a tournament? It would be kinda fun. They wouldn't know what hit'em./

/Yes we should, there will be better competition than the ones I've been getting./ he growled happily at the thought of gettingmore challenging duels.

/We start our search for a tournament today than./ the flurry of yellow through her thoughts lightened her mood considerabley.