Chapter 4

The trio orbed backed to the manor to find a very angry witch. "Where the hell have you been? You are the only one who knows about this Calthrane and you orb out of here right after an attack and you wonder why we don't trust you. You're nothing but a selfish, arrogant Whitelighter." She yelled at Chris. Chris' face remained blank as he met Piper's glare. To anyone one who was watching it would seem as if Chris didn't care but Phoebe new different. She could feel Chris' pain, she could feel her nephew's heart breaking and she wanted to shake some sense into Piper. Leo also new how much it must be hurting his son to have his mother say those hateful things to him. He saw one lonely tear slide down Chris' cheek. His own heart broke at the sight. Piper also noticed and was about to yell at Chris some more when Leo stopped her.

"Stop it Piper. You know nothing about Chris. He came from the future, leaving everyone he cared about to come and save your son and this is how you treat him." Chris looked at his father in awe. He sent an appreciative look his way. Leo continued. "His methods maybe questionable sometimes but he does the things he does for the right reasons. He has a good heart Piper and if you would just give Chris a break then you would see that." In all Chris' life his father had never said a nice thing about him or defended him. This was what he had longed for. This made it all worthwhile. 'Maybe there is hope yet' he thought. Phoebe however was stood there smiling at them with proud of Leo's actions. She could feel Chris' heart fill with joy and hope.

"Well I realised how wrong I was." Leo replied calmly. Then looked at Chris as he said, "I'm trying to make things right and I guess I've got to start somewhere."

"Leo's right Piper. Chris is an amazing man. You just need to open your eyes and you will see what the rest of us see. A hero." Phoebe added. Chris couldn't help but hope for a better life hearing his father and aunt defend, he hoped they wouldn't disappoint him again.

Piper was now fuming. She had expected Leo and her sister to be with her on this after all Chris had done to them since he had arrived. There was only one reason she could think of that they had turned against her. Chris had brainwashed them. With this thought in mind she stormed out of the house. Paige went to follow her but then decided to listen from the kitchen. She had a feeling they were hiding something and she was going to find out what it was.

"Piper's mad." Chris said breaking the silence that had filled the room.

Leo and Phoebe laughed. "Yeah she is but she'll get over it." Phoebe said. "We meant what we said in there Chris. I know you've been doubting yourself lately but its true. And I'm proud to have you as my nephew." They pulled Chris into a hug. He pulled his head back long enough to say "I love do you guys." In the kitchen Paige was stood there her eyes wide in shock. 'Chris is family' was all she could think.

Meanwhile in the dining room the trio broke the embrace. "Let's go unbind your powers." Phoebe said. They made there way up to the attic. Phoebe headed for the Book of Shadows to find the spell.

Half an hour later Chris was sat in the middle of a triquatra drawn on the floor with a circle of candles surrounding it. He was feeling very nervous it had been a long time since he had had his powers. 'Oh well there is no going back now.' He thought as Phoebe started the spell. The spell was finished but nothing happened.

"Damn." Chris exclaimed. "It must need more power."

"Did I hear something about needing more power?" Paige asked from the doorway. "Anything I can help with?"

The other occupants looked at each other in panic. How were they going to get out of this one? They all thought. Paige laughed at the expressions on their faces. "Don't look so freaked. I know what you're all up to. I . . .uh herd you talking downstairs." She turned to Chris. "So you're a Halliwell." She paused. "I'm not guna ask any questions yet. I have a feeling that unbinding your powers is important; I'm guessing it has something to with you being one of the only two people strong enough to defeat Calthrane?" She looked around at them and they all nodded not sure what to say. "Ok then. I'm not guna ask any questions until after the spell is over. But then someone is going to explain what the hell is going on to me." They all agreed. Paige crossed the room and stood with Phoebe. They began the spell.

"With these words we call back the bindings

To unleash our fellow witches powers."

They chanted over and over feeling the power build up. A black cloud came out of Chris' body and disappeared. He then began to glow, a magnificent white aura surrounding him. After a few moments the glow began to fade then disappeared as well. Chris could feel the power flowing through him. A feeling he hadn't felt in years. It felt right. He felt like the part of him that had been missing was now complete.

"I'm guessing it worked?" Phoebe asked Chris. He just nodded. "So what powers do you have?"

"Well my first powers were orbing, telekinesis, freeze time and explode things like mom later I developed telepathy, energy balls, and I can glamour." He listed them off one by one. "I developed the power to absorb others powers without them being lost to the user when I was 14."

Phoebe and Paige stared at him in awe. Leo his son with a proud look on his face. "So not many then." The Elder replied laughing.


Chris deserves lots of powers J review please.