Disclaimer: Already said it, ain't gonna again.

A/N: Hello!!!! I'm hyper again. Just thought I'd take advantage of it and write some silly dialogue between the four of our favourite characters. As they're stuck in a closet. And Harry and 'Mione have sort of hooked up. And Malfoy and Ron are disgusted with just about everything going on. And you'll find out more soon. Read 'n review!!!!!!!! D

"... So. What're you two doing down there, eh?"

::kissing noises::

"God, that's getting annoying."

"I'll say."

"That's odd. You agreed with me."

"Odd indeed."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too, Weasel."

"Shut up, Ferret Boy."

"Make me."

"Grown an attitude, have you?"

"Been practising for weeks."

"I'll bet you have."

::rolls eyes::

"Are you two DONE yet?!"


"I didn't ask you, Ferret Boy."

"Shut up, Weasel."

"You know, calling me that is getting really old."

"No more so than Ferret Boy."

"Shut up, Malfoy."

::gasp:: "Now that's original!"

"Again – shut up, Malfoy. Or do you prefer Ferret Boy?"

"No, just Ferret is fine."

"All right then. Ferret."


"Oh, my GOD!"

"What? You hear someone outside that will let me out of this hellhole?"

"YOU ... ME ... WE HAVE ... oh, I'll never live this down!"

"Spit it out, Weasel."




"We- oh, my GOD!"


"I SEE IT!!! I SEE IT!!!"

"OH GOD!!!"

"OH GOD!!!"

"Okay. Calm down!!! We have to be calm. I'll just call you Malfoy."

"And I'll call you Weasel. Weasley. Whatever."

"No need to freak out."

"None at all."





"How can we not have seen that before?!"

"I dunno about you, but I have reached a new level of unobservant-ness."

"Indeed you have."

"I saw it before you did, mate."

"You –"

::claps hand to mouth:: "I did NOT just call you that."

"You did."

"I didn't mean to."

"You'd better not have!!!"

"I have to wash out my mouth with soap and water!!! UGH!!!!!!!"

"First we discover that our not-so-fond nicknames for each other are almost the SAME RODENT, and THEN you call me MATE!!! What IS this?!?!"

"I think it's the air in this damned closet."

"Hmm. You could be right."

"... NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



"... NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"