DISCLAIMER: I do not own beyblade or any related information. I do however, own my OC's (own character) and that includes Marina (So don't steal her!) and her bitbeast.

" "-spoken, [ ]- thoughts, - translation, / - bit beast

This is my first fic so please read and review! J


The Bladebreakers sat around a TV in a fairly decent motel room. Each was thinking about the match that afternoon. The Bladebreakers had won easily and they wanted to go back to the dojo. (They were staying two towns over.) Max had the remote and kept changing the channels because there was nothing on. No one was really watching anyway. Tyson was glad that they had won the tournament 'cause they were the world champs after all [But why did Mr. Dickenson even sign us up? That was not even a challenge. I wonder what there is to eat?]

Ray was thinking about that blading strategies that he had used in the match. And, Kenny, as usual, was going over the Bladebreaker's stats. Kai was leaning against a wall and staring blankly at the rain pouring from a dark sky. [That whole competition was just a waste of our time. Why do we even bother staying the night?] Just outside the room occupied by the Bladebreakers stood a girl.

There was a knock at the door that led outside and the Bladebreakers exchanged puzzled looks. Max said what everyone was obviously thinking, "Who would be calling at this hour?" Tyson groaned and got off the couch to answer the door, because he was closest. When he opened the door he saw a fairly thin girl who was quite tall and muscled. She was soaking wet from the rain but didn't seem to mind. Her wet hair hung over her face and she kept her head down, so that he couldn't see her face.

"Hi, can I help you?" Tyson asked.

"You are the Bladebreakers?" the girl demanded flatly.

Tyson smiled and put one arm behind his head, "Yep, you a fan?"

At that question she jerked her head up sharply and glared. With her hair out of her face he could see that she was quite beautiful. "No, I'm a blader. I challenge you to a match."

Tyson's jaw dropped and he arched one eyebrow in disbelief. [I can't believe a girl is challenging me. She can probably barely even spin a blade.] "You blade," he asked stupidly. [Damn, she's pretty hot]

She didn't answer but stared coldly into his eyes. "Well, do you accept my challenge? Or are you afraid you'll lose."

"What!? No way! Of course I accept your challenge. But you'll lose," Tyson replied as his ego got bigger.

At his exclamation the rest of the team joined him at the door to catch a glimpse of the blader who challenged Tyson. They were surprised to find a girl.

"Good. There is one condition though," the girl added, ignoring the stares of his teammates. "If I win, you let me crash here tonight. If you win, I walk away and you'll never see me again."

"I accept your terms. There is no way that you are gonna win," Tyson replied confidently.

The girl turned around and began to walk out into the rain before she turned around impatiently. "Well, are you coming or not?"

"Oh, right." Tyson put on his shoes and complained to no one in particular, "Do we have to do this now? In the rain?" The girl didn't answer but began walking around to the back of the building where a beydish was set up for the Bladebreakers to practice. She walked to the far side and waited for the Bladebreakers to get there. She turned her face to the sky and let the water run down her cheeks.

The Bladebreakers quickly walked to the beydish and stood undercover as Tyson walked to the ring. Lightning flashed, illuminating the girl's figure in the curtain of rain. Kai watched her intensely. He had seen something familiar in her eyes when she had glanced at him briefly.

"Tyson's going to have a tough time with the rain," Kenny commented, breaking into Kai's thoughts, as he set Dizzi up to watch the match.

"Yeah, but Tyson should win no problem," Max said confidently.

"You should never underestimate your opponent," Ray remarked, "We don't know who she is, she may be good."

"3…2…1 Let it Rip!" the competitors yelled.

The strange girl's blade practically flew into the dish, it was so fast, and immediately went on the attack, confronting Tyson's blade. The blades broke apart and Tyson yelled, "Ok, Dragoon! Hurricane attack!"

The girl's blade moved out of the way quickly and before Dragoon could recover she sent it on the attack again, this time with more power and speed.

"Ok, Saphira, attack!" she yelled.

Her blue beyblade sped after Dragoon and in one smart move dipped down and up, slamming into Tyson's blade and effectively removing it from the ring and into Tyson's hand. Her blade spun in the center, glowing blue faintly before she called it to return to her hand.