A/N Sorry, I haven't updated in over a year…I think. The reason I haven't been updating is for two reasons. One reason is I've been in a slump and my writing creativity has gone down the drain. Swirly swirly. Another reason is I've been a bit too busy doing…stuff? Yeah, I've been busy. So if this chapter sucks blame my slump. I still haven't regained myself from it also you guys might notice a change in my style man I have no idea what's wrong with me. Ack, I hope this chapter doesn't suck too much that it will cause people to stop reading. I will get better! I swear!...or at least I hope. Well anyways, this is almost the last chapter.

I would like to say thanks to Lethe for being my Beta. If anything is wrong or there are mistakes blame HIM!


Ruby Heart: Lol yeah. I tried to make Hinata this outgoing girl wild and crazy drunk. Because her real personality pisses me off. -

Yit-Ha : Not TeH pitchfork:gonk: Yup, that was weed SassyPants ate. XD

Spirit Of The Moon: Thanks, I try. It's all good, even a "good job" or "you suck" is good enough for me.

TheSunshineGirls: lol, okay.

Nyuuu: I will! Neji is the awesome! O.o okay.

Hurricane-rider: Lol. I know, but I usually don't write yuri.

Anonymous: Okay Sure.

Chinese Fairy: Sorry:gonk: I was in a slump. Gaara comes out in this chapter.

Yeah: Okay. He comes out here.

rune-chan: Gaara is here now DX

DogsruleW: Yup, thanks.

Ichigo-Dattebayo : In a slump. DX

Accolay :He's here now.

KikitheKitsune : o.O…eep! Shukaku!

: Okay Now Start Reading:

"Uh, Sasuke are you okay?" Sakura asked her cheeks a bit red from having her crush laugh at her pink hair.

"Sasuke your acting weird," Ino stated, "Neji what did you give him?"

"Grass", Neji said shrugging, "I think the guy who dropped it said it had weeds."

"Maybe the alcohol just went to his head." Naruto suggested looking over at Sasuke pointing and laughing at Neji's eyes while a vein popped on Neji's forehead.

"I'm hungry, and I think that little gnome in the corner wants to play." Sasuke slurred pointing at an empty corner.

Everyone sweat dropped while Sakura and Ino were worried over him so much they hadn't noticed. They were still holding each other.

Sasuke looked at them not doing anything to satisfy his hunger.

"I'm hungry." Sasuke whined, rubbing his eye letting a stray giggle escape his lips. "Wait.." he said smelling the air towards Naruto.

"You smell good." Naruto looked taken aback by Sasuke's comment.

"Ne... Sasuke what's wrong?" Naruto asked slightly edging away from said raven haired boy.

"I wonder if you taste good too."

"NANI!" was heard from everyone. The stoned boy took no notice of the shouts though as he leaned forward and firmly pressed his lips against the fox boys rosy pink ones.

Naruto's eyes widened while his mind froze completely and his body got stiff. A second later Sasuke pulled away licking his lips. Everyone stared wide eyed and slack jawed at both boys.

Naruto tentatively touched his slightly red lips with a shaking hand still feeling a tingling sensation. Without warning Naruto pounced on Sasuke ravaging his lips. The fox boy licked Sasuke's lips demanding entry which the boy beneath him happily complied to.

Naruto laid on top of the dark haired boy completely keeping him in place. An orange clad leg softly rubbed the bare pale leg on the boy beneath his. Sasuke calmly laid on the floor letting the other boy have his way with him. Naruto ran a hand down Sasuke's side feeling the creamy skin.

Sakura, Ino, and the others stared at the display with wide eyes. Tears leaked from both of the girls eyes freely down their cheeks comically.

"Sasukekun!" Both girls wailed hugging each other, tears continuing to spill. Iruka and Kakashi giggled and turned around having a little fun for themselves. A deep blush formed on one of the Hyuugas' cheeks while Hinata looked on enthusiastically.

The boys stopped both panting and flushed, pulling apart a few inches.

"Sasuke I…"Naruto began.

Naruto was interrupted by a loud crashing noise! Someone had leaped through another window, incredulously right next to the one Kiba jumped through. Why they couldn't jump in through the already broken window no one knew. The dark hooded figure stood up tall and mighty. Shards of broken glass fell from his black cloak.

Everyone stared mouth agape and wide eyed at the new comer. No one could move from the initial shock.

"Roar!" yelled the dark cloaked figure in a deep horrible voice. One, two, three everyone drops dead…in a faint.

"Oopsie", said the stranger removing his hood. It was…Orochimaru! "I didn't mean to scare them that much." He surveyed his surroundings and took a step forward.

Suddenly from the window comes flying a second figure. The red hair, green eyes, and dark circles around the eyes gave Gaara away although not as much as the huge gourd on his back did.

"Yeah right ", the red head scowled, "you love scaring everyone. Otherwise you wouldn't be so ugly or have that tongue."

"I'm not ugly." The Sannin pouted. He took a few more steps forward staggering a bit. He stuck his hand into one of the cloak pockets to extract a small white bottle. Gaara eyed him and the bottle.

"Share!" the red head whined extending his hand out.

"No, mine" Orochimaru retorted putting the bottle to his lips.

"You better not."

"Oh what If I do?"

"I'll kill…" Gaara stopped in mid-sentence as he spotted something. More like someone. The most beautiful someone ever! "Hyuuga" He whispered.

Completely and immediately forgetting Orochimaru and the sake Gaara made a beeline for the small passed out form of 'Hyuuga' on the other side of the room. Upon reaching them he knelt down beside them. Looking over them Gaara couldn't help but feel slightly light headed and his heart racing.

Pearl eyes flutter open and a small moan erupted form their mouth. A few second later noticing the intruder peering at them Hyuuga screams!

"Oh no! oh no! What do I do?" Gaara panicked.


"You know you could have used your hand." Orochimaru half slurred half groaned throwing the bottle aside.

Gaara, leaning down pressing his lips against Neji's to keep him quiet, hadn't thought of using his hand as Orochimaru had suggested.

Neji's eyes widened even more and his eyebrows flew up. Even thought the sudden action surprised him it most certainly kept him quiet. Gaara's eyes meet Neji's and in sync their eyes closed.

A swirl of emotions swept past Neji colliding, contradicting, and confusing until finally ending in enjoyment, entertaining, and joyful.

Gaara was feeling exactly the same. Daringly, he slipped his tongue out to lick rosy lips beneath his. Shivers went down his back, goose bumps formed on his arms, while his pants tightened ever so slightly.

Meanwhile, Neji responded to the licking in a way Gaara would have never expected, his let his tongue meet Gaara's in a velvety kiss. Neji brought his arms out to pull Gaara down onto of himself and Gaara's went up to his hair entangling themselves in the chocolate locks. Unexplainable sensations coursed through both boys bodies as they lay there kissing, feeling each others warmth, completely at ease.

Neji pulled away slowly, "I..."

He was interrupted by someone bursting through the door loudly breaking it clean off the hinges.

"AHHHH!" they yelled in what sounded like agony but to the drunken mind of Neji it sound as a battle cry.

Even though his mind registered as stupid to fall unconscious a second time especially with a madman, in his opinion, in the vicinity his body didn't listen and shut it's self down. Gaara felt Neji go limp in his arms and turned glaring at the intruder.

Long black flowing hair, dark red eyes, and the lines under his eyes gave Itachi away. Even thought his attire told differently. Yup, footie pajamas with the infamous red Akatsuki cloud print on them was most definitely something no one would have ever pictured Uchiha Itachi wearing. His glaring eyes, scowling lips, and hips on hands were directed at a particularly drunk sannin.

"Hey baby," Orochimaru slurred taking a few stumbling steps towards Itachi, "what are you...Ack!" He stumbled and fell on his creepily white face.

A/N Hope you liked. And please review! I'm a review whore! Also if you review I might get around to typing more of this thing. Also review my other fics! Or I might go Emo and do stuff. And I bet you don't want that. Or at least some of you…You all Hate meee! –sob- I apoligize for the shortness of this chapter. I split this chapter into two so I could update faster, otherwise it would have taken me another week to finish.