The next day started out rather boring. After breakfast Jor left for Star Labs. Apparently, Ree and Nul had developed some new technology and they wanted their friend's input. Lois and Clark took the time alone as a blessing and enjoyed every minute of it. They loved Jor and all, but it was rather odd making love with your father down the hall. Especially a father with super hearing.

They spent some time walking in the park, and some time watching the ships sailed in and out of the harbor. The whole time they laughed and joked and enjoyed each other's company. By the time afternoon came they had settled onto the couch and were reading through the monstrous pile of baby books. Determined to be experts on everything for morning sickness to childbirth.

"How about Ashley? Ashley Kent has a nice ring to it."

"It's lovely, Clark, but you're forgetting one thing."

"What's that?"

"We're having a boy!" Lois stated firmly.

"Lois, honey, while I love and appreciate your maternal instinct, don't you think we should at least think of a good girls name. You know, just in you're wrong?" Lois flashed her husband a stern glance that told Clark to back off. He took the "Big Book of Baby Names" out of Lois' hand and placed it gently on the coffee table. He wrapped his arms lightly around his wife and she instantly melted into his embrace. "I'm sure you're right, honey." He whispered softly into her ear.

"Clark, I know it sounds strange but I KNOW we're having a boy. I mean every time I get sick or feel tired, I tell myself it's worth it because I'm keeping my SON healthy. I wish I could explain it."

"I'm sorry I doubted you."

"It's not your fault," Lois giggled, "You're just the papa." Clark chuckled and was about to retort but the jangling of the telephone cut him short. Lois let out a loud groan that was immediately fallowed by one from Clark. Remorsefully, Lois pushed herself away from her husband's warm chest and walked to the other side of the room to pick up the phone.

"Hello." She answered. "Jimmy! Hi! What a nice surprise, it's so nice to hear from- WHAT?! When? How? MULLER! Jim, I gotta go." Lois hung up the phone and spun around to meet her husband's gaze.

"Lois, what was that all about?" Clark asked, his voice wary.

"Three UN representatives were caught carrying biological weapons into a meeting in New York!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Clark felt his eyebrows rise to his hairline in an instant.

"Yeah, and you'll never guess who's going to the press conference. Muller."

"Muller? That creep is going to the press conference?"


"Lois, grab your coat."

"I thought we were spending the afternoon thinking up baby names."

"And let Muller scoop us? Like hell!" Both Kents made their way to the door in a hurry.

"I love it when you're bad, Farmboy." Lois said as Clark opened the front door.

"I'm not bad, I just can't stand Muller." And with that they were gone.


Once they arrived in the City Room of the Daily Planet the two star reporters teamed up. They had their method down to a science. Clark immediately migrated to Jimmy's desk for the details and to formulate a plan. Lois on the other hand went straight for her desk and in a performance worthy of an Oscar called everyone from everywhere to gain the inside track.

It was dumb luck pure and simple that Perry White happened to look out his office window and catch Lois in an obviously heated phone conversation. He smiled wide. Those two really were the best of the best and it was because they were passionate about their jobs. While Perry knew that Jimmy had probably been the one to tip off Lane and Kent, and he wasn't the least bit surprised that the two would cut their vacation short for a hot scoop like this, he did feel obligated to find out what was going on. With a chuckle he firmly extinguished the grin from his face, and put on his best what-in-the-name-of-graceland face.

"Lois! What the hell are you doing in my newsroom? You still have two more weeks of vacation left! And where the hell's Clark?" Lois looked up from the notes she was speedily writing only long enough to catch a glimpse of Perry's face and then her nose was right back in her work.

"Hey chief, sorry, can't talk. Big scoop." She mumbled and then continued pressing her source for information. Just then Clark made his way to Lois' desk. He appeared to be just as distracted as his wife.

"Chief, glad I caught you. A few representatives of the UN and the Secretary of Defense are holding a press conference in an hour. I just scored three press passes." Lois hung up the phone in a hurry and cut into the conversation.

"I've got a source with some big information that's willing to meet us at six, that should give us plenty of time."

"So press conference, a little lunch, then your source?" Clark asked.

"Right behind you, partner." Lois agreed. Perry White watched two of the nicest kids he'd ever met walk away from him without any acknowledgement of his presence and couldn't wipe the smile off his face if you paid him. Right before they hit the elevator Clark turned around and scanned the newsroom. He saw Jimmy Olsen sitting idly at his desk and gave a little whistle. Jimmy's head snapped up instantly.

"Hey Jim, ya comin or what?" Clark said smiling, "I got THREE passes you know." Perry watched in amusement as a schoolboy's smile spread over Jimmy's face and he quickly made his way to the elevator. The doors opened and quickly shut again and in that instant the hottest team in town were back in action. Lane, Kent and now Olsen was added to the list. Perry chuckled to himself and then began a tirade of dictation to his other employees. Once everyone was settled and doing their jobs Perry made his way to the coffee and donut counter. He hoped that there were still a few Boston Creams.


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