Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: I posted this story not too long ago but I recently deleted it to post a newer version. Anyways on with the story...

The Bitter End

Chapter 1: Sweet Dreams

Hermione just arrived home from shopping for her school supplies. She met up with Ron and Harry. She was so excited to see them again. But over the summer she decided to go out with Ron. Being with Ron has made Hermione's life feel complete. It made her feel protected and loved.

"How did I ever start loving you," she said to herself wit a sigh.

She then threw herself on her bed. As she continued to think of Ron she drifted off to sleep. Hermione was having the perfect dream...

"Oh, what am I going to do with you two!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I don't know. What are you going to do with me?" Ron smirked. Harry chuckled.

"This," Hermione said before placing her lips on Ron's.

"'Mione!" Ron said blushing.

"I think I'll leave you two alone," Harry said leaving the room.

"Look, um, 'Mione," Ron said uncertainly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ron," Hermione smiled.

They started to kiss again. Love was definitely in the air. Ron's lips were soft. She loved his freckly face and his red hair. She loved his blue eyes and how his ears would get red whenever he got mad. He was tall and in shape. He was handsome. He was everything Hermione wanted or so she thought. As they continued to kiss, the kiss became more passion, lust...love. When Hermione ended the kiss, she looked up to her lovers eyes and gasped. His eyes were no longer blue, but gray that sparkled in the moonlight. Hermione's eyes widened as she continued to look at the man in her arms. This man definitely wasn't Ron. His body was more built and slender. He was tall, had blonde hair that fell onto his face. His skin was pale. But Hermione couldn't help but notice how angelic he looked in the moonlight.

"Gorgeous, just gorgeous," Hermione sighed. "My angel."

When she said this the man smiled. His smile was perfect...He was perfect. But then the smile faded. He let go of her. He walked out of the moonlight. It was too good to be true.

"You know I almost fell for that," he scowled.

She realized who this man was with his tone of voice...Malfoy.

"Gorgeous, just gorgeous," he mimicked. "My angel," he continued. "Please Granger, I know I'm gorgeous, there's no need to tell me."

Hermione scowled. "I thought you were someone else."

"Who is as 'gorgeous' as me?" Malfoy smirked. "Potty and the Weasel dosen't come as 'gorgeous' as me."

"Don't talk about them like that!" Hermione yelled.

"Well, it's not my fault that Weasel's poor and Scarface can't stop finding trouble." He growled.

"I thought I just said not to talk about them like that," Hermione said coolly taking her wand out.

"Like you would hex me," Malfoy snarled.

"Oh yeah, try me," Hermione said now pointing her wand directly at his chest.

"Okay, okay, Granger I'll stop," Malfoy surrendered. "But only in one condition," with this he smirked.

"What," Hermione growled still pointing her wand at him.

"Kiss me," Malfoy said smirking.

"In your dreams," she said.

"Granger, this is a dream," Malfoy smiled.

The next thing Hermione knew, her lips were locked with his. This kiss was never anything Hermione experienced it was perfect. It was...over. Hermione's dream ended in an instant. She felt like she was holding a portkey being sucked back into reality. She was now wide-awake with cold sweat. The dream felt so real. At least for a moment she wished it were real. Hermione then hit herself on the head. "It was just a dream," she said to herself. "No true feelings involved," she thought. "You don't like Draco. Why am I saying Draco? Yuck," she thought feeling disgusted with herself. "He hates me and I hate him, or do I?"

A/N: That's the end of this chapter. Please review and tell me what you think. Go ahead...click the button.