A/N: Okey, I'm not English so I do apologies for the spelling mistakes. I tried my best. Please don't kill me, just read the story please!

Title: Praeter erratum praeter

Disclaimer: I don't owe any of the characters you may recognise from Rowling's books. (to bad really)

Warning: Some of the characters will be OOC. If you don't like it, don't read the story...

Summary: A youth potion gives Riddle more trouble than he'd expected. First the Death Eaters refuses to take orders from a 16 year-old-boy and Lucius decids to take over. Throwing Riddle out onto the steets. Then he ends up at Hogwarts. "Dosen't everyone deserve a second chance, Tom?" Dumbledore asked.


(don't kill me if the translation is wrong!)



Chapter 1

A walk in Dagon Alley…

Lord Voldemort or rather Tom as he had come to think about himself as lightly, walked down the street in Diagon Alley looking around. It had been so long since he had been there, but still nothing had changed. The stores were still the same, and so were the people. It was funny really. Here he was, walking down the street in the middle of Diagon Alley, with out anybody knowing who he was. Not so funny maybe. When you took in consideration that he looked like himself when he was 16. Tom snorted. Yeah, that had surly been his biggest mistake, getting his young body back. But how the hell was he supposed to know that his Death Eaters would refuse to take orders from a 16 year old?

Lucius had been the worst. Tom remembered how he had stood up during the meeting and announced that he wasn't going to take orders from a boy, not one that was the same age as his son.


"Honestly! Are you going to take orders from a 16 year old boy?" Lucius said and turned to the Death Eaters.

Tom on his side was standing cross-armed behind Lucius staring angry at them.

"NO!" the Death Eaters said in union.

Lucius smiled evilly and turned to his former master.

"It looks like I am over throwing you, my Lord!"

"Sure you want to do this Lucius?" Tom warned, taking out his wand.

"Yes, Expelliarmus!"

The curs hit Tom in the chest and he was thrown backwards. The last thing he remembered was hitting his head against the wall, before blacking out.

End Flashback

Tom sighed and headed towards the Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour. He really could do with some ice cream now. And after all he deserved it, this had been a terrible day.

After he had been knocked out someone had brought him to his old orphan and left him outside the gate. There he had waked up, cold, hungry and with no clue what he was supposed to do now. After wandering around for a while he had headed for The Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley. There he had used his long time forgotten talent, that he had learned living in an orphan, and picked a couple of pockets that belonged to wizards with expensive robs, so that he could get some money.

He couldn't help sneering frustrated as he stopped outside the shop. Every table in the whole damn place was full. Irritated he ordered his favourite ice cream, chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce and walked up to a girl around his age who was occupying a whole table with books, pieces of parchment, ink and quills.

"Do you mind me sitting here? Everywhere is full." He asked politely, taking a better look at the girl. She had bushy brown hair, kind of large front teeth, and Tom got the feeling he had seen her somewhere before.

"No, take a set. I'm sorry for the mess, I am working on my summer assignment."

"You attends to Hogwarts then?" Tom said looking at her books.

"Yes, I do. Uhm, I'm sorry. My name is Hermione Granger."

"Tom Marvolo," Tom lied. He wasn't sure if any knew who Tom Riddle was, but he recognised the girl's name. Hermione. She was one of Potters mudblood friends and a clever one after what Lucius had told him. And there was a small chance that she had heard his name somewhere and knew who he was, and Tom didn't want to make that mistake too. Then he properly would have Dumbeldore on his tail as well.

Hermione cast him a strange glance but she didn't say anything. Instead she went back to her book, and Tom started eating his ice cream. After finishing it he started staring at Hermione's book.

"Do you mind if a take a look at it?" he asked curios and nodded at one of the books that where laying on the table.

"No go ahead."


They sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Hermione asked about a plant that she knew were in the books he was reading. Tom, not sure of what he was doing, flipped through the pages until he found the plant and started reading out loud as Hermione wrote down the information he was reading.

"Thanks." She smiled and continued writing.

Tom couldn't help but smiling too. Then reality hit him. What the hell was he doing? Sitting in an ice cream shop with a mudblood, helping her with her summer assignment. Amused over his own actions he shock his head slightly and went back to the book. Why not stay, after all, he had noting better to do.

A few more minutes passed before the door to the shop opened. It had been opened several times during the last half an hour but this time Hermione looked up, smiled and waved to whoever that had entered.

Tom, being extremely curios, turned his head and felt the entire colour disappears from his face. For who else than Potter, Weasley, and a girl he recognised as Ginny, the girl he had tricked into opening the chamber of secrets, had just walked through the door?

What the hell was he going to do now?

A/N: Pathetic right? I know. I'm Norwegian and I should never have posted this story, but hey. I just had to try. There is just to few Norwegian stories.

But I have one, no two questions.

Should I continue this story? (Please say yes! I'm growing attached to it.) And does Hermione know that Tom Riddle and Lord Voldemort are the same person?

So can you all please just press submit review and tell me what you think.