This is the sequel to "The Nightmare Returns," which is the sequel to "Come Back Kai," so you might want to read those two before this, if you haven't already.

It is mainly a story about how everything goes, after Nikolai's defeat. It's probably going to turn out kindof depressing, but oh well.

Oh, and by the way, there isn't going to be a sequel to this story. In fact, this is most likely going to be fairly short.

Summary: Nikolai has been defeated, but now, Kai and Hilary must face a different kind of enemy....themselves. Will they be able to concur their inner demons in time to defend their title as World Champions? Will the team be able to stick together? KAI/HILARY.

Some Info, for those who care:

Kai lived in with Hilary and her mother for a few weeks after they returned to Japan, but had moved into an apartment. It was closer to town, but was within walking distance of Hilary and Tyson's homes.

This story takes place about a month after everyone returns back to their homes.

I wasn't really going to put this story up until I finished some of my other ones, but oh well. I'll just have to multitask....some more....

Enough of my blabbering, here's the horribly written story! Enjoy!



Chapter 1: Something's Wrong

Tyson, Kenny and Hilary had been preparing for the world championships, which were only a couple months away, but they were missing a vital member of the team....their captain.

Currently, Kai was away, back in Russia. He was there mainly because he had to settle legal matters, but he was also there, visiting Tala and Izumi, who had taken up residence in the BBA training center. Tala had nearly fully recovered, and was busy training new bladers. Izumi acted as an assistant to Mr. Dickinson, taking care of matters that occasionally raised.

Things seemed peaceful from the outside, but deep within the souls of two teens brewed immense distress.

Hilary had managed to grasp the idea that killing Nikolai had been necessary, and that she wasn't directly responsible, but still, she couldn't manage to get the idea out of her head that she murdered someone.

Kai, on the other hand, was busy dealing with his memories. Hilary felt guilty for giving him those haunting images, because Kai would sometimes lock himself away from everyone else, not talking to anyone or doing anything at all! He had gone through alot, finding out about his parents and his family. He was also struggling with his physical injuries as well. The bandage around his right eye had been removed, revealing a disturbing scar, cutting right across his eyelids and stopping just short of his cheek. The eye itself had a dark line running through it, and everyone could tell it bothered him. He wouldn't say anything about it, but Hilary, along with Kenny could tell something was seriously wrong, for when he practiced with Dranzer, and if an attack came from the right, Kai wouldn't know it until it was too late.

School had just gotten off winter break, and Hilary, Kenny and Tyson all returned to their studies. Kai's 18th birthday had come and went without him being there to celebrate. Hilary's mind was distracted for she constantly thought about him. The BladeBreakers were all becoming stressed out from their captain's strange actions, and were beginning to second guess their chances of victory at the next tournament.

After school ended that day, Hilary walked into her room and threw herself on her bed with a loud sigh. She rolled over and turned on her TV, flipping from channel to channel until something caught her attention.

"The last remaining heir to the Hiwatari family has officially inherited the enormous fortune of Russian's richest tycoon." A voice announced as the camera focused in on Kai, signing a handful of papers with men, dressed in black suits, standing around him, talking.

"Kai!" Hilary exclaimed, her eyes brightening at the sight of her boyfriend.

He was dressed in a grey suit, his jacket open showing a white button down shirt. Hilary giggled to herself. "He's so cute!"

"Kai Hiwatari, the captain of the reigning world champion beyblading team, the BladeBreakers, was also involved in the explosive tragedy at the Hiwatari Mansion last month. He is expected to return to the team later this week." The voice continued before turning to another story.

Hilary sighed and turned off the TV.

Suddenly, the phone rang, startling the brunette out of her thoughts. She rushed downstairs and grabbed the receiver.


"Hey are you doing?" A familiar voice asked.

"Kai! I just saw you on TV!" Hilary exclaimed.

"Really? That's interesting."

"I've missed you so much! When are you coming back?"

"I....I guess soon....I don't really know."

"Are you okay? You don't sound too good..."

"I'm fine!" Kai snapped.

"Geez Kai, you don't have to get mad!" Hilary was becoming irritated.

She heard Kai sigh. "I gotta go...." With that, he hung up, leaving Hilary confused.

Meanwhile, over in Russia:

Kai walked down the snow covered street, carrying a bouquet of flowers in one hand, with the other stuffed in his pocket. He walked up to an iron gate that had been yanked off it's hinges. He slid past them and started up the driveway to a now vacant lot of dirt. Grass was beginning to grow where a house once stood. Kai proceeded over to the side slightly, heading toward a garden of flowers that had miraculously survived. He examined the damaged fountain of a familiar majestic phoenix and then looked around the garden, searching for something.

He gasped as his eyes found what he was looking for. The blue haired teen approached a slab of polished stone, engraved with words....the names of his parents.

Kai dropped to his knees in front of it and placed the flowers over the grave

"Hey" He smiled sadly as a tear ran down from his eye and splashed onto the cold stone.

The teen uttered a short prayer from standing up and walking off the estate.


So, what do you think so far?

Should I continue?

Please review!