A/N: This is going to be a Gaara/ Hinata and some one sided Sasuke/Hinata. runs from the murdering fans Don't kill me! - it might have a sad ending, though.... Or no ending.... sheepishly coughs R&R! -ii

Hinata quietly edged into the room after Shino and Kiba, though it wasn't needed as no one would have noticed her anyway. She played nervously with her fingers, her eyes downcast. Inside, Kakashi, Asume, and Kurenai were talking. She had been late, as Shino had forgotten to tell her. But that was okay. The white walls were bright from the open windows. It was a nice day outside, and inside the rectangular lights were buzzing very softly but it was noticeable if you were paying attention to the details. The air conditioning was on, whirring loudly.

She sat down quietly in the back, the chair not making a sound. She found herself by Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto who was a seat away, Sasuke between them. She blushed when she noticed Naruto, but looked slightly disappointed when he cuddled with Sakura. Swallowing, she focused on the teachers.

"...So we will have to switch some teams around." Groans and cheers could be heard, and Hinata sighed, extremely lost.

Easily seeing this, Sasuke whispered, "They've decided that since all our levels have changed, we should be put in new teams as such could be the case when we're-" Naruto asked loudly, "What?" leaning in with Sasuke.

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke was silent as he sat still, ignoring his poking. Kakashi said, "Please don't interrupt, Naruto. As I was saying, we've posted the new teams up here." He pointed at the four sheets of names. "The teams will be in fours, a result of the new students we've acquired." Some grumbling but they soon were silenced from the people from the Hidden Village of Sand. They'd come to Leaf because of reasons that Hokage wouldn't say.

Little whispers flittered around, and Hinata immediately gulped. Gaara of the Desert. From where she was sitting, she could see a part of his Gourd that rested on his back, and he sat with his siblings, though he would never call them that.

Hinata sighed softly, looking down at her hands that were nervously wrung in her lap. Her pale eyes sat on Gaara's red hair. She felt worried for some reason, and abruptly everyone stood and rushed to the front to see which teams they were on. Except for some people who waited patiently for the crowd to disperse and go out side into the sun.

From behind her, Kurenai said softly, "Would you like to know who you're with, Hinata?" Hinata turned around and smiled weakly.

"I guess... I don't know... m-maybe I'll just wait for everyone to go..." She said, looking back at the pushing people.

Kakashi shouted over the grunting and snarling, "When you find you're teams, go outside for your missions." And the pushing increased, some people actually deft enough to sneak in, look at the names, and sneak out again.

Gaara sat in the middle of the room, his arms crossed over his chest as he waited patiently.

"Hinata, you're with Uchiha Sasuke, your cousin Neji and..." She seemed to falter a little. "Gaara." Hinata gulped, shrinking back a little. "Team 8."

She gave a little, "oh." And sat down, sinking down a little helplessly. Sasuke looked at her, wishing all the girls could be quieter like Hinata.

Finally, Naruto leapt over the crowd cheerfully and duplicated the sheets, tossing them out to the crowd. They cheered and were less loud as they looked over shoulders.

Neji quietly told Gaara, and went over to Hinata and Sasuke. They went outside, not speaking at all.

Hinata, feeling slightly uneasy with the silence even though it was better than arguing, said softly, "Sh-should we just wait out here?"

"That's what they said," Neji said coldly. Hinata winced slightly and played with her fingers timidly. Other teams were laughing and chattering loudly, and they simply sat in the shade, watching silently. They all stood, Hinata wanting to sit but she didn't know if that would make them uncomfortable, so she just leaned against the tree. Sasuke frowned at Neji, but said nothing. A few minutes later, Hinata sat down, taking out a small doll. It wore a tiny kimono outfit, violet with soft green leaves. She had long, silver hair and little green eyes.

They all looked at it curiously, Gaara cocking his head slightly to his left.

"What's that?" He asked abruptly, startling Hinata slightly. Gaara sat down, his knee a few inches from her own. He looked fascinated with the little toy.

"It's just a doll.." She said softly, patting the little silver strands.

"What do you do with it?" He asked, leaning closer. His leg brushed against hers and she blushed.

"Y-you play with it," Hinata said, slightly taken aback.

"What's play?" he asked inquiringly like a child.

"When... when you are having fun doing something," Hinata tried, then regretted it.

"Like when you play with the people you're about to kill," Neji said darkly, staring at Gaara. It seemed to make sense to him now.

"Oh." Hinata put the doll away and played with her fingers, wishing they would stop staring at her. The dry ground was slightly dusty, and Hinata boredly wrote with her finger, smiling at the fine dirt.

A few moments of intolerable silence passed, and Hinata gulped slightly, sweat beading slightly on her neck. Looking down, she rubbed the soft dirt between her thumb and middle finger, looking entranced.

"Are you afraid of me?" Gaara asked abruptly, and Hinata jerked up, slightly surprised.

"N-nani?" she blinked, her eye brows furrowing.

"Are you afraid of me?" he repeated, staring into her eyes.

Hinata was slightly lost for words, then thought about it.

"No." she said, shaking her head. This time he moved back a bit, equally surprised.

"Then why are you nervous?" He asked quietly.

"Because-" she stopped, looking rather sorrowful, then stayed quiet.

"Because what?" Neji asked rather unexpectedly. Hinata looked down.

"Because I can't take care of myself." She said softly, looking rather mortified with herself. "I'm sorry."

"You're always sorry," Neji said darkly. "When are you going to do something about it?"

Hinata looked away.

Sasuke felt anger rising in him. Neji had no right to talk to her like she was nothing! Glaring at Neji, Sasuke opened his mouth to reply.

But stopped when Kakashi and the other teachers filed out, clearing their throats for attention.

Everyone stood, including Gaara and Hinata.

"Teams one through five, follow me," Kakashi said, calmly walking back inside.

"Why'd they tell us to go out here when they want us back in there?" Sasuke asked with a little snarl, releasing pent up anger still directed at Neji.

"They have their reasons," Gaara said quietly. Hinata was a few feet behind, holding back tears when Gaara finally sighed and stopped, turning around.

"If you can't hold your own in a fight, then we'll just have to help you," He said, pulling her wrist gently, so they quickened their pace slightly and went inside with the other teams. Hinata followed, her head still downcast.

"No," Neji said, "If she can't hold her own in a fight, then she's dead." He said coldly.

Hinata bit her lip, knowing she was very well useless in battle.

Gaara pulled her away, unable to stand it. "No. I'll protect you," He promised, and the big, innocent eyes that stared up at him were something he'd not regret.

"A-arigato, Gaara-kun," She said quietly, biting down on her trembling lip. He inwardly sighed, and said quietly, give me your finger." She put her forefinger forward with out hesitating a heartbeat. He took out a kunai and it took a moment to keep the sand from stopping him, but he made a little cut in his finger, before gently cutting hers. Her trusting eyes were so pretty...

He pushed his finger so it met hers and their blood mixed, and they both pulled back.

"Don't suck on it," he warned her. "It'll take my blood out." She nodded, and bound their fingers with some bandage and they returned to their other team mates, who looked upon them curiously but asked nothing. Sasuke narrowed his eyes suspiciously but simply turned back to Kakashi, who was having trouble getting some people in.

Chouji shook his head violently. "Not without my food."

Kakashi sighed. "Just leave it out there for a second, you can't bring food in here."

"Why not?" the boy asked, scowling at the wall.

"Because it's a rule. You can listen out there though." Kakashi shrugged. Chouji munched rebelliously on a chip. Kakashi walked back inside, and said, "Your first mission with your new team will need to guard this," He held up a straw figurine of a person while ignoring the snickering, "With your lives. From a group of Jounins." Groans and complaints could be heard. "Hey, hey! Come on, we're not THAT bad..." Kakashi smiled, his half lidded eye twitching slightly.

"... so please come here tomorrow at five thirty sharp. Don't be late," He warned, and Naruto snorted loudly.

"US?!?!!?!?!" He shouted, reaching to strangle the silver haired Jounin.

"Good day, everyone," Kakashi said lightly, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Neji sighed, and Hinata played with her fingers. Sasuke needed no further prodding and left, silently walking out of a back entrance where as everyone tried to stuff themselves out the front. Gaara began walking, and Hinata followed him like a lost puppy. Neji narrowed his eyes slightly, there was something that bothered him about Gaara...

Hinata walked along with Gaara, seemingly unaware of his watching her out of the corner of his eye.

"D-did you mean what you-" Hinata started.

But Gaara knew exactly what she meant, and stopped her. "I always mean what I say," He said quietly, stopping. Hinata stopped too, and they faced each other.

Hinata gulped.

"Why are you afraid of confrontation but not me?" Gaara probed.

"Because I'm not good with people." Hinata admitted, looking away. Gaara reached over and gently tipped her chin towards him.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?" He asked, repeating the question from before.

"Because... because you're like me," Hinata said softly, looking down.

Gaara's eyes widened slightly and he stepped back, for the second time that day.

'Am I like her?' he thought, in a slight daze.

"Gaara-kun, there's something you have to understand," Hinata said, looking at him. "There's always going to be people with you, and there's always gong to be people against you. Because you're lonely." Gaara wanted to make her be quiet, but could not bring himself to do more than stare at her.

Gaara felt like a child for the first time in years. He found himself at a loss for words and shook his head slowly to clear it.

Tiny tear drops fell, splashing against the ground. Sand swirled around him as Hinata looking longingly at him, wanting to hold him and tell him it was okay. And she did. Reaching forward, she gently pulled her arms around his shaking body.

"Gaara.... I'm going to be here for you... forever and ever. You will always be able to talk to me, okay?" she asked softly.

"E... even if I kill someone?" He asked timidly, afraid of her answer.

"Even if you kill someone. It doesn't matter to me, Gaara-kun, okay?" She asked, smiling warmly up at him.

And for the first time in a very long time, Gaara smiled back.

Neji narrowed his eyes, watching in the bushes. Hinata hadn't even discovered him yet. Biting down a snarl, he was kneeling down, leaves poking into his vision slightly. What was she thinking? Gaara of the Desert....

'What a predicament you've thrown yourself into, Hinata. And you don't even know.... Yet....' Neji slid away silently, heading back to Hinata's father.