Give Me a Happy Christmas, Just Once

The Bladebreakers were splitting up for Christmas to spend time with their families; they'd been so busy in championships and competitions across the globe that they hadn't had much time at home.

They would all still be in Japan though. Rei was spending time with his mum's cousin who had no children and invited the White Tigers and Rei to stay at her house for a while.

Tyson was having Christmas at home with his granddad and dad who had just recently come back from an archaeological expedition to the Aztec jungle.

Judy was warming up to Mr Tate again and Max was all smiles, he was running around giving everyone he saw sticks of candy, one of the source of his hyperness the other was Christmas spirit, he even gave some candy to Rei's aunt's pet cat.

Kenny would be with his family in Tyson's neighbourhood.

Kai was sitting on the wall outside, his legs dangling, staring into space.

He didn't really care for Christmas, nothing really great about the day, get whipped, beaten, few burns, maybe electrocuted, a few knives thrown at you, where was the big deal?

But he saw it, he saw how their faces lit up with smiles when they mentioned Christmas, he saw how it warmed their souls and added a cheery spirit.

He wished the spirit would come to him too. But Kai never had such luck, he'd known it for definite when luck had made his beyblade fall out of the beydish when it came down from the sky, luck was always with Tyson and Max and Rei, even Kenny, when his computer didn't crash.

Luck prevented Kai from winning some battles in championships, like the one against Spencer when Kai knew he was better than Spencer, but he could counter attack that now, Dranzer had a fire that couldn't be put out by any water.

He couldn't always understand Christmas, but they say Christmas is different for everyone, he supposed even beggars and criminals had better Christmases, committing crimes to end up in jail and given a Christmas dinner and all the other stuff Max kept on rambling on about.

Everyone was wishing each other a Happy Christmas and promising to meet up sometime in the holidays after Christmas and promising to send presents.

Coloured envelopes exchanged hands and Max and Tyson were hugging everybody, Rei appeared to have been force-fed too much candy as he was now running in circles chasing the end of his hair wrap.

"Where's Kai?" asked Tyson,

"Dunno" said Rei, "let's go look for him."

They couldn't find him anywhere, he wasn't outside either. "Maybe he's hiding from us?" suggested Kenny.

"Ohh, ickle Kai's getting scared? Heehee" said Rei.

Just then the doorbell rang and the suddenness of it shook everyone back to their right moods, Rei was still wondering why he had the end of his hair wrap in his mouth when Tyson rushed noisily past him to get the door.

There was a box outside sitting on the doorstep. In neat but slightly scruffy writing that people couldn't always read (like mine) was a note stuck on top of the box.

It said "Happy Christmas." It was from Kai. They dragged the box inside then it suddenly shook. They looked at it startled.

"I know" said Tyson with a bright face, "he's hiding in there!" he whispered.

"Who? Kai?" Rei looked incredulous.

At that moment the lid of the box flew off, landing on Mr Granger's head and something flew out and jumped onto Max....................