TITLE: The Rich and Famous

DISCLAIMER: Well before I could of said Chad, but now that he's married...and separated…who know's what's happening? So now, I own nothing but my computer, this story, and the following people: Alex, Ryan, Charlie, and Brett.

SUMMARY: Rory gets discovered by a film caster and meets some familiar people as a result.

- - - - - - - - - - - -t-h-e- -r-i-c-h- - a-n-d- - t-h-e- -f-a-m-o-u-s- - - - - - - - -

'Baby, I'm home!' Tristan called coming into Rory and Tristan's newly bought apartment. He heard a thud coming from their bathroom before he heard running footsteps. Rory came around the corner and crashed into him pushing them both onto the sofa.

'Oof!' Tristan said as she hit him. She smiled and kissed him hard and demanding.

'Now, not that I'm complaining, but what was this welcome home thing?' he asked peering up at her bright blue eyes that had sadness in them.

'Don't forget about me.'

'Baby, what's wrong?' he asked rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

'You got a job offer.' Rory said.

'That's good!'

'They want you to fly to Texas to film.' Tristan got what she was talking about.

'Oh Rory.' He said shifted him self so he was eye level with her. She looked down.

'Somehow I have a feeling that this is only the start.' She said frowning.

'Come with me.'

'You know I can't. I have school, and we can't just have an empty apartment here for a month and a half.' They were silent.

'Rory?' Rory snapped out of it and shook her head.


'You kinda spaced out on me there.'

'I'm sorry.'

'It's okay. So how was filming?' Ben Gray said. He was Rory and Tristan's assistant.

'Tense. I mean it was nice to play the vixen, but it gets tiring after awhile.' Anna laughed and nodded then looked at her watch.

'Oops, you're flight leaves in an hour.' Ben said standing up and pulling a suitcase out.

'Flight?' Rory asked confused. Ben smiled widely.

'There's someone you miss, no?' Rory's mouth dropped open.

'You…you got me a ticket to fly to see Tristan?' Ben pulled out an airline envelope and handed it to her. Rory gasped and hugged him tightly.

'Can't…. breathe….' Rory loosened her grip and then backed away.

'Hurry now, or that plane will leave without you.'

'I so owe you.' Rory said hugging him again and grabbing the suitcase and running out the door with it. She tapped her foot impatiently while she waited in security. People around her started to look around surprised. They had noticed her.

'Rory?' Rory looked and saw a guy about her age come up to her.

'Hi.' She said back.

'I'm Steve.'

'Rory, but you already knew that.' He smiled.

'So I know you don't like to discuss your private life, but is there anyway we could ever be a thing?'

'Steve, you seem like a great guy, but I have a boyfriend.' The guy nodded and walked away. Rory shook her head and looked at Ben who was laughing.

'You think that was funny?' Rory cried, but Ben was too busy laughing.

'NEXT!' Rory looked up and saw that she was next. She passed through security swiftly and soon boarded her plane. Ben passed her two red pills, which Rory took immediately.

'Sudafed.' Rory announced to onlookers. They pretended to not be interested. Soon, Rory had fallen asleep on the airborne plane and was woken up what she thought was ten minutes later by Ben.

'Go away, and let me sleep you horrible person.' Rory grumbled.

'Sweetie first of all, we're landing, second…I'm the one who made the flight reservation and told you to move.' Rory thought about I t.

'On second note…I love you.' Rory said smiling and waking up completely. Ben laughed and buckled her seatbelt since the plane had gotten to the gate. The ride to the set was about a 20-minute drive and Rory tapped her foot the whole time. About 15 minutes into the ride, Ben took his hand and held her knee pushing towards the ground so she couldn't make the noise anymore. Rory frowned and then clattered her teeth. She looked up and saw a Castle Rock sign. She took a deep breathe. She hadn't seen him in over three weeks and she was about to have a meltdown. She looked at her watch and saw that they would be on lunch break now. Rory ran ahead of Ben not listening to his calls. Rory searched and then saw him biting a fry and running a hand through his hair. Her heart skipped a few beats. He got up and went over to the drinks table. She walked quickly and then came in back of him and slowly wrapped her arms around his torso. She felt him laugh.

'Jesse, your 13, how do you still believe in mosters.' he said laughing.

'I'm not Jesse, but I still believe in them.' she mumbled against his back. She felt his body tense and turned around and looked shocked to see her face.

'Ror…Rory.' He breathed. Her eyes filled with tears as she fiddled with her hands.

'Hi.' She said.

'What are you doing here?'

'I missed you, so I wanted to surprise you. My shooting is done, so I thought I'd come to be with you.' He caressed her check before kissing her long and softly. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. She ran her hands through his hair before the rested on his cheeks. She kept his lips on hers for awhile longer. They heard whistling coming from the cast as they separated and hugged for a long time. They separated and smiled at each other. Tristan intertwined their fingers together as they both turned to see his whole cast together watching.

'Umm, I'd like you all to meet Rory…personally.' They all laughed and smiled. They didn't let go of each other the whole day. At the end of the filming day while the cast went to a local park, Rory and Tristan walked back to his trailer hand in hand. He shut the door behind them and turned around to see Rory already sans jacket and shoes.

'So how is my future to be husband?' Rory asked looking around his trailer.

'Horny.' He said smirking.

'Oh, your fellow cast members didn't settle your needs?'

'Well it can only be satisfied by one particular person and well I haven't seen her for awhile.' Rory laughed and tucked her thumbs into the waist band of her jeans.

'So what do you say you help me out here…' he said advances on her. She moved backward and when he came to be right in front of her, she placed her hands on his chest.

'Now what one minute here. I travel on the dangerous plane and you tell me what we're doing?' Rory said.

'Okay fine, what would you like us to do?'

'Well you can start by taking your clothes off.' Tristan smirked and did he was told. Well you know, only since he was a good boy.

A/N: Well it's finished and honestly, I didn't like this chapter but I wanted to put something up. I'll probably rewrite the ending so don't be surprised if this story appears again. About the story "In My World", since my friend is lazy and I'm already writing some of it for her, I'm probably going to end up just doing it for her. Anyways, please review and I hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks for putting up with me yet again, Kiki.

And a thanks to all my reviewers. You guys are A-Amazing.


















I Paint My Nails Black

Holy Cross Baby


sugary sweet and sour













































