A/N: Sorry I've been so lazy lately. I've had writer's block, but finally you get to read more of my fabulous work. I love all my reviewers who have been so loyal to me. Just for that, I worked extra hard on this chapter .

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha are both copyrighted and do not belong to me.

POV: Kurama

Chapter Five: Memories Forgotten

The air surrounding us was drenched with the heavy feeling of anxiety, and the moon hid shyly behind the thin grey puffs of cloud. The soft, simple words quickly dissolved and blended into an unnatural silence. The exchanging of stares ended abruptly as the figure amidst the temple took another daring step forward. Glancing at my allies, I saw Inuyasha instinctively jerk his hand to the hilt of his sword. His body then transitioned itself to its well-practiced, defensive form. The pair of canine ears stood strong and alert as he waited for any further hints of an assault.

Hiei, however, remained calm and stationary, void of any emotion. His cold and harsh past was compacted naturally into his unwavering, nonchalant expression. The fire demon didn't bear any signs of surprise or hesitation. Or at least, that was how it seemed.

My eyes strained to see the enemy, who took shelter in the shadow of the building. I could barely make out a light grey outline, but by feeling the youki emitted from the being, I knew immediately that underestimating was not a sensible option. But there was something else…

"Speechless are we? Could it be out of fear?" whispered the demon, smirking. I was startled temporarily and inwardly scowled for letting my guard drop so easily. Obviously, his comment had irritated and annoyed Inuyasha. The arrogant half-youkai had lunged forward with a grunt, intending to shred the other with sharp claws with his huge sword forgotten.

"I'll show you 'scared'," he said bitterly. He was running and soon approached the figure with full-speed. Preparing to thrust his hand forward, Inuyasha diligently pulled back the red sleeves of his hakama and targeted his aim at the part where he concluded the heart was to be. After all, it was particularly hard to see in the empty darkness. There was a slight blur as Inuyasha confidently swiped his hand with full force. At the air. "What?" he breathed startled.

"Too slow," said the demon, his raspy voice piercing the cold air. Inuyasha sharply turned around, his long hair whipping around as he planted his feet in the finely-grained dirt. He regained his posture, and this time, he was wise not to blindly attack.

"Damn he's fast," the dog-demon swore absentmindedly. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. By dodging Inuyasha's attack, the enemy had dropped his veil of concealment. He was no longer engulfed by the shadows. Instead, his face was completely illuminated by the moon, and his form became clear and visible. The demon's face contained a pair of light, golden eyes framed by locks of silky silver hair. Two fox ears poked out at the top of the head, and an assortment of tail could be sighted. He stood patiently, arms crossed. I gasped.

It couldn't be.

Regular POV

"Back," Kagome shouted over shoulder as she distanced herself from the well. She scoped the area and quickly sighted her friends relaxing eagerly in the serene area beneath the trees. She neared them, careful not to ruffle her school skirt, and plopped down right beside an awakening Sango. Her backpack, now full of edible objects (which would surely please Inuyasha), was gently laid on the ground before the young girl spoke at last.

"Oh it feels good to be back. The nights are so beautiful here especially 'cause you can sell all the stars, shimmering freely in the sky," Kagome commented. Her skin glowed as she tilted her head upward, and her dark, black hair brushed back along her shoulder while she gestured and pointed out excitedly the constellations to her clueless, sleepy friend. "And you see that one over there? That's the Big Dipper. Oh and--- hey," Kagome hesitated and hurriedly jerked her head around suspiciously, looking in both directions. Sango looked at her companion curiously with soft eyes, as if asking whether she sensed something ominous. But Kagome continued to scan the area.

She found Miroku and Shippo sleeping soundly against the broad trunk of a nearby tree. The monk's golden staff was protectively grasped in his left hand she noted. Two of the foreigners, Kuwabara and Yusuke, were resting as well, snoring as if there were no tomorrow. But where were the other two? And as she suspected, Inuyasha was nowhere to be seen.

"Kagome, is something wrong?" the demon-slayer asked compassionately. Sango brought her knees to her chest and hugged tightly like a small child. She wore her usual kimono, but even so, the frosty wind nipped everywhere on her exposed skin.

"Where's Inuyasha?" she asked, her quavering voice profound. It came out rather quickly then intended, she noted.

Sango blinked, then smirked.

"What?" Kagome said, confusion apparent on her expression. Contemplating momentarily, she trapped herself in an intense trance of black confusion. When it hit her, her eyes widened, and Sango watched amusingly as her close friend flushed every shade of red imaginable. She vigorously waved her hands in front of her. "I-it's not like… that… Oh come on, I mean… It's just so quiet… you can't not notice uh---," stutter stutter, "Oh Sango… so misunderstanding…" Nervous laugh. She gazed at the huntress, and it looked like she seemed to vaguely buy the decent excuse. For now.

"Well actually, to be honest, I never noticed he left," Sango said placidly, disregarding the previous incident rather willingly. She knew she shouldn't tease the simple girl too often.

"We should go look. After all, he's not the only one who has disappeared."

"Why don't you just hand over the pieces of the Shikon no Tama, and spare me the trouble, Inuyasha?" Youko proclaimed deeply and continued, "You have no chance here. After all, you're in my territory." He swung his arms around, pointing out the trees that enclosed them as if adding emphasis.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Inuyasha started, but his question was soon answered. Rather abruptly at that.

No sooner had his question finished when the ground rumbled violently and sprouted four abnormally large branches under demon influence. One encircled itself around Inuyasha's leg, the other--- his body. The dog demon let out a grunt and futilely clawed at the branch. He growled as it tightened its grip, and he tried to muster up some more strength to break free.

The other two in his company had not been attacked. Of course, they weren't the targets. They stood and watched. The fire demon wasn't one to go rushing into businesses that weren't his own, and as for the red-head, he felt as if his feet were glued to the ground. Hiei side-glanced at his companion though not worriedly. It was rare to see the usually composed fox so… unnerved.

'He'll snap out of it,' Hiei thought as he heard Inuyasha let out a groan. Finally and almost reluctantly, he leapt toward the hanyou. 'He always does.'

Kurama was brought out of his thoughts as he saw his companion leap forward. He had intended to help as well, but all the events seemed so sudden. Everything was finally making sense. The familiar lands… 'But how come I can't remember?' He bit his lip as Hiei dodged through the two branches not restraining Inuyasha, with his katana in hand. But as he cut through, the branches grew back.

"Idiot, you should know how he works," Hiei spat hostilely. The truth in the words brought movement back to him. 'I have to help.'

He edged forward and used his own youki to counter the one wooden arm abandoning Hiei to attack him. The branch swerved around and cut through the ones entangling the hanyou and soared into the last remaining branch. It was so simple, an easy victory with injuries that could have been prevented if he had acted sooner. That was how it was before the fox was brutally knocked unconscious from an attacking form.

Yeah, sorry it's short . Review please!