So here I am on my way to the doctors office with Rev and Coach up front and me in the back. Rev had agreed he said he was happy to help out. Coach was happy to since he didn't have to sit in the room with me; Sheryl had begged him to let her stay out of school and go with me but I promised her the first doctors appointment this summer she could go with me. She didn't like the idea of having to go to school when the two of us didn't but I still hold the capability of getting her to agree with anything.

"We're here." I heard Coach say as I came out of my thoughts. "I'll be back in an hour or two to pick ya'll up." We nodded and said good-bye to him as we got out of the car. I looked back at him one last time before he drove off. "Maurey you'll be fine." He smiled and drove off. I let out a sigh and then turned to Rev "It's now or never." He said with a smile. "I'd rather go with never." I said walking beside him up the steps and into the clinic. He went and sat in one of the chairs and I walked up to the desk. "May I help you?" asked the receptionist "Yes ma'am I had an appointment today at 9:30" she looked on the sheet the looked up at me Jonelle Forman. "Yes ma'am but I go by Maurey." I said tapping my fingers on the counter. "Okay if you'll just sit tight the doctor will be with you soon. I nodded and walked over to where Rev had sat down.

"So is everything ok?" he asked. "Well I don't know I haven't went in to see the doctor yet." I said smiling. "You know what I meant." He said struggling to keep his laughter in. There was a awkward silence for a few moments when I saw Rev turn to face me "Maurey," he began I turned my attention to him signaling for him to go on speaking. "I like you, and I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out sometime like on a date?" my mouth dropped to the floor when I heard his question. There he was a nice well-educated nice mannered black boy asking me a white girl with poor grade and being pregnant to go out with him. "Sure I'd love to.... wait this ain't some kind of prank is it?" He shook his head. "Well then yes and we can declare this our first date." I said smiling. "Oh I could see the headlines the team would be making up now 'Rev and Maurey celebrate first date in the maternity ward of Mercy Hospital' "Rev joked.

I have a boyfriend, I get along with everyone around here fine, and I realize my dad was just an idiot that didn't want to admit that he had made the same mistake sixteen years before. But I still dread the getting fat part.

"Excuse me Ms. Forman could you come here for a moment." I stood up and walked over to the desk. "We need you to fill out these papers and there are some things in there that's you'll have to sign before the doctor can do anything." Said the receptionist handing me a stack of papers clipped onto a clipboard and a pen. I nodded and walked back over to my seat. "What's wrong?" I hear Rev ask from where I was standing. "I've got like ten pages of paperwork that has to be filled out before I can even see the doctor." I said sitting back down next to him. "Well I'll help you." "I only got one pen." I answered. "Well I can fix that. Hold on a second." He said walking over to the desk and coming back with a pen. "Now that that's fixed give me some of the papers to fill out I have to do something or I'm going to go crazy." I handed him the top half of the papers and then started on my half. "When is you're birthday?" "August 19,1955" he went on quietly filling out the forms.