AN – I know it's been ages since I posted this and most people will probably have forgotten about it but I've always wanted to continue it for another chapter, this is it though.

Disclaimer/Rating/Summary – Please see first chapter

Just Desserts

Duo was late into work the next morning. Something that probably had less to do with spying on Heero and Zechs and mission reports and more to do with 'catching up' with Trowa than he was admitting to.

To tell the truth though he was a bit apprehensive about seeing Heero this morning anyway. But he had to face him eventually, no time like the present and all that…

Squaring his shoulders he walked towards the door of the office he shared with the former Wing pilot. Just before he reached it however a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

Duo belatedly realised that he may be slightly more keyed up about seeing Heero than he was admitting to. Or at least that's what was probably being indicated by the fact that he now had a six-foot male secretary dangling a foot above the ground and pinned to the wall by his shoulders.

Shaking slightly the young man held up his hands in surrender and Duo dropped him, shaking his head to clear it.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

Obviously used to it the secretary, now on the floor, accepted the hand to help him up. "Rough mission Agent Maxwell?"

Duo closed his eyes then nodded. "Something like that, yeah."

The man brushed himself off and nodded. "Just a quick warning though sir. Agent Yuy came in this morning in a hell of a temper and we've just gotten a call to say that they need two new punching bags in the gym… if you get my meaning sir.

Duo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay, this is bad… has Agent Merquise punched in this morning?"

"Er…" The man blushed as he checked his clipboard. "That would be a yes sir, latest intelligence indicates that he's in the mess."

Duo arched an eyebrow. "Latest intelligence?"

The man shrugged sheepishly. "The girls in the typing pool sir.

Duo chuckled. "Right." Then he sobered abruptly. "Guess I'd better go and see him then."

The secretary shuddered. "Rather you than me sir."


Fifteen minutes later and Duo had decided that he was in complete disagreement. Rather anyone than him.

But he was a Gundam pilot, he's faced down the combined hordes of OZ and Whitefang, he was not scared of Heero Yuy in a mood.

Yeah, who was he trying to kid?

"Heero." He winced as Heero's fist slammed into the punchbag again.

He came up behind the bag and caught Heero's fist as it flew back to swing again.

"Woah!" He held up his hands in surrender as Heero spun, eyes furious.

"Duo." Heero deflated slightly. "Look, I can't do this right now."

And with that he was gone, leaving the room quietly. Duo stood behind him, stunned by the sudden exit.

"Oh shit," he cursed aloud. What had they done?

He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and dialled a number.

"Relena? It's Duo, we've got a problem."


Half an hour later and Relena had just arrived. Duo met her in the reception and started to lead her to his office.

Opening the door he flicked on the light only to find Zechs sitting behind the desk with Heero standing behind him, looking surprisingly like a bodyguard.

Duo froze. "What the hell?"

"I thought you said we had a problem." Relena's eyes were flickering between the two men. "They look fine to me."

"Yeah." Duo shook his head in confusion. "You were upset, I saw you."

"Yeah, I know." Heero smiled at him, it wasn't a pleasant expression.

"You bastard," Duo breathed, stunned. "You terrified me."

"Yeah well…" Zechs' expression was not sympathetic. "If you'd stopped to ask us anything before you decided to set us up you would have found out that we were already together."

"What!" Duo yelped. Relena just stared. "Since when?"

The two men looked at each other and Heero blushed lightly, much to Duo's amazement.

"Ever since Mariemaia tried to take over," Zechs answered.

"Over a year!" Relena's voice was high pitched. "We've been trying to set you up and you've been together for over a year! Why didn't you say something?"

They exchanged glances again and then crossed their arms. "Because it wasn't any of your business." Heero answered like it was obvious.

Duo leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. He couldn't believe it.

"We were only trying to help," Relena protested.

"Yeah." Zechs smiled. "We know and that's the only reason why you're still in possession of all your limbs. Next time… just leave it to us, alright?"

"One thing." Duo held up a finger. Heero tilted his head. "How did you know I'd called her or that we were coming here?"

They both smirked, Heero answered, "you're not the only one who knows how to use a bug Duo."